FREE Brand New Water Dispenser worth $340, when you buy 50 X 15L spring water bottles.
Not mandatory to take delivery of all 50 bottles at same time.
Free delivery will be arranged as and when required.
Offer valid for New Customers only.
Total cost ($13.90 X 50 = $695)
No lock in contract
Free delivery available for selected regions of NSW only.
Please call 0499 995 168 to avail benefit of this fabulous offer.
Be quick offer expires on 31st October 2015
FREE Brand New Water Dispenser (Worth $340) with Purchase of 50x 15L Bottles ($695) @ Spring Water

Last edited 29/07/2015 - 17:07 by 2 other users
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^ this
Totally misleading title. I'll give them a chance to fix it before I neg.
Fixed. Thanks for pointing out.
Not much of a deal at all.
$695 for 750 litres of drinking water.
I pay Sydney Water $2.23 for 1000 litres of drinking water.0.92c per litre of water.
no deal here, use your tap, its the same water…
$0.46/L, and they fit in the fridge so I don't need to worry about powering another appliance.
Surely if you're supplying it in such a bulk amount, it should be considerably cheaper?
Coles/FlyBuys, spend $90×4 weeks for $50 credit… buy as required…plus other benefits.
For water spend $695 at once.. Is it for OzBners ??
C'mon guys, water ain't cheap.
It's not like it falls from the sky or anything!
I can't believe the amount of people who pay for bottled water and think nothing of it, then complain about the price of fuel.
A lot of them pay $3 - $4 for a 500ml bottle of water which equates to $6 - $8 per litre, imagine the uproar if fuel prices went that high!!or you know, plumb in a water filter under your sink and have filtered water forever……
$10.88 for a 12L bottle = $680…
$69 for the cooler$749 total
But this is without factoring a discount from such a bulk order.
Hard to believe your cooler is worth $340…
Is the wet floor sign placed there as a joke to see how many catch on??
I don't think you guys are fair. Their water is organic!
—- “Our Fresh,Organic,Premium Quality Water is recognized and accredited by the Australian Bottled Water Institute”
I was under the impression that “Organic Water” claims were disallowed… Did something change?…
What organic particles is it claimed are in the water?
—- “The water originates in the pristine Sydney Blue Mountains National Park and naturally filters over the years through layers of 250 million year old sandstones to the springs.”
If your sandstone filter is 250 million years old, isn’t it about time to change it? :DOrganic? Doesn't that mean there are traces of e-coli or cryptosporidium?
Be quick offer expires on 31st October 2015 - okay I have 3 months to think about the offer then
There is always a catch.
I don't like it. Title is misleading