This was posted 9 years 7 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Gold Plated HDMI Cables w/ Ethernet: 1M $2.95, 2M $4.95, 5M $11.95 + More Posted @ Shopping Square


Its been a while since we had a decent deal for HDMI cables. I asked the shopping square rep if he could offer OZB a good deal on HDMI cables and he was very accommodating.

These will be shipped from Australia (Next Day) via Australia Post

HDMI Cables- Gold Plated

Ultra Premium HDMI Cables

Other HDMI Cables

EDIT: New Additions for 5M HDMI Cables

After you enter the promo code GOLDENCULTURE, click update cart for reduced price to take effect

expire: 3/8/2015
stock: 300+ for each size

FREE Shipping from Sydney Warehouse with next day dispatch.

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Shopping Square

closed Comments

  • +6

    Awesome code again EC :)

    • +2

      Cheer TA.

      • +1

        Have u two ever met? OzB Royalty. Maybe not allowed to meet like how the people who know the recipe to coca cola can't fly on the same flight just in case something happens.

        • +2

          would love to meet TA but he is in Melb and im in SYD. Maybe one day

        • +6


          if it happens
          the universe would probably collapse

          it's like meeting yourself.

        • +5


          melb and syd only 10hrs drive EC.

          then you can release combo coupon. EASTERNARSE!

        • +2


          ARSECULTURE, but this may connote a microbial infestation of the back passage or a lifestyle celebrating travels of the Hershey Highway.

  • +6

    Good deal on decent cables.

    FYI for other ozbargainers there is no such thing as a v2.0 HDMI cable.

    HDMI 2.0 does not define new cables or new connectors. Current High Speed cables (Category 2 cables) are capable of carrying the increased bandwidth.

    All High speed(category 2) HDMI cables will support all current formats including 4K, 3D etc.

    • -4

      How in God's name did you work out there's no version 2.0 HDMI cable and then link to a page explaining how there's such a thing as a HDMI 2.0 cable specification?

      • +3

        Category 2 != HDMI 2.0, from what I can see?

      • +3

        HDMI cable category 1 or 2 have no relation to the HDMI revision numbers.

        Category 1 HDMI cables are standard speed HDMI cables not certified for 1080p, 4K, 3D etc
        Category 2 HDMI cables are High speed HDMI cables certified for all current formats supported by HDMI.

        Category 2 High speed cables have been around since HDMI revision 1.3, cables certified High speed under HDMI v1.3 will support all current formats that HDMI v2.0 supports, the only thing cables certified when v1.3 was the latest don't support is Ethernet over HDMI, but I have yet to see any devices with this feature.

        and then link to a page explaining how there's such a thing as a HDMI 2.0 cable specification?

        There is no such explanation of a HDMI v2.0 cable specification on any of those links, the page is explaining the new functionality of the HDMI v2.0 specification, and it explicitly states that HDMI v2.0 does not define any new cables or connectors.

        HDMI 2.0 does not define new cables or new connectors. Current High Speed cables (Category 2 cables) are capable of carrying the increased bandwidth.

        Manufacturers and sellers are not even supposed to be using the HDMI revision numbers anymore as it leads to confusion.

        No Use of HDMI Version Numbers Effective Immediately
        Effective January 1, 2012, all HDMI products cannot make any reference to HDMI version numbers.

    • No joke i read this wasn't the case? And while even cheap cables CAN run the bandwidth, they cant run 4k. Is that the difference with category 2 cables?

    • Just to confirm what you are saying is it's not called version 2.0, but just category 2?

      Only because there is a difference between 1.4 and 2.0, see for the comparison.

      • +1

        Yep it's called category 2 or high speed HDMI, most manufacturers don't use category 1(standard speed) or category 2 (high speed) on their labeling or advertising, you just need to look for high speed HDMI and if it has been certified properly that is the most recent revision for HDMI cables.

        Only because there is a difference between 1.4 and 2.0, see for the comparison.

        The second table there shows what devices are capable of under the different HDMI revisions, that is not relevant to cables as they are a dumb component, as in they don't know what signal is being sent through them, the cable does not know if your sending SD or HD video etc, as long as it has the bandwidth to support the signal it will work fine.

        The first table on that link shows the maximum throughput of the different HDMI revisions, HDMI v1.0 ,1.1 & 1.2 all have the same maximum throughput, as this point there was only one HDMI cable category.
        With HDMI v1.3 the maximum throughput increased, this is when introduced category 2 (high speed) HDMI cable to cater for higher resolutions etc.
        With HDMI v1.4 the maximum throughput stays the same so no new cables required for that, but did introduce a new cable with v1.4, that is a HDMI cable with Ethernet channel (HEC) a cable the has HEC can be either a standard speed(category 1) or high speed(category 2) HDMI cable, however as no devices support Ethernet over HDMI there is no use for this feature.
        HDMI v2.0 does increase the maximum throughput however have stated that existing high speed(category 2) cables will work fine with the increased bandwidth as there are improved signalling methods used to accomplish this.

        Can existing HDMI cables support the higher bandwidths of HDMI 2.0 Specification?
        Yes, existing High Speed HDMI Cables (wire only) will support the new higher bandwidths (up to 18Gbps).

        HDMI 2.0 specification defined a new, more efficient signaling method, for speeds above 1.4b limits (10.2Gbps), to allow higher bandwidths >(up to 18Gbps) over existing High Speed HDMI Wire Cables.…

        So you just need to look for a high speed HDMI cable, if it has been certified properly it should work with all current HDMI features.

        If any manufacturer or seller is making any claims about needing the latest HDMI v2.0 cable they lying as their is no such thing as a HDMI v2.0 cable.

        • +1

          That was very helpful, thanks you :]

  • If anyone is interested, there was a good TWIT/Home.Theater.Geeks-ep265 podcast last week about the quality of HDMI cables.

    • Without watching it I think there's no difference if a cable meets specifications and the only people that should be paying a lot for cables that meet the specification are those with large areas where cables are run in the high tens of metres in length (so almost nobody) and/or those that believe in "future proofing" to possibly avoid expensive work putting cable into walls (seems a bit silly to me).

      Am I right?

      • +2

        not really.. theres more to signal loss than just cable length

  • Gold plated means better video quality right?

    • +4

      not at all.

      • -7

        OK but there's no way I'd use this for FLAC audio.

        • +1


        • As long as the bloody cable conducts electricity and is insulated, you'll be fine.

        • @tendollar:

          What about when running longer lengths? Is it possible that poorer quality HDMI may 'drop out'.

          Reason I ask is I just set up a projector with a 15M cable through the wall and roof. I am getting intermittent drop out of signal.

          Just wondering whether a cheaper cable is the cause…

    • +4

      HDMI is digital, so basically either the cable works or it doesn't. A bit like digital TV you either see a picture or it is complete rubbish.

      • +1

        or you put it on channel 9 where they have degraded the quality of the stream to save $

        • +6

          I remain to be convinced improving the quality of the stream would improve the quality of the programming above complete rubbish ;-).

        • This should explain why they don't transmit in HD…

  • Awesome, thanks EC.

  • It wouldn't discount them for me and wouldn't do free postage.. Couldn't work out what I was doing wrong (I couldn't see an update cart button)so I gave up :(

    • +2

      Click on "Update Qty" after entering the code.

      • I did that four times.. doesn't matter, not important :)

  • Thanks EC, loving the codes, keep up the great deals

  • Will having Gold plated increase the resolution at all?

  • Thanks EC

  • +1

    What's the return policy like? I bought a cheapo 10m HDMI cable on eBay once and I couldn't get it to work. Computer detected TV OK but no picture :(

  • +3

    I ordered one of these in the past. After a string of issues I got the cable two months later. I left negative feedback. Shopping square sent an email offering a $5 voucher to change my feedback to positive.

    • Did you take the deal?

      • +6

        I did not accept the bribe. The negative stays.

        • +2

          Good for you. haha, i was trying to think what is my actual number for the last couple of minutes. I'd like to say I don't have one, but I probably could be paid off for $40 - lol What is yours you think? haha

  • +7

    I've bought these exact same cables in the past, and even by cheap HDMI cable standards, they are awful. Had more than one HDMI plug come loose from the surrounding plastic sheath and get stuck in the HDMI port. Needed to be removed with pliers.

  • +1

    Gold Plated HDMI Cables w/ Ethernet

    How do you connect your HDMI to Ethernet!

    • +3

      Your AV equipment needs to support HEC.

  • +1

    5m standard cable comes up "out of stock". +300 stock on each size and only 101 Ozbargain clicks. Something doesn't add up.

    • +1

      of clicks are for the main link.

      I have a few seperate link in the post that dont add up with the # of clicks

      Ill see if i can convince the REP to restock a few hundred more for the 5M and let you know.

    • +1

      More 5M cables added. See the edit part of OP descritption

  • Thanks for the post - love these deals, but damn, no 3m :/

  • +1


    • +14

      Gonna buy a few and wear it around your neck as bling?

      High definition in da house!

  • just bought 2 * 2m
    thanks EC

  • -2

    Cables are probably of questionable quality as mentioned…. So dont go using them for detaining criminals , abseiling etc. im sure theyd do the designed job if i needed them, have a +1 for effort


    Dick Smith branded ones look better TBH.

    • Tried 30 awg before…. Failed miserably. Only works on 576p

      Looks similar to that too. But in blue. Stated premium

  • +1

    More 5M cables added

  • +1

    You can get them from Aldi for $7.
    They also have a metal sheath, and if they break, they're much easier to return.

  • -1

    geez just bought one 2m ultra premium from your ebay store last night for $14.95. Will I be entitled to a $2 refund price guarantee?

  • -1

    Hi Shopping Square Rep / Eastern Culture Mate
    Can you please give a Bargain deal on

    Stainless Steel Outdoor Patio Gas Heater ( Code: ZDS_CS_H1109A )

    $149 including free shipping to Melbourne

    I am sure you will sell a few hundreds of the item

  • +2

    What's the difference between HDMI Cables- Gold Plated and Ultra Premium HDMI Cables? I cannot make it out from specs..Ta

    • Am wondering the same

    • the ULTRA word mate. ULTRA is always better … but seriously though, whats difference? hah

      Ive ever bought the standard version, its pretty awful, though it worked, but the shell came off etc etc etc.

  • +1

    gold plated, buy a couple of hundred of them, remove the gold and make a bar and it could worth $0->millions.

  • Can anyone confirm whether the 20M one is active (aka amplified)? Any HDMI cable over 10M long should be active.

    The fact that it's not listed in the specs is the only thing that's stopping me from pulling the trigger.

  • 3m Gold Plated is out of stock. Any chance that stock is added before expiry?

  • Great thanks

  • Thanks OP.

  • bugger i missed it :(

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