This was posted 9 years 7 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS Plus Free Games August 2015


The games are
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris PS4
Limbo PS4
Sound Shapes PS4, PS3, PS Vita
Stealth Inc 2 A Game of Clones PS4, PS3, PS Vita
God of War Ascension PS3
Castlestorm PS3, PS Vita

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closed Comments

  • +1

    meh nothing special there.

    • Agreed, I've got Ascension, platinum'ed Sound Shapes and the rest I disliked.

      • +6

        Lol the games are pretty good what are you guys on about

        • Yeah those above two were good, I disliked Stealth Inc (1) and I'm sure we've had Limbo before.

        • +1

          @Where's_That_Cake: We've had Limbo before on PS3

        • +1


          Aus PS3 – Dec 2012
          US Vita – May 2014

      • I platted Ascension, but Sound Shapes' Death Mode would've been the death of my controller and/or TV… there's about 6 levels that still make me want to throw my DS4 on the ground or at the TV in frustration. Can I offer bribes on OzBargain for someone to plat it for me?

        Lara Croft's actually a really good game. It might not look it, but the gameplay is great, especially with 2 players.

        • I sat up late one night and smashed out the extra difficult trophies on SS. It was excruciating yet satisfying.

  • +8

    Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris Is a severely underrated game IMO. Fairly recent as well. Doesn't work well single player though. It's really a couch and beer coop game that needs 3-4 players to shine. Kind of a coop puzzle Diablo.

    • +4

      oh well, just bought the Temple of Osiris game physically a week ago for $15, but that was the collector's edition and has the season pass and a bobble head Lara and some other stuff in it. Bought Sound Shapes premium when it was last on flash sale.

      • me too, and ascension from this deal and neither have arrived yet! It happens :)

        • hmm weird.. my mightyape order arrived a good week ago now. I'd contact them for tracking details.

  • +9

    Just a quick reminder that if you haven't downloaded Rocket League (this months free PSN game) you should do it before it switches over to next month.

    • When does it switch over to August ps+ games? I assume 1st so 2nd Australia time?

      • +2

        Tuesdays (night) is update day now.

        Leaving PS Plus on 4th August:

        Rocket League (PS4)
        Styx Master of Shadows (PS4)
        Rain (PS3)
        Mousecraft (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)
        Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved (PS Vita)
        Entwined (PS4, PS Vita)

        Entering PS Plus on 4th August:

        Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (PS4)
        Limbo (PS4)
        God of War Ascension (PS3)*
        Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)
        Sound Shapes (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)**
        CastleStorm Complete Edition (PS3, PS Vita)

  • Need a US account?

  • Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris !!

  • finally there is something that interests me and i didnt buy.
    Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris

  • As a massive God of War fan, I was pretty dissapointed with Ascension. The last quarter or so was pretty fun, the rest didn't really engage me.

  • Cool, Lara croft game looks alright. Now where are the cheap PS+ subscriptions, been waiting for ages. Probably keep my money and wait for fallout 4, doubt I'll need any games for a while with that one.

  • Good list for a change! (normally I complain, so I thought I'd make a positive post)

  • I just bought LC Temple of Osiris from Target for $20 =[

      • At least you get a bobble head and extras. Mine just got delivered today… Oh well, I'm sure it's worth the $20.

    • I bought it the day before this was announced for 11 or 12 bucks in Cashies.

      Luckily though, the season pass not only came with it, but wasn't activated.

      Even so, if I could have found my receipt I'd have returned the game because of it coming to Plus. I played a few hours of it last night and it's pretty similar to the first Lara Croft spinoff, as you'd expect, but it's still quite fun, I played solo though, I'll probably run through the game again (it's quite short) with the girlfriend sometime.

  • Probably the best PS4 lineup yet I reckon, happy with these…though Rocket League has been awesome fun

    • Rocket League has taken over all gaming in my house. Not impressed how my teenage son beats me almost every match though :p

  • That's a brilliant list this month. Played Stealth 2 recently and thoroughly enjoyed it.

  • Bought Lara Croft a day before the list of games was announced, damn it.
    Limbo I got from an earlier PS+ on Vita.
    Sound Shapes I bought ages ago and strongly urge everyone to play, if for no other reason, 3 plats.
    God of War I've had sitting around for like a year and still haven't played.

    Stealth Inc 2 I'd been eyeing for a while, I loved the first one.
    Castle Crashes I neither know about or care to find out about.

    All in all, a good month, I'm not even mad I have most of the games, that means they're picking good games again, I remember in the good old days of PS+ I'd be afraid to buy some games out of fear they'd come to Plus. Keep it up, Sony. Give me all the indies and smaller games you want, just give me the good ones like this and I'll still love you.

  • Available to download now, direct links are in my PS+ spreadsheet -…

    Edit: GoW still listed as Demo only, Sound Shapes still has a charge.

    • Sound Shape link updated.

  • Limbo is fun!

  • 35GB for god of war. Not worth killing my monthly bandwidth for.

    • +1

      or DL in increments of 3GB a month for the next 12 months..

  • +1

    A few years back I wanted to get a tattoo that meant something to me; permanent reminder to have dedication at your goals. A tattoo that for me represents success through commitment, persistence and passion.

    I went with a platinum trophy tattoo.

    (side note - it's also a reminder every time I take a shower to spend less time on games and more time on my real life trophies)

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