This was posted 9 years 7 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$50 off $99 on Contacts Lenses & Free Shipping @ Specsavers

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Here's a great offer I've been pushing Jack to give us again. Spend at least $99 on contacts site-wide and get a cool $50 off including free shipping anywhere in Australia. Simply apply coupon 50TA at checkout. Have a great day :)

T&Cs: $50 off your contact lenses (including free shipping) when you spend $99 or more at (online purchases only). Promotion code applies to the total order in the basket during checkout only. You must enter the promotion code 50TA for the discount to be applied. Valid for one transaction per customer. Offer expires midnight on the 29th of July 2015 (AEST). Promotion codes cannot be redeemed for cash and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion unless specified.

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closed Comments

  • 'tis a good deal, to be sure

    (sounds better said in Irish accent)

    • +1

      Should have gone to specsavers

    • +2

      Sorry to hijack


      • The should market this as… "Moist at the Movies"

        • Sorry to hijack this already hijacked post, but I ordered this lenses on Monday would I get them before Tuesday next week? I kinda need them before Tuesday…

        • +1

          "Moist at the Movies", (starring Pee Wee Herman?)

      • Says purchase in store, and has other terms per the comments such as having a consultation and buying at the same time as your prescription

        • i ordered online got my vouchers

        • @furythree: It asks what suburb you purchased in and receipt number etc. If it works I'm doing it, did you just make stuff up?

        • @furythree: I'm still wondering how you did this when you have to select the store you purchased from, for which they claim to verify

  • +1

    Waiting for laser eyes surgery discount. Prefer once- off fix rather thah long term 'patching'.

    • +1

      Laser eye surgery effectiveness only lasts 8-10 years, so that may not be a once off fix.

    • I don't know… A friend of mine has gone through laser eye surgery. She said that she could smell her eyeballs cooking. You have to be awake for the procedure because you need to move your eyes, change focus etc Not sure if I want to smell my eyeballs cooking.

  • Almost used the 20NEW $20 off code last night… then today $50 off! thanks TA and Ozbargain.

  • +1

    You da real MVP TA

  • ARSE SAVER would have been a better code.

    BTW Ta TA TB

    • Surely ArseContact

      • or JACK ARSE

    • +1

      I actually requested jackarse, but we decided best not to run with it.

  • Thanks, ordered :D

  • +1

    Just trialling contact lenses now with my optometrist, but apparently I have "slightly dry eyes". On to third brand now without much luck - lots of blinking, scratchy feeling, etc.) I'm starting to think selection is as much art as science.

    What readily-available in Australia brands/models do people generally recommend for dry eyes to trial (with my optometrist)? Thanks. I have astigmatism, so from my understanding, they must be torics.

    (Thanks also, TA)

    • +2

      I've been using Cooper Vision Biofinity monthlys for the past 7 years pretty much 6 days a week, always take them off after work. Never sleep or shower in them. No issues that I know off. I go to the Optometrist regularly as well.

      I order them once a year from, paid $111.xx for 12 months (24 lenses)

      • That sounds heaps cheap!! I use the same brand and for that cost i would only get about three months supply!! I'd this done special deal?

        • +1

          Its from the US. Probably around 120 to 130 for 24 lenses now due to currency. Use 25new promo code for 25% l. Add 20 for postage. Been using them for years

    • +2

      Optom here:

      Depends on your wearing regime of course but my go-tos for dry eyes are:

      Dailies: J&J moist for astigmatism OR ciba aqua comfort plus toric

      Fortnightly: J&J Oasys for astigmatism

      Monthly: Hydrogel lenses are usually better for dryness but not as good on the O2 transmission. Something like a Coopervision proclear toric might be worth a go.

      Make sure your optom checks the fit before you order and good luck!

    • I have the exact same problem! Argh! It's awful. I wore a dailies pair (prescribed / fitted in store @ Specsavers, so they're catered to my eye, no issues with fit etc) all evening recently and by the end of the night I was in so much discomfort that I literally wanted to pull my eyeballs out. Was on the bus home though so I couldn't simply take the lenses out immediately. Sucked so bad.

      I have to blink a lot and carry eye drops. Just feels chronically dry. I don't understand why :( nor how others manage so well with contacts. I wonder if its just me.. or does everyone go through this before getting used to contacts.

      So sad :(

  • +3

    Here's the way to get an unbeatable price on contact lenses.

    Order and pay for your lenses online at Clearly Contacts.
    Call them up and ask them to price match Quicklens.
    They refund the price difference +5%.

    My $300 bill for a year's supply of Air Optix was reduced to $180!!

    Of course you could buy directly from Quicklens but be aware their invoices will NOT BE CLAIMABLE on Australian health insurance because they're offshore. Clearly Contacts are 'local' so you can claim.

    I just did a price comparison (ignoring shipping costs for both sites), the same quantity of Air Optix Aqua from Specsavers with discount taken off would be $294 (12 boxes of 3 from Specsavers, 6 boxes of 6 from Clearly Contacts).


    PS. my only relationship with Clearly Contacts is as a customer .. :-) .. !!

    • Good tip. Thanks!

  • Thanks for the deal, but I'd like to know if a 50% off was on the horizon as the wife needs some new ones..?

    • +1

      Isn't this deal as good as 50% off?

      • this IS as good as 50% off for a $100 purchase, but the percentage benefit decreases as the price of sale increases

        • three boxes, two different prescriptions, one eye's got double the lenses than the other XD (dailies)

        • @Micoa: >one eye's got double the lenses than the other

          How come? (I'm new to contacts btw)

        • @waterlogged turnip: just cheaper to buy three boxes than to buy two boxes at $33 per box. Comes to $66 (2 boxes ) vs $49 (3 boxes) with discount code… Maybe wait for the next sale to buy the other side…

  • Damn you TightArse… I wanted the promo code to be fourarses

    • +1

      or TightGlass?
      or TightSight?

  • +1

    Has anyone had any experience in claiming back from a health fund when purchasing from specsavers?

    I was told by Bupa to obtain a item code for the purchase, but when i look at my previous invoice there is on item code, so Im confused….

    • I assume you mean "there is no item code". Specsaver would have sent you an email after you placed the other and that's where you would find the item code.

    • The code can be found at the end of item description on the tax invoice, i.e. mine was
      1 Day Acuvue Moist
      Health fund code: 851"

      And the provider number is listed under "Health Fund information" section.

      I've claimed twice for online purchases from specsavers and had no issues.

  • Bugger - I just bought some - any chance i can get a refund and re-purchase?

    • +1

      just buy more! They'll last

  • +1

    is there any way to tick over to the $100 mark when you've got $98 worth of stuff?

  • +1

    In case this is useful to anyone else, I've compiled the generic equivalent (and their water content %) of the easyvision range (Specsavers brand) for normal daily contacts. It seems the jury is still out but scouring the web there is some (non definitive) suggestion that lower water content is better for dry eyes.

    Some also claim that greater thickness (generally found in fortnightly/monthly lenses) is better for dry eyes but the below seems to refute that:

    Anyway, the list should be useful by itself for people who want to know more about the generic models:

    easyvision Vitrea - Ciba Vision Focus Dailies Aquacomfort Plus 69% Water + 31% Nelfilcon A
    easyvision Sential - Sauflon Select 1 Day - Base: 8.6; Diamater: 14.0; Water: 56%
    easyvision Umere - Sauflon Clariti 1 Day 54-56% Water, 44% Filicon II 3
    easyvision Magic - Miru Magic - Hioxifilcon A: 43% Water: 57%
    easyvision Linarial - Coopervision MyDay Daily - stenfilcon A material, 54% water
    easyvision Clarision Sphere - Biomedics 1 Day Extra 52-55% water
    easyvision Opsys - Focus Dailies All Day Comfort - 68% water
    easyvision Vitrea - Ciba Vision Focus Dailies AquaComfort Plus - 69% water
    easyvision Vusion - CooperVision Proclear 1 Day - 60% water

    Acuvue Moist - 58% water - Base curve 8.5, diameter 14.2
    Acuvue Trueye - 46% water
    Acuvue Oasys - 38% water

    The only one I can't find information on is easyvision Tearium (Visium) - made by Sauflon but not sure of the specific contact version it is a copy of.

    • Nice post, has anyone got any real world experience to agree with the "lower water content being more comfortable"?

      • +2

        "lower water content being more comfortable" doesn't apply any more. I studied optometry in the 90s and we were taught that with 90s technology, different levels of water content caused different amounts of comfort/stability/dryness/reliability.

        But this was before the new breed of silicon and silicon hydrogel lenses (monthly and daily) came into existence. Not to mention the different surface treatments on some of these lenses There is NO one size fits all, or one type fits all. I even sometimes fit a different brand or size of CL into each eye of the same person.

        But just like you might ask a tertiary educated and real world operating pharmacist about different drugs and alternatives given your individual circumstances, why not ask your similarly trained optometrist about what he/she would recommend for your particular situation?

        • disclaimer - independent self-employed optometrist typing this.
    • +1

      Hey RedSky,

      Nice list..and let me say I feel your pain, as a bad hayfever sufferer I am cursed with dry eyes yet I have found certain dailies lenses suit me more than other.

      Anyway be really careful with this as whilst there is some research which does indicate lower water content lenses increases the levels of comfort felt by those who suffer from dry eyes it is only a component of the equation. What will influence comfort are:

      1. Materials and make (e.g. silicon hydrogel)
      2. Lens type - dailies, fortnight or monthlies
      3. Lifestyle - if you're in an air con office all day this will dry out your eyes
      4. Your CL script - b/c influences comfort a lot as it determines how the lens sits on your eye and even 0.1mm of difference and you will feel it.

      End of the day CL are a medical device and they are highly subjective to your personal requirements so it might require a few trips to your local optom before you find something that works for you. Took me 3 in total after trying about 4 different kinds but it has helped me a lot with basketball.

      P.s - Specsavers does offer FREE contact lens consultations / trials if you ever need some help =)

      • Thanks. Since there are so many factors, I think I may simply try a wide range as you mentioned and stick with the one that works the best.

        • Why not ask your optometrist? He/she has probably had some experience in this field!! He/she has probably even fitted CLs in people with dry eye before.

        • +1

          I have and am currently using a model recommended by my optometrist (Acuvue Moist). Not perfect, although I guess I have no other reference point. Call it morbid curiosity if you will.

        • +1

          @RedSky: and don't forget that if you speak to 5 different optometrists you'd probably get 5 different recommendations!

          Lesson in this is that we are lucky that we do have many good options

        • @shmahoo:

          100% agreed. End of the day it comes down to your choice and what you feel comfortable with. But shmahoo is right easiest way to find this is talk to your favorite optom =)

    • Thanks, RedSky.

      I'm trialling SpecSavers lenses at the moment. Is anyone able to identify what brand they are from the image of the packaging cover? Thanks.

      They are monthlies. The packaging mentions "Somofilcon A".

      Yes, I could ask my optometrist (and I will), but I want to do some homework first so I'm prepared with good questions for my next visit, and not waste his time. As mentioned in an earlier comment, I have relatively dry eyes and I'm not having much luck with the three brands I've tried so far.

  • Tightarse you are a geniarse :)

    • Yes TA, no buts about it - generous to all of us

  • Does this end tonight or tomorrow? I'm guessing by midnight 29 July 2015 they mean tonight.

    • Expires tomorrow (Wednesday) 11:59pm.

      • Thanks!

  • Presumably 50TA coupon code stands for 50TightArse bestowed by Specsavers towards TArse for his good deed.
    Just collected 90 pair from SpecSavers shop 2 days ago for no discount whatsoever - paid all out of pocket as Bupa yearly limit has long been met. Now about to order another 90 pairs online with this code. Thanks.

  • I was trying to purchase but when do I need to enter the promo code? I was filled in all the payment details. and have the button pay securely. I didn't click on it. I worry the transaction will go through before I key in the promo code.

  • As I was about to place the order the site went under maintenance with 1 hour still to go. 2 more clicks and I would have completed my order. A bit disappointed.
    Been testing my trial lenses for last two days so that I could finalize my prescription and use this offer to place the order. Will try after sometime again. Fingers crossed.

  • Yes, very disappointed the site is down as I was about to order

  • Just FYI, the coupon code appears to still be valid. I too was stymied last night by the site maintenance. So I tried again this morning and the code worked.

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