Looking for Dicksmith gift card deal. Anywhere I can buy them with discount? Any other gift card works with DS? Wish card used to work I believe but not anymore.
Looking for Dicksmith gift card deal. Anywhere I can buy them with discount? Any other gift card works with DS? Wish card used to work I believe but not anymore.
Dick smith told me they no longer accept wish gift cards
Their website must be wrong, or Dick himself was just being an idiot!…he sold it ages ago
They work online still. I've used them recently on their website.
the eGift ones?
Actually, Wish physical cards work online…egift don't… @ DSE
Egift don't work online but you can exchange them for a physical one at Woolworths
You can purchase Dick Smith gift cards in-store at Woolworths with Wish eGift cards.
If you have bought wish gift cards at 5% or 7.5% off they will still work in-store, just not on-line (I believe)…