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Mad Max PC Pre-Order (Steam Key) $30.99 @ OzGameShop


I asked a customer service rep if their current stock for the PC version came with The Ripper DLC
but unfortunately it doesn't unless WB includes them near release.

Just for a price comparison, the cheapest you can get it locally is $69 from JB Hi-Fi.

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closed Comments

  • I thought it is a new Max Payne. Nevertheless, I reckon it is a good deal.

  • -1

    Good post, but JB (and EB) is hopeless. Don't bother compare with their price.

    • +9

      so AB BB CB DB FB GB HB IB KB LB NB OB PB QB RB SB TB UB VB WB XB YB and ZB are okay then?

      • +2

        Upvote for the effort

        • +1

          I try to hard lol

        • @jubba: can a mod remove my neg? I meant to upvote him to even it out!

        • @rhz:

          You can revoke it by clicking on the votes button

        • @Themojorising: I didn't know about that function! and now it's passed the hour so I can't revoke it.

          Sorry mate.

  • +2

    never buying a movie-turned PC game…this looks like a cut between RAGE and FALLOUT

    • This game is actually unrelated to the movie release, it's coincidence that they are being released relatively close to one another.
      Obviously this doesn't guarantee the game is going to be amazing, but it also doesn't mean it's a blatant licence money grab.
      It's being developed by Avalanche (creators of the very fun Just Cause series) so unlikely that it'll play like either RAGE or Fallout

    • So you didn't play the Arkham series then?

      • a one-off exception, possibly THE only decent movie-turned game. Not sure how they pulled it off

        Have you played Transformers, Spider man, etc? they're a joke

  • +1

    Does anybody seriously trust Warner Brothers with pre releases after the Arkham Knight fiasco?

    • +1

      In this case I trust the developers (Avalanche, who predominantly are a PC dev) to not screw up on the quality front. I'm sure WB like most of the other big publishers will rip people off with various DLC exclusives and blatant money grabbing though

  • Why I may consider not pre-order this game:
    - Warner Bros. messing up Arkham Knight, my favourite game franchise, on PC.
    - Hasn't seen too much of it
    - Pre-ordering before reviews or even previews.

    Why I may consider pre-ordering:
    - WB pulled Arkham Knight, they learned the hard way with the Steam Refund system, I would say that would deter them (but isn't sure)
    - The Developer isn't quite a bad PC Dev (Unless WB decides to outsource it)
    - They showed what is not a movie tie in, with quite solid combat and driving.

    Those points contradict each other, of course, but that's precisely why it's such a hard choice. Especially at this price, which is over 50% off normal prices, a pretty big mark-down even for a sale, I doubt it would receive a similar price post-release any time soon. Well, that's my personal opinion, it may or may not apply to anyone reading this.

    I'm marking this as a good deal for the price, though.

  • +1

    Looks pretty, though this is not one I'd jump on pre-ordering until I see some more gameplay footage, outside of a vehicle.

  • How has OzGameShop been lately with sending out pre-orders? The last few times I pre-ordered with them, there was a delay of around a week after release before I got them.

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