This was posted 9 years 6 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NEW CODE] FREE Movie Rental (Download) (Fridays Only) Via Ezyflix


UPDATE: Credit to ShannonIngram for update on code and new link to the site which now has expire date for the promotion (31 Dec 2014!! Yes 2014!!). Only SD movies now (no HD available free anymore).

Thanks to The New Daily they are running this promotion where you can download a movie FREE once a week on Fridays only.

Download a movie by going to EzyFlix site and entering code TNDMOVIE42. You will have two days to watch the movie once downloaded. You will need to sign up to Ezyflix, but it is free.

Here is the step by step process:

  1. Sign in or sign up for EzyFlix by visiting this link. It’s Ezy!
  2. Browse thousands of movies for the title that you want to watch
  3. Select “RENT SD” on the movie that you want
  4. Enter TNDMOVIE42 TNDBONUS code in the “Redeem Voucher” section at Checkout and click “Redeem”
  5. Proceed to Checkout to complete your transaction
  6. Grab some popcorn. Enjoy your movie!

Terms and Conditions doesn't state how long (but runs through winter). Please don't exploit this promotion by having multiple accounts as they may cancel this promotion and spoil the party for everyone else.

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EzyFlix TV
EzyFlix TV

closed Comments

  • Cromecast support, fantastic. Try it out tonight. Thanks OP

  • Works! Ta .. :-) .. !!

  • +1

    Do you have to provide credit card details when signing up?

    • +1

      No just billing address

      • That's good then. Thanks!

      • Can put it in a dummy address - they don't need it.

  • +2

    "3. Select “RENT SD” on the movie that you want"

    Does that mean the free movie is in standard definition ?

  • +3

    The code still works if you select HD

  • +2

    The filter to RENT - means nothing. It will still list all movies you can only BUY.

    • Sorting by release date does not work properly either.

  • cheers op!

  • +1

    I rented The Kingsman, in HD, and it says I have 29 days to watch it. Winning!

    Thanks OP!

    • Yes 29 days for me too :)

    • The Theory of Everything HD with 29 days to watch, nice!

  • +3

    Hover over RENT SD option to change to HD.

    Thanks OP!

  • Just ordered a movie, many thanks OP!

  • already had an account, Thanks Op

  • Site starts to get hammered it seems, slower and slower.
    Thanks OP. Wolf of Wall Street tonight.

  • +2

    Oh goodie.. finally will get around to watching John Wick.. will try it tonight.

    • -2

      Don't bother, it's really bad.

      • +3

        It's good fun.

      • I had heard it was bad.. I like Reeves in most movies but I couldn't get through nearly half of this steaming pile.. oh well. Glad I didn't pay for it, thanks to this offer :)

    • it was my vote for best movie of 2014, a lot of people want too much from action movies. if you don't like/cant watch action movies you wont like it. If you don't mind a solid action flick you will love it.

  • Any suggestions on a good new release?

    • +2

      A lot of fun if you are in the mood for a feel-good G-rated animated picture. The alien is voiced by Jim Parsons (Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory).

      Theory of Everything
      Brilliantly acted drama about the personal life of Professor Stephen Hawking.

  • +1

    Cant watch on rooted devices but sending to chromecast from rooted devices is okay.


  • +1

    I've got pretty crappy ADSL at home so streaming can be variable.

    Do any of the apps (Android or iOS) let you download the movie first for watching later?

  • Does anyone know what bitrate the HD stream is capable of? Do they give 5.1 audio?

  • +1

    I think the 2 day thing is just how long you have to finish watching it once you've started. But you get up to a month to start…

  • So awesome thanks! I have Netflix but the selection isn't as large as I expected, I also selected RENT HD and it works :)

  • +2

    so if you download a movie… you only have two days to watch it? how does that work?

  • Many Thanks!

  • Thanks OP for Taken 3 :)

  • Thanks Op hubby is stoked with American Sniper

  • +2

    Sweeet. Got Cinderella (don't judge), missus happy.

  • If LousyFlix wanted to show that it's an unstable platform, then bravo. Can't use the website at all right now.

  • Where is the rent option I only have the buy sd option.

    • Same here, maybe too many people accessing their site and they disabled it?

  • Quality is pretty crap. Doesn't seem to be stereo or 5.1 just single channel put through all speakers. Video quality is just as poor, very soft and darker scenes all have a heap of artifacts.

  • i keep getting this message "Sorry, Ezyflix.TV is not available in your region yet. We'll let you know when it is available." Does anyone know how to get around it?

    • +1

      On a VPN? Needs to identify you in Australia.

      • yes unbeknownst to me. All fixed now. Thanks!

  • Cheers OP. Kingsman kills it

  • 12.40 AM Saturday….YESSS, it worked still.

  • thanks op :^D finally got to watch Cinderella with the bf!! quality was all fine for me, but I'm happy as long as it's decent and not pixelated (iview has lowered my quality standards).

  • Eager to try Taken 3 but above comments on sound are concerning, at least stereo would be nice. Can someone advice on file size

  • I had a terrible experience Friday using the Chromecast (from the Android app). Movie cut off 5 times for no apparent reason while watching. Restarting the video required a restart of the app and it doesn't remember where it stopped so you have to find where it stopped. Google Play on the Chromecast works fine. I eventually gave up and watched on the PC which went OK.

    • I had the same issues mirroring from iPhone to Apple TV. Restarted at least 10 times and had to find where I was at again. Tried on my Samsung TV and worked flawlessly

  • The T&C's are so random. It says you can redeem each Friday, but then goes on to say it can only be redeemed once per person. I'm guessing that there's only the one code (not a new one every Friday)? i.e. one per account only…

  • Worked for me. You are a legend OP!

  • What a way to prove that they are nor up to the task!

    I rented a movie on Friday. It showed up in my account as available to watch for 29 days. I tried watching it on the weekend, but their servers were not up to it, it stalled every 10 seconds. So I figured I'll give it a few days for demand to subside. Tried again yesterday and it was 'rental expired'. What the heck?

    Of all the options Netflix is the only one that works reliably, every single time.

    • Erm, because once you start watching it the clock starts ticking and you only have 48 hours to finish. The server load thing sucks, but the 2 day expiry was always part of the deal.

  • No longer working , maybe the promo finshed ?

  • +1

    Not working for me either, I thought this was every week???

    Coupon code "TNDMOVIE42" is not valid

    Edit, for those that think like me "TNDMOVIE43" doesn’t work either.

  • +3

    I found a link at… that says it's expired but the code works for SD movies only (not HD like the last one). New code is TNDBONUS.

    • Not working.

      Coupon code "TNDBONUS" is not valid.

      • +1

        Worked for me just now - my account is only a week old though so not sure if it's maybe something you have redeemed previously. It did say not valid for HD movie but worked fine for a SD movie…

        • Not sure either. I opened this account when the deal started. So it feels targeted or something.

    • Thanks a lot! TNDBONUS worked for me, got the same movie as last time, I hope this time the download works…

    • Good work. I've updated the post and credited you :)

    • I just noticed the expiry is 31 Dec 2014 (last year) for your code LOL

  • Thankyou ShannonIngram … that code you found worked for me :)

  • +1

    I'm getting 'Coupon code "TNDMOVIE42" is not valid'. I claimed it last Friday. Is it one free movie or one free movie each week on Friday?

    The TNDBONUS worked, but only in SD.

  • TNDBONUS Worked thanks so much
    My 2 nd movie , awesome

  • Another one who found TNDMOVIE42 didn't work a second time, but TNDBONUS did work. Thanks ShannonIngram!

  • thanks for the second code it worked for me

  • I'd already speculated that the code wouldn't work again, so well done ShannonIngram for finding TNDBONUS. They seem to have fixed the SD/HD thing as well, which sucks, but oh well. Free movie, can't complain.

  • I tried the old code as well, but it seems to have expired. In the terms, they say that you need to sign up to the newsletter and they send you a unique code each week. I just signed up so I'll have to wait until next Friday, but I might use the TNDBONUS code if that's working for everyone else. It's probably a one-time code.

  • TNDBONUS not working either. Any new code for today?

    • Just hit the 5.99 option to rent and then enter the code.

  • This worked last week but no joy so far today, any tips please?

  • TNDBONUS is working. Thanks!

  • Thanks OP

  • I forgot to do this yesterday but I just tried it and it still works! - SD only

  • Thanks!

  • worked a treat for me, thanks OP.

  • +3

    Ezyflix has shutdown. :(

  • Wow, that's pretty amazing. I only just signed up and redeemed my first movie. Unfortunately, it said that it would work on Chromecast, but it didn't, so I complained yesterday about it. I guess maybe things just weren't working for them. Oh well, I hope those employed are successful at finding work elsewhere!

    • it was your complaint that pushed them over the edge.

      • +1

        Gosh, let's hope not. :S

  • Gees, that was sudden. Did us "professional" OzBargainers send them broke?

    Anyway, was a decent service while it lasted. Too bad the local business environment and market simply can't sustain such businesses.

    • hahahah classic

  • +1

    I lined up a few movies and they have gone broke! OP, you have destroyed this company and my free entertainment, shame on you!

    • +1

      I underestimated the power of ozbargain. :( Well maybe not. Hahaha. Sorry EzyFlix.

  • +1

    Worth a read but they forgot to mention ozbargain as the culprit

  • +1

    And this is why physical ownership trumps memberships each and every time.

    If anyone has any valid, paid rental or purchases made on their credit card that they can no longer access, they should do a chargeback via their credit card issuer immediately.

    • UV isn't too bad in this regard - at least if you'd redeemed any of those codes that came with a DVD or blu-ray on Ezyflix you can still go to Flixster or JB Hifi and use it there. Too bad you couldn't actually buy UV through them though… (I think).

  • :(

  • Oh well, thanks, was good while it lasted, shame it got OZBARGAINED and that the AFR does attribute the cause correctly.

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