Cheapest found on Staticice is from Dick Smith $129 before today's online only discount
RRP is $169.95 from Sony store (
Spec/Review from (…):
Compact and lightweight, the MDR-ZX330BT headphones deliver a wireless music streaming experience at an affordable price. With NFC, users can easily connect their headphones to another device by simply tapping them together. The ZX330BT also offer convenient hands-free calling with the built-in microphone, and allow users to return to music playback once a call is completed. The built-in rechargeable battery provides up to 30 hours of continuous, wireless music playback4, and the lightweight swivel on-ear design for easy portability, provides long-lasting comfort for listening to your favorite tracks for hours on end.
Just reading up between the post from last night for… vs these cans:
review may be useful…
These look better to me but the price from the older btn200m and the standby time / play time being longer may make the other deal better.