for all your tech nerds (:P) i restored my windows 7 a couple of months a go and (i was eligible for the windows 10 upgrade) but after i restored (even with all the updates been installed) i can't download it anymore.
would any of you know why?
for all your tech nerds (:P) i restored my windows 7 a couple of months a go and (i was eligible for the windows 10 upgrade) but after i restored (even with all the updates been installed) i can't download it anymore.
would any of you know why?
yeah I've checked everything (including restored/hidden updates) and done 3 restarts. :( no luck
tried that too, no luck
have you tried to uninstall then reinstall the two specific updates that are related to the the upgrade?
ill try this method out and get back to you
Try installing it directly from the Microsoft website:
I've got this method to work on my laptop.
On my desktop however I get an error of "Something happened".
i did that but it asks for a product ID or key activation.
Skip it
Thank you! Finally got it working
I got a pirated version but the windows verification software has been completely removed with this version this is gona be a nightmare. anyone know how to get back the verification on windows 7 ultimate?
They got you. lol
yeah i might just buy it too much mucking about,
Do you build your pc's? Or have you been upgrading older ones? No OEM licenses floating about???
i got a legit version of windows sat here but that pc is rubbish i rebuilt new one but couldnt use that key on my new one@Forfiet:
Would buying a legit version of windows 7 installing that work would i then be able to upgrade to 10?@Forfiet:
Yes, Windows 7 or 8 can upgrade to 10 for free. If you buy the home premium version of 7/8, that will be the Windows version to which you can upgrade.
have you been to the reddit microfoftwareswap marketplace? There's info in the thread at the top of the page about dealing with activation problems. If that doesn't work you could always buy Win 10 while you're there.
I had the 'something happend' error when I tried to download w10 manually. I changed my region locale to USA and it worked
Aha. I got the same error. Super helpful error explanation. Changing locale weighed fine.
Check that you've all the current updates all downloaded for your pc and they should prompt you to restart it.