i'm currently thinking about purchasing a wide angle lens for a sony a7 but don't want to spend a lot (over 1,000 ideally)
any suggestions on what i could go for?
Wide Angle Lens for Sony A7

That is for a APS-c sensor.
The 16-28mm is for a non crop sensor.
I recommend a Sigma 12-24mm. Or the Tokina 16-28mm
Look at things on gumtree second hand.Note 1:
You will need to use an adaptor.
Either sony A to E
or EOS to ENote 2:
The tokina is not available in Sony A mountwhat adapter would you recommend?
How long is a piece of string?
Different people, difference preference.
When digidirect were selling the A7 (with free adaptor via redemption) discounted, I was going to buy one and get the sony A to E by redepmtion, then buy the metabone Nikon f to sony E.
The sony A to E adaptor allows for A mount lenses to AF and I have Nikon F lenses old and new.But I realise that while the A7 is a small fx camera. lenses are still not small or no so small once adaptors are used. So I use the money to buy 2 Fuji XF lenses instead.
The Sony Zeiss 16-35mm f/4 is the standard wide angle lens. over $1k though
I'll go with this if the OP will plan on sticking / building a system with Sony. A second hand will be $1k.
You can get the Voigtlander 15mm for just under $1,000, but need an M-mount adapter, and be OK with manual focus.
Otherwise, can probably get the Sony Zeiss 16-35mm for about a 1,000 second hand.
I'm actually thinking to sell mine, as think I'd get more use out of the lighter and smaller Voigtlander.
how much are you selling for?
PM'ed you.
Popular opinion seems to point to the Tokina AT-X Pro 11-16mm f2.8 would be the best of the bunch