I'm planning on going to the USA for my honeymoon in April 2016. Looking at going for 3 weeks to LA, New York and possibly Las Vegas. Just missed on the the cheap flights today.
I was hoping to fly Qantas. What price should I try to hang out for on flights? There is an American expo coming up in Melbourne and my local Flight Centre is also having this in store. Am I likely to get cheap flights here?
Is it better to book through a travel agent or should I just organize it myself?
Does anyone have any suggestions on how long to spend in each city, what sites to visit, ways to do it on the cheap?
Never been overseas before, so it's a bit daunting!
Thanks for any help!
My personal opinion here, and would love other people's opinions — but I found Los Angeles to be the biggest hole this side of Canberra. Sure it was fun to bum around in for 2-3 days, but I found it far less spectacular and far less appealing than New York City for instance.
Very difficult to get around without a car, and driving in LA is an experience in itself — one that I would not force on my worst of enemies.
My advice would be to shift a couple of extra days from LA to New York. More to do and experience in my opinion.
Las Vegas is great if you want to get up to a few quirky things. See a magic show (Penn & Teller at the Rio for instance), drive a few super cars in the Red Rock Canyon (expensive as hell, but good god I recommend it), or fire a few assault rifles at one of the many gun ranges! Try your luck and see a show in one of the many casinos and just experience the hilarity that is Vegas. Once again, I wouldn't spend more than 4 days here.
New York is the holy grail of each of my USA trips. There's so much to experience — I've spent 8 days at least each time I've gone. Go see the Brooklyn Nets play, go to one of the many Broadway musicals, check out the plethora of shops and destinations on 5th Avenue, grab lunch at the Boathouse on Central Park, go up the Empire State Building (get an Online Express Pass — more expensive than General Admission, but we avoided 2.5 hours of waiting in lines in December 2014), go get breakfast at the Seinfeld "Tom's Restaurant" and just become a New York hipster for a bit and experience the craziness and uniquness of the city.
^Those are your best friends in America.
It'll depend on whether you get your domestic flights within the USA rolled into the same itinerary as your International. Which I recommend. Details below.
My recommendation is to figure out where you want to go and get a Travel Agent to book your internal flights around USA on the same itinerary as your international flights. This way you will often obtain your International Luggage allowance transferred onto your domestic flights. This is a huge plus, as domestic airlines (Delta, Virgin, AA) will often charge you additional luggage fees for each leg of your domestic travel. If you have 3 internal flights and 2 bags each — you've just saved $400 right there.
ESTA. Apply for your visa through the ESTA website. Back in 2011 for my first USA boys trip, one of my mates neglected to fill out his ESTA properly and was almost turned away at the LAX Arrivals Gate to be sent back to Australia. Thankfully he managed to call a very hung over version of me at 6am to give the appropriate details and they processed the final changes and let him into the country. Just make sure that you fill out the form on this website(esta.cbp.dhs.gov) once you have all your key travel details.