GTA for 7.49USD, was $29.99. Not bad, considering the shops still sell this for $40+
Just make sure you have a beasty pc to run this awesome game.
Happy Holidays!
GTA for 7.49USD, was $29.99. Not bad, considering the shops still sell this for $40+
Just make sure you have a beasty pc to run this awesome game.
Happy Holidays!
Can we put together one Steam holiday sales thread?
Great deal, shame it runs like a dog on most PCs. Very CPU heavy. Saw someone with a 4870 go to a 5850 with 0% increase in frames, all bound by CPU. This game was the reason I bought my 360 in the first place.
Still for this price it's worthwhile giving it a shot especially if you have a quad core CPU and reasonable graphics.
does anyone know how many gbs i use to download this
around 12 i think, not 100 percent sure, final install takes up 16 gigabytes
are there any ISPs that DONT count steam updates/games?
Telstra and Internode dotn count steam as long as u configure it in steam that you are downloading from their respective servers.
IINET can be configured to download steam content for free from 3FL servers, requires messing with IPSec, but there is a script that does all the work for you. Check whirlpool forums.
Check out "Frey's Steam Filter" (search in google or on whirlpool) for a list of supported ISPs and unmetered download providers.
Looks good, just got to make space on the hdd for it and d/l it in the off peak time.
good deal..