Popped by the store in Blacktown to find this gem on sale for $1. The PC version is not listed on their store and stock was low at that store, but if the deal is nationwide it's a great price. Price match at JB?
The Darkness II on PC for $1 @ EB Games

Lthe great rasheed on 30/07/2015 - 17:01 files.ozbargain.com.au (304 clicks)
Last edited 30/07/2015 - 17:02
Last edited 30/07/2015 - 17:02
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Honestly, there were only a couple remaining by the time I went.
Hmmm… might give stanhope EB a visit instead… cheers mate, saved me a trip to blacktown
No worries, best of luck on your search!
Price match at JB?
Jbhifi staff are busy pulling them of the shelf.
That's a hard core game.i wonder if there would be other games that were massively discounted down to $1
There was this and some dodgy simulators at the Blacktown store.
lol ok ru gnna sell em for $20
Nah mate, $60 plus shipping
lol the profits brahh
whats the ebay link ill buy one from u right now :D
Short game but awesome. Bought it last year for $7
At any price, this is an amazing game.
does anyone know if theyre selling any nintendo games for $1??
How many copies were left at the Blacktown store? Might pop by and pick one up.