Can't afford a Comp. Sci degree? Get all the course content on the net and teach yourself

The text does not wrap properly when pasted so just click the Imgur link above to see all the above courses, fulfilled by Harvard and MIT.


  • +2

    You could attend all the lectures for free at most universities too. There are hundreds of students in them if it's a big uni so there aren't any name/id checks. Just show up and sit down. It's going to be a tough sell when you try to apply for a job though.

  • +3

    You can learn many different subjects online, and often with good quality teachings as well. However you don't get a piece of paper at the end with "Bachelor of Science (Computing)", where many employers these days require.

  • +1

    Agreed with the above - you'd have a tough time without that magical (obligatory) piece of paper.

    Though you could probably get around it if you are ready to play the long game - apply for a relatively unskilled position at your desired company, do an outstanding job whilst making your comp-sci skills known to your colleagues/supervisors/whoever and get an internal promotion when their current sysadmin/comp-eng/etc mysteriously disappears!

    • +1

      I actually landed an IT job (helpdesk) without any qualifications. It actually started as an unpaid intern then worked out into a paid job. But it was difficult to get anywhere else, as I had no formal quals and no certs.

      But as most in the industry have pointed out, a degree holder will climb the ladder to a better paid position much faster than one without a degree. So as you said, without a degree you'd be playing the employment game on a much higher difficulty.

  • Thanks. Its really helpful.

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