This was posted 9 years 7 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

1/2 Price Vietnamese Bread Rolls - Prices from $2.75 @ [Mawson Lakes, SA]


Hi everyone,

I hope this post is of much help.

Bunme .Co is having a 1/2 half price discount on all bunme (Vietnamese bread roll).

  • Bunme's famous crispy crackling pork $3 normally $6
  • Crowd-pleasing BBQ chicken champion $2.75 normally $5.5
  • LAN's lip-smacking lemongrass chicken $2.75
  • Legendary lemongrass beef $3
  • c'ave some more? Classic pork $3
  • carnivorous cravings combination $3.25
  • Tay Ninh vitalising vegetarian $2.75

Our location:
Shop 3/6-10 Hurtle Parade, Mawson Lakes SA 5095

We are located within Queen Phoenix Convenience Store

Order in-store or online (between 9am and 3:30pm)

Facebook page:

Your positive feedback is much appreciated. Hope to see you soon.

Related Stores

Bunme .co
Bunme .co

closed Comments

  • Out of curiosity why is the company called bunme as opposed to the correct spelling? Less-deterring version for locals?

    Ps. I would try the special (no way in the world would I pay $6) if I were around.

    • +3

      "Bunme" is much closer to the actual pronunciation. Must be a branding choice.

      • -1

        No, that's not close to how "bánh mì" is pronounced. Real bastardisation of the word if that's the intention…

        • +3

          How would you equate "bánh mì" to an "English" pronunciation then?

        • -3

          @ballistykx: barn me

        • +3

          No I think 'bun me' is quite close to the correct pronunciation actually

        • -2

          English pronunciation of "bun me" can be roughly written in Vietnamese as "bân mi" - different vowels and tones.

          Sorry, I'm not a linguist, so can only copy and paste this phonetic spelling:
          IPA: /baɲ˦˥ mi˧˨/
          Hear it in vdict or any other online dictionaries.

        • @downtime: Hence, "bun me" is the closest English pronunciation.

        • @downtime: Except it's less palatal nasal and more alveolar nasal.

          As a Viet, I reckon bun me is the closest approximation for English speakers.

        • -2

          @ballistykx: @xiahwolf:
          When it comes to food, English imports foreign words: parfait, croissant, consomme, aioli, lasagne, macaroni, pancetta, prosciutto, kebab… Why bastardise Vietnamese food names ?

          Edit: 'bun' has the sound 'ʌ' /bʌn/, same as in blunder /ˈblʌndə(r)/, very different from the 'a' in 'bánh' which is similar to baa /bɑː/ or the second 'a' in banal /bəˈnɑːl/
          Best quickie way to learn to pronounce "bánh mì" is to go to online dictionaries (eg and listen to the series of words: ba - anh - ánh - banh - bánh, i - ì - mi - mì

        • +1

          @downtime: You notice anything about the words you've mentioned? They're all not tonalised, which makes it way easier to pronounce by those who speak non-tonalised languages. And I'm pretty sure there will be a few French people complaining about how no one pronounces croissant right. There is nothing bastardised about Viet food names except the spelling, and even when they try to get it right, they usually spell it bahn mi instead of banh mi. Look at the context - this is a stylised spelling for a store. They're not running around claiming this is how it's actually spelt.

          Also, I am Viet and I'm in my final year of linguistics. I know perfectly well how to read and write phonetics, nor do I need an online dictionary to tell me how to pronounce my language. For those who know the language, yes there is a difference. For the majority of Australians who will be eating at this place, no, the difference is not huge at all. I have transcribed the speech of many Viets, and a lot of them pronounce it with a /ʌ/. I don't think I've ever heard anyone pronounce it with a long a, nor any other long vowel.

          Besides, there are a variety of Vietnamese dialects, there is plenty of mixing between them, and not everyone pronounces words the same way. There is no correct way. Just because you pronounce it one way does not mean another Viet person is wrong.

      • +2

        "Bangme" is even closer

        • There's an actual bakery in SA called "sticky fingers"

    • Theres a pop up store I've seen around sydney called Pok Lol lselling pork rolls maybe the same sort of hilarious brand positioning?

    • Maybe a play on words. "Bun me" like "beer me"

      My favorite pun of this sort is Pho Shizzle

  • +4

    Maaan, I'm jealous; I love Vietnamese pork rolls. The key to a good one IMHO is a bit of fresh/hot chili but not too much, and lots of fresh coriander.

    • +8

      The key is actually pate and butter

      • +3

        This is correct, next time ask for one without butter and see how the crunchiness to creaminess ratio goes wrong

    • +5

      The carrot shreds also should be pickled for that beautiful sweet/sour taste. Had rolls with carrots which weren't pickled a couple of times and man, it was disappointing. You could tell something was missing flavour wise.

      Okay. I know what I'm having for lunch today >_<

      • I've never had one, but stop making me hungry!

        • Get out there and get yourself a pork roll, my friend :)

          Maybe do some googling first to find out where to get a cheap, good, authentic pork roll fix first.. I see you're from Melb.. wish I could point you in the right direction :( I'd hazard a noob guess that Springvale would be the right place to start taste testing.. but that's from my few trips to Melb and overhearing that Springvale is quite populated by the banh mi gods (Vietnamese peeps).

          Nearly kept typing Springwood there. Derpy NSW person here.

  • +2

    does this deliver to perth wa?
    so hungry

  • +2

    Can't wait to go back to Vietnam. $2.75, I don't want to buy the shop mate just 1 roll will do! So good & so cheap.

  • +1

    Around $3 in Springvale (Vic) and around 2 dozen outlets vying for business.

    • Wish it was the same in Sydney, they're more expensive here

      • +1

        go to Cabramatta

        • Wish it was the same in Sydney CBD or close

        • +1


          Go to Marrickville..

        • @billyb67: Any particular shop?

        • +1


          There's at least six there but I'd say the best would be either Marrickville pork rolls or Delish right next door.

          Still $4-4.50 but much bigger than the crap they serve you in the city for an even higher price…

          Or if you have the time, go to cabramatta where $2.50-3.50 is the normal price…

        • +1

          @billyb67: I haven't seen rolls for less than $4 in Cabra for a while.. am I missing the cheaper places somehow?

          edit - I stand corrected.…

          Thanks for the heads up.

    • Which store for $3?

  • Do pork rolls taste different in different states?

    • +1

      I am from Sydney and moved down to Melbourne. I find that Melbourne banh mi is really lacking on the pate. I've asked around and people seem to think pate is optional. No way! I love heavy pate on mine.

  • Is this the same store as Bunme in Sydney?

  • +1

    For anyone who has never had a Vietnamese role (chicken, pork, meatball, or salad) you don't know what you are missing out on. $2.75 is a great price too.

  • I remember the old days when banh mi were $2 in Cabramatta :)

  • Seems like its one roll per customer, as i tried putting in 2 rolls into the website and it only deleted 2.75 half the price of one roll.

    • Can anyone confirm is it 2 rolls for half price or only 1 roll?

      • 1 roll for half price. Had one from there today and they are pretty good!

  • very cheap at that price, fair at the regular price, i'm impressed!

  • I just walked down that street (hurtle) and there isn't a store like that on it. What's the deal?

  • +2

    We are located within Queen Phoenix Convenience Store

    And the award for the smallest store to ever reach the front page of OzBargain goes to…

  • -1

    Yup. Feels dodgy. So are you part of that store? Should you have a sign? Feels like 3f store in Hong Kong.

  • +1

    Any good cheap Vietnamese rolls in or near Brisbane?

    • +1

      Darra takeaway shop just across from the station has great rolls for $3.50

  • 3.5 is the standard price in Springvale vic. 4 - 4.5 is the standard price in Footscray vic.

    • Try 5.5 to 7.5 in CBD and Docklands

      • I would like to know any shop sells good taste bread roll or pho around Dockland Drive.

  • Mawson Lakes Represent!

    • Present! :)

      I walk past this place everyday on the way to the train station… might have to finally give it a go.

  • I picked up a pork roll from my local Vietnamese bakery today, but I asked for it in a a cheese and bacon roll instead of the standard bun. It was pretty amazing.

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