In traffic I have been noticing more drivers lately slowly creeping forward, then stopping, then creeping forward and stopping, and then creeping forward again all while stopped at a red light! It takes them forever to come to a complete stop, or they leave a massive gap and you just know they are going to creep until the light goes green.
It's frustrating for me on a motorbike as I put the bike in neutral and take my hands off the bars if the lights are going to be red for a minute or so. I then have to put the bike back in gear and plug the gap or put up with others trying to move into the space created by the creeper in front.
I understand that people might like the feeling of 'moving forward' while stuck in traffic but it is a pointless act. All it does is:
- Reduce the space in front if you need to move because the car in front stalls or rolls back too back;
- Makes your car A/C suck up more exhaust fumes
- Increases the chance of your car overheating
- Creates an elastic band effect on traffic flow
- Increases wear on your braking system
Does this annoy anyone else? Are you a creeper and think there is a good reason for it?
EDIT: More specifically speaking of those drivers absent mindly creeping forward than the 'pre-greeners'. They are funny though when they guess the change of light wrong at an intersection with a red light camera.
This annoys the crap outa me too. Especially when they break quite heavily early on, kind of asking to be rear ended and/or cut off later on in traffic. As for people who leave 2-3 car space gaps at the red lights, if Im heading the same direction and the lane is faster (Eg no trucks) then I cut in front, I assume they were being kind, leaving a space for me.