• expired

Espressotoria Caffe Aurora Italian Capsule 12pk $2.79 @ Woolworths

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Not sure if anyone has posted this, but I saw this from a comment in one of the forums, I can't seem to find it now. If you are that person and happen to see this, I am happy to give you credit. After I saw the comment, I went out and bought a pack, tried it this morning and I found the coffee decent. I was skeptical because it works out to be about $0.23 per capsule.

I am running out of capsules after I bought 2 of $40 Espressotoria coffee machines from one of the deals here previously, so this is quite timely for me.

You can probably stack them with Woolworths Online coupon codes, and 5% e-giftcards, new user cashback, etc. So for me, it's 36 x $2.79 = 100.44 - 10% coupon code(for me, it is SHAREQLD) - 5% Woolworths e-gift card = $85.88, which works out to be $0.20 per capsule or about $24/kg. Cheaper than the ground coffee I normally drink too!

Credit to @piggyfund. :)

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closed Comments

  • Hiya, think I mentioned it in another post - have been hoarding them, excellent value and tastes great. Think it expires 27/7 so hurry!

    • +1

      I ordered mine online. Mine expires 11 Feb 2016. Only half arrived, the rest is out of stock, got credited for the full cost of the out of stock capsules. Ordered again using the credit and applied another $10 off coupon. Score!

      • Just went to Woolies and stocked up on more, good to know online it's a longer expiration date.

        • Lol. Looks like you and I are the only ones excited about this deal.

        • @geek001: LOL. more for us! theres a few votes so some silent coffee drinkers.

        • @geek001: all gone now - even online boo hoo :(

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