Negs on deals or comments

Hi everyone. I've been on this site for years before signing up, and only recently joined in on threads and discussions.

What I've noticed is that people get quite upset when someone else negs their deals or comments they post. Is there are reason why they get so annoyed or take it so personally?

It just baffles me

closed Comments

  • +61

    Welcome to the internet.

    • -8

      Lol am I that out of touch?

      • +3

        Maybe (Si) :D

      • +1

        yes, yes you are.

        • @Metamorphosis12:

          a lot of people take positives and negatives personally I guess.

          you may seriously want to know, people have given reasons, none of it is important.

        • +1


          if you get a heap of negs in a comment you make, I think you can not Neg a deal for a month… something like that.
          half a dozen negs makes no difference though.

          I am sure its written down somewhere.

          But thats not people care about, the ones that get upset take it personal fro some reason.

        • @Metamorphosis12:
          my reply seems to be grey out, is that because I got 6 negs? I guess now I know why some people get offended by the neg, it's not a nice feeling

        • +3

          @Metamorphosis12: nobody wants to put effort into typing what's in their mind and then be negged. Most people want to be a positive contributor or be appreciated.

      • +1

        It is a crazy world we live in. Don't look for answers, you won't get any or any that actually you can comprehend. I laugh at how one gets negs but yet they haven't said anything wrong? I am lost too. We all have opinions, one is not better or more right then another. I love different and not same, same. So i welcome different opinions or someone enlightening me. Others get defensive.

        Just look on the positive side. Keep a tally lol. Bring it on. I think the majority don't care. It is a bit like highschool when things are negged. Btw i risk being negged now. Ha! As i see you were. Don't take it personal because you have no control over it so why worry.

  • +3

    JV has metamorphosed

    • -5

      I just read the AMA with Scotty and have seen JV mentioned there a few times. What is the deal with JV? Why does everyone know them?

      • +1

        He's a legend in them there parts.

        • +4

          Apparenty JV is a she

        • +5

          I dont see colour or gender.I just see people.

        • +9

          @nocure: That means you are probably a white male.

        • +5


          a SINGLE white male

        • +4


          Regina Bookman: Mr. Donaghy, this may just be about money to you, but a member of Congress and a black woman —

          Jack Donaghy: Uh, I don’t really see color or gender, Mr. Chang.

      • +1

        For info on the JV legend, look here:

        scroll down to "Comments"
        look not only where JV sits on the leaderboard, but the amount of negs against his/her comments.

        • +2

          Wow she sure posts alot. Controversial poster?

        • +4


          Most of it's posts are usually snarky one liners or badly executed jokes with bold text. On some days it makes pretty good jokes, but the vast majority (say 95%) usually attract neg votes. Which explains why JV usually takes the crown for the largest number of neg votes each month.

          Now the question is, is it a male or a female? That is a question that mankind has sought to answer since the dawn of time. Some say he's a robot, but all we know that it's called "JV".

        • +3

          wow. 6% of ppl use Internet explorer!

    • VJ?
      VJ = vajayjay

      jv is vajayjay

    • +3

      bonezAU answered it perfectly.

    • +1

      Some people can handle criticism,some people can't. I can only speak for myself,I use a negitive vote as a tool and learn from it.

    • +2

      Surely you can't be serious ?

      • +7

        I am serious and dont call me surely.

        • +2

          Too funny! :) Oldie but a goodie.

    • +3

      The answer is simple: ego.

      Does anyone really like being being boo'd, negged, told they're unpopular or that their opinions are, etc etc?

      It bruises the ego. More so in some than others.

      Negging of comments can also inspire frustration and other negative emotions (bitterness? hostility? likeliness to get angry or fly off the handle asking "wtf why was I negged" or something along those lines, either openly or just internally to themselves..) I suppose because it's anonymous here on OzBargain. Being negged without explanation can be pretty frustrating when/if you're the type who wants to know the reason behind things - or if you simply want a mature discussion and sharing of opinions rather than to just have your opinion downvoted without being told what is wrong (which is far more helpful as it could help that person learn, grow, rethink, reassess, think laterally, think beyond one point of view etc.. even if they don't agree with the people who neg them and give reasons/debate).

      It depends on the person. People get cranky over negging for different reasons, I think. Fundamentally I still think it comes down to the ego. It's natural and nothing bad. We all have one.. it's just a matter of how much we let it overcome us and cloud our perspective. Some let it cloud them to the point of being angry if they're crossed, whether its clearly founded or not, IMO.


  • +1

    Some cannot handle being told their wrong, ie. the young,
    Some think they are so important/interesting, but the truth hurts !!!

    • +11

      they're wrong ;)

  • +6

    When people post a deal/comment they are putting down their opinion which reflects their character and who they are. If you neg that it means you disagree with or think their opinion is wrong.

    Some people take that to heart as they don't believe they are wrong and see it as an attack on their character so will put up a fight to defend their opinion and maybe attack the opinion of others.

    The only time I neg a comment is when it is so stupid that it would be pointless arguing with that person as they will never see the light.

    I never neg a comment i reply to, just offer my differing opinion

    • +1

      True, I have never neged a point of view, just 'stupid personal attacts' as well.

    • +1

      I don't think to neg. However i would not tolerate someone putting another down because their opinion is different. Bullying tactics to make them look superior to another. Love the see the light comment. True.

    • +2

      I never neg a comment i reply to, just offer my differing opinion

      +1. This is actually constructive. I do this too. (actually.. unless it's incredibly obvious that someone I'm discussing/debating with is negging me as well as replying to me. Then I'll happily neg them back, cos I can be immature like that too lol ugh. But it rarely happens.)

  • -1

    Thanks everyone for your opinions. I had assumed getting a neg affected people's membership status or something to that affect. But I guess people just don't like begin neg

    • +3

      If you generate a number of positives, you get various "badges". All can be claimed for useless "internet points". Really though, it gives you an indication if people appreciate your comments (or not)

      • +1

        Thank you for the link Davo. I thought this might have been the sole reason why people cared but I guess it does deeper than that

  • +1
  • +11

    I am quite new here. I've posted two airfare deals, and the first response both times was along the lines of "that's not a good deal".

    On the first deal I just figured, I'm new here, didn't do enough research. The second time though it annoyed me and I commented back. None of the negative commentors had posted their own deal that I could find, yet they're telling me mine is not the best deal out there. I'm thinking, so why didn't you post yours first so I could have taken advantage of that one?

    I guess that counts as "welcome to the internet".

    • +3

      Again don't let it bother you. I appreciate all deals, as that is the point of the site i would have thought. If you don't like something, move on, don't draw attention. Everyone is different. I think people don't post for the reason you mention. I do understand why.

    • None of the negative commentors had posted their own deal that I could find, yet they're telling me mine is not the best deal out there.

      Yep, welcome to the internet, I see it all the time!

    • +1

      Pretty much.

      This is the internet.

  • +1

    Baffles me too. 10 negs is 10 people. Out of like 1000 registered. And someone who doesn't get negged is a worry, shows approval from the non-representative that dominate the site.

  • +2

    It just baffles me

    Like many sites there are guidelines on how they operate

    Rather that listen to many of the above who have an opinion, here is the official guidelines on negative voting (mainly in respect to deals)

    Look at further wiki topics to understand more

  • +5

    I don't give a rat ass about neg.Does that help ?

    Now neg me people !

    • +3

      You're not my real father, you can't tell me what to do.

      • +2

        beg you for a + ….

  • +2

    Seems I've gotten neg quite alot for all my comments here, and I don't know why I'm even being neg. It was just a question, I was just curious. Do these negs mean that they don't agree with me asking the question? Welcome to the Internet indeed.

    • +15

      There's a good chance its also people messing with you ;)

      • -8

        I hope so!! I don't like no being liked. Thats probably why I generally stay out of discussion threads

        • +4

          There's a good sense of irony in someone complaining about receiving negs, and then receiving negs on their comments!

          Don't worry about it

      • -5


        • +3

          There's a very good chance it's also people messing with you ;)

          also, incorrect or poor grammar may result in a neg. it's a tough crowd.

        • +1


          Lol it appears that even having a duplicate post deserves a neg. Very tough crowd in here

    • +3

      you said you don't understand why people don't like negs.

      consider the negs you are getting as the Ozbargain community offering a pair of neg shoes for you to walk a mile or two in.

  • +1

    Ever used reddit? Making a controversial comment and then publicly announcing/anticipating downvotes means the user will get downvoted (or downvoted more than usual). If the user had just make their comment and then not whined about downvotes, it could quite be likely they would not have been downvoted.

    It's like that $1 dummy camera deal. Making potential burglars aware of the dummy camera means the burglars will target your house. After all, if there is a camera, then it must be guarding something valuable. In this case, having no camera makes you less of a target.

    This is some interesting human psychology/behaviour shit right here.

    • -2

      I didn't know there was so much politics in a forum. I'll go back to my sand hole now :)

  • +5

    50% of internet people ->
    The other 50% ->

  • +2

    Meta, re negs applied to comments (rather than deals), many who get negged explicitly express their outrage in a follow-up comment, and state the reason/s why they are upset about being negged (this is kinda' unwise, as it amounts to them 'rising to the bait' and attracts yet more negs). You could read back over some of the longer threads, and you will glean some of the various reasons why people get upset at negs. Here's a few:

    1. General immaturity/ insecurity/ lack of a thick-enough skin.
      Some people have not yet learned that taking it to heart when strangers on the internet disagree with them, is very silly.

    2. Unlike pozzes, negs are anonymous; which seems to aggravate some people on here, particularly when neg/s are given but no reason/s are supplied. They evidently just "… hate the not knowing"!
      I personally believe that either pozzes and negs should both be anonymous, or neither should be. It's odd/ defies rational explanation that the names of pozzers are displayed, but those of neggers are hidden.

    3. Some peeps spend a great deal of time constructing a lengthy response/essay about something; presumably expecting that some will find it useful, or at least interesting. If it is subsequently negged 'en masse', they feel a bit foolish for having spent so much time on it, and 'publishing' it. They're embarrassed that it has been clearly demonstrated that they lacked the foresight to predict the type of response they'd get.

    4. Some get very upset about copping some negs if they think their comment has been misunderstood/ misinterpreted. If they think the neggers have read more into the comment than it actually states, for example.

    So those are a few of the reasons, as I said if you read over some of the longer past threads, you'll find some more reasons explicitly stated by those that received a bunch of negs that they felt were not deserved.

    • -1

      Thank you for taking the time out to write this response. I understand now why people get upset over negs and why people give negs.

      I guess this is the first forum I've been too that has this vote system, I'm still unsure about it

  • +1

    there u go, an up vote for everyone

  • +1

    Not sure if trolling or not

    • +2

      I'm not trolling. I was only wondering

  • +5

    Haha! Mate you answered your own question perfectly. How did you feel when you received those negs above?

    Now, you may argue you only felt angry because the negs you received were unwarranted, but online everyone feels their opinion is correct & negs they receive are unwarranted.

    • +2

      No its not a good feeling. I'm sorry I started the thread now. How do I go about deleting it?

      • +4

        Lol. Now you learnt a bit more about the internet. Don't be disheartened. This community is actually one of the best in the internet. They're just busy waiting for the next microsd card deal & frustrated. You're all good mate!

        • +4

          Lol or waiting on more eneloops ;). I need to get myself some just to feel more part of this community

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