Macca's Happy Meal - For Kids Only?

Was at Macca's to try their "kiosk" ordering system. Ordered a "happy meal" just for fun - Cheesburger + fries + coke + toy = $4.95. A small cheeseburger meal is $5.30, which is exactly the same except for the toy! It's not rocket science is it? Macca's Happy Meal is good value!

Instead of a cheeseburger, you can opt for a grilled (or crispy) chicken wrap (or nuggets); instead of fries, you can opt for a fruit snack or a side salad; instead of soda, you can opt for a milk shake (banana, choco, strawberry) or apple juice or water. In the end, I had a grilled chicken wrap, side salad and choco milkshake, all for $4.95, and I get a toy to boot - a miniature skateboard thingy.

With the kiosk, you place your Happy Meal order without feeling ashamed that there's no kid with you. Which begs the question, is it OK for an adult to order a Happy Meal, and eat in-store? You can donate the toy to one of those Donation bins if you feel guilty, but at least you save 35c ordering a Happy Meal instead of a small cheeseburger meal - and you can mix and match what you drink or eat for a side.

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  • 3
    Shame on you! Happy meals are for kids
  • 99
    Nah, that's OK. This is a free country

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  • +14

    You must be popular at dinner parties

    • +1


    • +3

      Only if there's a kids table :P

  • +1

    just go to the counter and order. lots of adults order happy meals.
    and give the toy to a kid in the store (or their parents).

    • +8

      give the toy to a kid

      Nah, them toyz is mine.

      • +8

        I like to save time by driving past a local school and offering toys to kids through my car window

        • +5

          Done correctly, you can get free board and lodging for ages, plus a small allowance too.

  • unless they give you odd looks I see no problem with this.
    a 35 cent saving is nothing to feel guilty about.

  • In Japan, they don't have small cheeseburger meals on the menu (unless you use a coupon) so the only way to get it is through the Happy Meal. If you visit the country you'll see lots of various adults business men/old ladies etc ordering it.

  • +6

    Its a happy meal not a kids meal.

    Ideal for happy people or sad people that want to be happy.

    • -6

      Another word for happy is gay…just FYI! :)

      • +1

        Yes it is, already knew that but thanks.

        • No worries, I'm always happy to share the milk of human kindness! ;)

        • +1

          @StewBalls: Is there a selection button for butter on the buns in the cheeseburger on the happy meal? Or they already have.

        • +1

          @eatwell365: Yeah, it's way too hard to cram the meat in there if the buns aren't buttered well! ;)

      • An unfortunate reality of what gay means today…

  • +1

    collect the whole set and sell on ebay

  • +3

    I dont think the 15 year old behind the counter actually cares.

  • -5

    My god, you have too much time on your hands. You really need to start mixing with people…..and talking to people at checkouts does not constitute 'mixing'.

  • +2

    I get happy meals all the time. Nobody blinks an eye. Do it.

  • Not specifically related but went to Maccas last week and asked for a few junior burgers - kid behind asks what the hell is that? - you mean hamburgers?… ummm yeah that's right.. got 3 cheeseburgers…. although bonus cheese is great except for the fact I am lactose intolerant. When did "junior" burgers become the hamburger?

    • They changed the name few years ago. But i hear people calling them junior burgers sometimes. What's more surprising is people trying to order items that was discontinued like 3, 4 years ago. I mean good on them for not visting macass for 3 years :)

    • Since always?

      When have they ever been called junior burgers? Is it like an Australian thing?

  • +1

    Even adults need a happy meal or two (at once?) from time to time…


    • +1


      • Yup, who needs fame, wealth or powere when you have that =)

  • I keep the toys. Some of them are worth a bit down the track.

  • I keep the toy but throw the meal………………………………………………………………………oh well in my hungry tummy.:)

  • +2

    why is this even a question?

  • -2


    • +2

      Complain to the store, your council and McDonalds corporate.

      No one at McDonalds read this, so yeah don't waste your breath.

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