This was posted 15 years 2 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare + COD: World at War and more(Xbox 360, PS3, PC)$29 Each at JB Hi-Fi


Thanks for the info guys:
Confirmed at multiple jb hifi's

Quantum of Solace
COD: World At War
COD: Modern Warfare

$29 each on PS3, Xbox 360, PC
Great deal!

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • new or 2nd hand?

  • new

  • woah, dang, ill have to check it out tmr, hopefully WA has it for the same price!

  • Top prices for great games. Pity I've spent hundreds already this year on cheap games!! Must've picked up 8 at least. Haven't even opened the delivery box on 2 of them! Still very tempted though.

  • +2

    Yes I can confirm this. Saw the same prices last night at the Galleries JB in the Sydney CBD.

    The games I saw at $29 were Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, Call of Duty World at War, Prototype and 007 Quantum of Solace. The prices applied to 360, PS3 and PC versions

    • I have modern warfare already, is world at war any good?

  • Prototype is a great game. Got it on the day of release and anyone who likes ultimate power and an open world to use it in should pick it up, especially at that price

    I'm not affiliated with the game at all, but since it isn't as popular as the others I thought I'd mention that it's worth a look as well

  • Confirm for Melbourne. Getting Prototype and Call of Duty.

  • Just got Prototype. Bourke Street JBHIFI melbourne. Other games are as described above. Cod MW and Cod WAW. And Quantum of Solace. All 29. Prototype Had a lot of PS3 copies but few Xbox 360 copies left. Thats in Bourke Street.

  • How much are these games normally? Is it a significant saving?

  • Yes. Preowned Prototype is selling for 69 at JBHIFI and ebgames. Original goes up to 80+. You can get prototype from ebay preowned for about 35 including delivery. So 29 for brand new prototype is a really good price.

  • Saw it today but I already have COD4 on PC and COD WOW on 360.

    Prototype not very interest to get it and No way 007.

  • any1 try this at chadstone jb ?
    i went to jb hifi at dfo essendon, but it's not $29 each.

    going to chadstone this evening :)

    • +1

      Prices can scan differently to the label.. always ask for a scan..

      • +1 always ask

      • ic. thx! didn't know that :)

  • Has anyone tried this in Melbourne? cause there is no metion of the COD 4 price on the net and I dont want to use my lunch break and then be diappointed :(

    • see reply from ragflan above :)

      • ok thanks must have missed it the first time, i'll try my luck at the lonsdale store :)

        Edit: Went to Bourke St store and couldn't find any COD 4 PS3 games and the checkout line was huge. Went to the Lonsale st store and the games are sitting there as you walk in the front door, (2 more copies for PS3 that I saw) and check out line was short. :)

  • +1

    i just bought both call of duty games for xbox from jb eastland, melbourne. plenty available, both $29 each.

    • Sweet. I'll head down there now. Thanks.

  • Nice, got mine from Northland (VIC) about halfa ago. Still plenty of copies.

  • helo guyss, confirmed at WA carousel jb-hifi, thanks for the heads up :D , in addition, i saw quantum of solace and prototype ps3 for $29 as well!

  • Is this like a very old game? How much is the PC version usually cost?

  • went to JB in Midland, bought COD, COD:WaR and Prototype for $29. heaps of stock left.

    They still had all of the games i mentioned for sale for $60-79 in the xbox and ps3 isles respectively.

    JB always has problems with sticker prices.

    sometimes when i see more of one DVD/CD etc, i look through all of them to see how much they are.

    I bought Fallout 3 for $80 when it was $110 for the first few copies at the front.

    it wasn't just at this particular JB either, it's happened to me at every single one i've been to (in Perth)

    Thanks to the OP for the heads up, i've been wanting these games for a while but couldn't afford them when they first came out :)

  • Confirmed for Marion JB HiFi..

  • ah CRAP. I just bought COD: World at War at EB Games a couple of days ago on sale for $44. LOL where were you a couple of days ago anjizzle? ;)

    AND it doesn't work properly (Google World at War slow and see for yourself).

    • *for PC.

      • Curious to know why you would be negging some great comments, including mine without a valid reason. Pretty stupid if you ask me, probably says a lot about the user/member.

  • While everyone is currently playing Modern Warfare 2, these games are still very popular and a lot of fun if you're into these games. Heads up, they are a great stocking stuffer especially at this price.

  • Got Prototype for PS3 in Pac Fair, $29, thanks for the heads up and there were loads of all games in there.

  • Confirming these prices for JB Hifi Hobart. Picked up both CODs for $29 and saw 007 and Prototype allfor $29. BARGAIN!!!!!

  • Can anyone confirm for a Sydney store? $29 for Proto is a steal.

    • i bought it at chatswood

    • Bought at city (Galleries) for $29

  • bought World at war + prototype for 29 each at Adelaide city JB High fi

    sadly Quant of sol was still 40 bucks. limited supply of prototype left @ city store

    • +1

      did you scan it. chance's are they didn't change the sticker price

  • Canberra centre have only 007 and World at War for Ps3

  • Rockingham City (WA) had plenty of:
    Quantum of Solace
    COD: World At War
    COD: Modern Warfare

    I grabbed the two COD's for my partner so I hope he likes them.

    • +1

      COD:Modern Warfare is great, very atmospheric. If he likes first person shooters, he'll love it. Especially the mission in Pripyat: that one's worth just walking through without actually shooting anything.

      • Thanks. Yes he likes the shooting games. I don't know much about games, so thanks. :)

  • Will this still be available tomorrow. When does it end?

  • went to livo store and had heaps of these 20+ baught two and the guy did them for $22 each lol

    • Wow really? How'd you manage that?

      • just walk up to the sales guy and say whats the best you can do?

        • Sorry to sound cynical, but I bet not. Receipt pix or it didn't happen. They don't have that kind of margin on games.

  • Picked up (for PS3) COD WAW and Quantum of Solace from JB at Westfield Plenty Valley.
    A fair few 007s left but only a couple of COD WAW's.
    I was looking in EB Games which is at the same Westfield and saw Prototype and COD MW, and thought, 'what the heck, may as well ask if they'll price match'.
    After a few gasps at the price from staff, they rang JB to confirm and gave them to me for $29!

  • BANZAI!!!!

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