Hi all,
hoping there might be a few builders around to give me a rough guide on this one.
I live in a 2 bed weatherboard in metro Melbourne.
We would like to remove the wall dividing our dining and kitchen (open it up modern style) and will need a lintel installed.
The lintel would be about 4.5m long.
Bit unsure what other info is required but I'm wondering what the all in cost would be (roughly of course) of such a thing.
Lintel Cost

drprox on 06/08/2015 - 11:01
Appreciate the info and a great point. I'd guess load bearing at the moment and I have always had the intention of having a builder do the work anyway so I guess I am expecting it to cost quite a bit.. My second option will be to cut a large hole in the wall and install a much smaller support beam. At least this would provide better light and interaction between the two spaces.
You will need a builder for that…you will need an 360 x 75 lvl approx $178 plus Labour ,acrow props,plasterer.
Your piece of string is THIS long. What is above your wall, is it supporting structure, is it just a stud wall, non load bearing. Non load bearing just rip it down and patch it up, load bearing you are going to need to work out what sized beam will suit. One option cheap, the other not so.
I'm going through a similar process, moving a wall. Worked out with a builder that I will need a decent sized steel beam as its supporting the roof. Changed what I thought was a weekend job into a pretty serious renovation.