If Money Didn't Matter, What Would You Be Doing?

Came across this thought when I was daydreaming at work. In fact I probably think about this a lot.

I also found this book whilst overseas and found it a sweet little read!


Personally I would be the owner of a food truck with a massive cult following serving the meanest forms of comfort food. (I'm not to sure what yet)
I do realise this would indeed be very costly and the margins slim but damn it I would freaking love it!

IF money didn't matter what would your calling be as opposed to a career/job!


  • +7

    You mean as a job (rather than travel, sit on the couch not wearing pants, video games), either:

    • A 50's themed burger bar,
    • A hot dog van, or
    • Wine production and sales.
    • +5

      I would come to eat at your burger bar, sounds yummy :)

      • +2

        Is that a metaphor for something else……?

      • +6

        I'd be concerned about dining in a restaurant run by a person with a penchant for pantlessness.

        • +7

          Oh, you gotta wear pants preparing food… Bacon taught me that lesson years ago.

        • @Adz81: LOL

  • +1

    Well, I would've gone into chemistry or forensic science degree. Not that they don't earn cash, but when I was choosing my degree, those degree gave me an impression that I'd need to work hard, for less money compared to the popular degrees; I felt like there are almost no future in those degrees. One of many thing I regret I suppose.

    • Omg. That's exactly what I was thinking when I was going through HSC/First year uni! So I did a science degree to try and switch over. But as much as I wanted to do it back then, I slowly lost interest (not money-related) and eventually dropped out of uni (for financial reasons actually).

      • +3

        I've lost my interest in economics ages ago. Shitty lecturers who clearly don't care about the students (my uni) didn't really help at all.

        I didn't wanna do it in the first place anyways.

        • what are u doing now?

          what uni is this?

        • +1

          @tyler.durden: I am doing a science degree with an Economics degree. As for my university, while I've mentioned where I study several times (and I think you could easily deduce from my location), I'd rather not mention it as I want to hold onto whatever little I've not revealed.

        • @AznMitch:

          So a double degree?

          What jobs are u aiming for after you finish?

          Is it the type of job you want?

          I have deduce your uni, from your location.

          It is hard to figure out what is the most suitable career for us.

          Most online career tests don't give us an exact job.

        • @tyler.durden: I am not too sure, I could take the science degree (Psychology) further if I want to or I could get a job in human resources related places (Economics and Psychology do go well with human resources). I don't think I could pull out; I am already on the way to graduation, I couldn't really pull out during 1st or 2nd year (2 years gap year, due to duty calling).

    • +1

      I work in analytical chemistry. You don't want my job. Grinding out results day after day means nothing.

      • :S Sounds painful. That said, I've always had the knack for the chemistry. It used to be one of the few classes that I was naturally good at and I've liked. Learning about chemical reactions, radioactive decay, quantum machanic model, yaddi yadda. Probably would've been something that I would've loved to study in university (or if I hated it during university, I would've had the chance to change to something else).

  • +6

    Travel writer.

    • +3

      Intergalactic travel writer.

      Or maybe the fourth dude on the new top-gear-type-show on amazon

      But i imagine both would pay well…ill do each for six months of the year, ok bye better start planning the minor details now that ive made a decision

  • +9

    Partying and drinking myself to death I assume

    • -2

      Partying is alright (depends what you actually do when you party though). But drinking yourself to death…You may as well cut out your Liver and donate it to someone who needs one. Alright I know I sound like a party pooper and (drum roll) I'm ready for the negging!!!!

      • Definitely a party pooper

      • -1

        Who would want a used up liver after all the partying…may as well drink yourself to death

  • +1

    Learning programming and making free to play games… too bad I don't have the time nor the money to learn programming at this point lol… responsibilities be damned!

    • +6

      It doesn't need to be costly, you just need the time :) Source- I'm a developer

      • I suppose they have those "for dummy" books on java,c++ and the likes… now to actually find time for them lol.

        • +2

          Plus there are plenty of resources online to get you started. The only thing holding you back is time by the sounds of it!

        • +2


          The only thing holding you back is time by the sounds of it!

          The only thing holding you back is YOU

        • +1

          @dealman: Me or YOU? I don't understand :P

        • @Malarkey: do you mind sharing some good links? I would love to have a look when I have free time and learn something.

        • Just do it! flexs muscles

    • +15

      Making free to play games is one thing, supporting all the free ride players is something else — taking feature requests, resolving complaints, fixing rare case bugs, etc. Programming can be fun, providing support — not so.

      • That's why i wish money didn't matter… If i was rich I would have plenty of time to do it XD

        • +3

          Yes if money didn't matter you'll just enjoy making games and give all those foul mouthed players one finger salute :P

    • I actually want to do this as well. I'm currently studying Commerce (gee, sounds very fun) for the 'money', and although this does teach me about what wealth is and how stupid the majority of people is about money. I guess I will know how to improve the expected value of each dollar I make? After I graduate, I feel like I wanna pick up programming as a hobby, and who knows, might hopefully make it to the point where I can make games too :)

    • Modding existing games would probably be a better way to start than creating games from scratch. It doesn't have to be solitary either, there are teams working on some larger modifications. You could specialize in texturing, 3d modelling, level design, coding, scripting, etc.

      • +1

        Greatest example of this was Falskaar for skyrim…i remember the modder actually got offered a job by Bethesda

  • +9

    Endless ideas. Right now I'm thinking I'd babysit small animals when their humans go away on holiday etc.

    I have a friend who does this already as a side job. She has loads of animals herself plus the space to house more, so she decided to set up a little side-business which surprisingly provides a nice constant stream of visitors/income. Wouldn't be enough to live on, but man… babysitting rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, rats, ducks (lol), birds, maybe cats too if I had the space.. would be freaking awesome. Lots of work too with the cleaning, health checks, feeding, giving of cuddles etc, but I do that now anyway with my own animals, only it costs me money rather than bringing anything in.

    • Awesome idea! That'd be fun.

    • +7

      I'm a massive animal lover and since I still live with my mum (I'm nearly 30), she has banned me from having anymore pets! So I plan to eventually have a large patch of space at some point in the future and take in (animal) rescues. Knowing me and my bleeding heart, I'd probably work 60 hours a week just to spend the money on this to help the little fur babies. Just in case you didn't hear my original declaration, I love animals! I would scream it from the rooftops right now if I was sitting in a commuter train carriage.

      • :) What kind of animals would you be interested in rescuing? Cats, dogs, small animals, exotics, or anything/everything?

        I'd love to set up my own rescue like this one: http://www.porschesrescue.com/get-involved/


    • +4

      sounds like a pokemon centre to me

  • +1

    There are a few things I thought I might like to do…most of them didn't seem practical or feasible for me. Things like: zookeeper, national parks ranger, police officer.

    • +1

      I think (hope) it's a matter of adjusting lifestyle to allow the things you want to do to be feasible… I'm in process of trying to work out how to adjust to $800/week gross so that I can pursue one of my three above…

      While I'll have less disposable income, not only will I be doing what I love, but it will also force me to do the things I enjoy, but haven't previously due to time/space constraints. Things like growing my own food, brewing my own beer and being able to spend more time with family and friends… The idea scares the hell out of me, but geeze, it's tempting…

      • I actually like what I do now. I am unsure if the jobs I mentioned would be as interesting as they seem.

        I hope it all works out for you, Adz81. Takes courage to change/try new things.

      • +1

        "Ships in port are safe.
        But that's not what ships are built for."
        Be brave and go forth towards your dreams!

        • +1

          We've all seen the ad lol

        • +1

          I've also seen Pearl Harbour

  • ill learn to be the best hacker

  • if not money, how many of you are lazy to pursue your dream if time wasn't a limit..bcoz I think i'm :/

    • Is your laziness caused by a fear of possible failure? Fear that you may have "wasted" your time/effort? Fear of having a broken dream? Because it wouldn't be a waste. And it wouldn't be a broken dream. Failure would be falling but then not getting back up again. If you get back up, just see what went wrong and try things again, differently.

  • +4

    travelling the world.

  • +7

    Travel the world slowly and contribute my time to help local community get aheads in countries like Cambodia.

  • +6

    checking ozbargain for deals

    • +1

      But dont you do this now?

      • maybe money doesn't matter?

        • I just thought checking ozbargain was just a daily activity everyone partakes in… like maste…. I'm not going to finish that XP

        • +4

          @ProjectZero: Masterchefing? ;)

        • @greenpossum: -finger on nose- you got it good sir!

        • +2

          Masterchefing and masticating.. or atleast half of both..
          Eww.. Hopefully you washed your hands afterwards.

  • +2

    Traveling and volunteering at animal orphanages and the like.

  • +3

    Exactly what I'm doing now.

    • Someone found their dream job. Lucky you!

      • Yep…but on the other hand, my wife's leaving me… You can't have it all :(

        • In some other people's perspective, you are living the dream :)

          Not suggesting that I am unhappy with my gf around, no, no, no, no, no, no.

        • @AznMitch: AznMitchelle is angry

        • +1

          Best of luck

  • +2

    Job: Driver
    Vehicle: 737

  • +2

    buy a yacht and charter it out (with me on it of course) in the med…

  • Cataloguing whole world's bargain into a live web catalogue (like stock)
    Volunteering at Animal Shelter
    Painting & drawing

  • +1

    I would go on road trip around Australia, taking those rad photos you only see in adventure magazine.

  • +3

    Professional Food Eater (not an obnoxious food critic).

    I would like to experience new Cafes & Restaurants without putting on the kilograms….

    • +2

      I also wouldn't mind owning a doggy day care too. I LOVE DOGS!

  • +1

    I would love to travel the world :).

  • If money was truly no object then I'd become a YouTube vlogger and do crazy car/motorcycle related videos.

    Might end up having a short, as well as a rich, life though. :p

  • +8

    I would be a Cat reviewer

    • I'd like to hear a cat review.

      • +3

        Do you have a cat you would like reviewed?

        • Please review the Russian blue

        • +1


          Are you trying to steal my job?
          fortunately money doesnt matter in this case. We can both review cats.

          But in any case, I can review individual cats rather than a breed.

        • +2


          My cat is cute! especially when she was a kitten


        • +1

          Review our crazy cat - https://youtu.be/JwohMl9Toww
          She had a little viral fame with this terrible video a year or so ago.

        • +1

          What are your thoughts on my Jixa? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atU0tIxZSLE

        • +1


          Give your cat some privacy!!!

        • @Benicio: Great vid!

          That's my preferred method of travelling down stairs too. Sometimes.

        • @xdiep: LOL. How well does that work though? Does Jixa make much of a mess? Bit weird/sad/kinda funny to see he/she? still tries to cover things up as they naturally would with dirt/litter - poor confused chook >_< lol

          Is that inner rim of the toilet where the kitty does its business? And you put litter in it? Hard to tell how it works.

        • +1

          @waterlogged turnip:

          So the product is call a Litter Kwitter and basically there are 4 stages. Check out this picture: http://www.litterkwitter.com/download/press_pack/hi_res/read…

          Stage 1 begins with the Red Stage (as pictured) on the ground with the middle section filled with cat litter. Over 6 weeks, Jixa bcame accustomed to that being the cat litter tray.

          Stage 2 is then relocating the Red Stage on to the toilet bowl for another 4 weeks with cat litter. Jixa took it as the same tray, but a tad higher.

          Stage 3 is the Amber stage after substituting discs to the Amber one. You still sprinkle cat litter around the hole. Jixa knows there's a hole there but as the hole is quite small, he will still try to aim for the cat litter.

          Stage 4 is the green stage. The whole is much larger, and as per the youtube video, he basically gives up on the cat litter and just does his thing in the hole. He knows that after a flush the smell is gone but can't help but still try to cover it instinctively.

          Hope that helps.

        • +1

          @Benicio: I'm glad I don't have carpet on my stairs, I could see mine doing this as well. I think you have just discovered the world's biggest scratching post.

    • I can't read Catese.

  • Play guitar and write music all day

  • +2

    Hiring transport to politicians

    • +2

      So you own a helicopter?

      • +2

        If money didn't matter, I'd have a fleet of 'em.
        Make more money that didn't matter.

        • Bronnie's not going for any more rides.

        • +1


          She's still riding the voters via her parliamentary annual pension though. $200,000 a year… for the rest of her life!

        • @greenpossum: Bronnie isn't the only one.

          They're talking about it on TV at the moment saying it's all over, no more rorting the system and no more flying business class (on domestic flights only).

          We shall see…….

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