Corporate work in the country

Silly question but sick of the hustle and bustle of Sydney already. After more than 15 years l would rather be earning my money in the country… Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga spring to mind… but with a background in call centres, administration, customer service, technical support and insurance I'm wondering if there really is any opportunities for work in the country… a Seek websearch reveals nothing useful in terms of any corporate finance/admin/office based roles…. maybe I'm simply dreaming of the ideal job which is probably just non existent….


  • +2

    NSW gov runs a number of agencies decentralised.
    Orange has OEH I think, Lithgow has infringement processing. Triple 0 has call centres in several locations.
    My friend moved to Orange a couple of years ago and works in the office of a logistics firm and her husband does IT for a mine.
    Corporate jobs aren't as common as in the city, but they do exist.

  • +1

    How about Hobart? Theres call centres here and its not too big

    • Given OP has listed he lives in Sydney and is eyeing off NSW locations, he probably doesn't want to relocate out of state.

  • Sunshine Coast is home to heaps of call centres and corporate-like jobs. Not really "in the country" though. It's closer to Brisbane than Newcastle is to Sydney.

  • Thought about Melbourne?
    A much more relaxed lifestyle than Sydney is, without having to live in the sticks.

  • +2

    I moved from the North Shore to the Midnorthcoast ,looking at the unemployment rates I should of done my homework before I said yes to my wife (…) .

    After two years I regret leaving Sydney and not having a half decent job (or any job). They canned the NBN where I live so communications suck, petrol is expensive and its hard to get decent veggies . Lots of nice beaches, but there is only so many hours you can spend on the beach or in the water each day.

    Lots of work building roads if you can drive a digger!! The Libs have stopped funding to alot of community programs which adds to the fun and prospects in regional Oz.

    I am originally from the UK, and now I appreciate why young people leave regional Australia (and work in London), if they don't "it's an ice addiction waiting to happen "

    Anyway, why don't you just take a long holiday and re-evaluate?

  • Hi mate. I've been working in finance for five years in Sydney and also been scoping out Port Macquarie as my girlfriend's family is located there and she is keen to return at some stage (thinking 5-10 years time but doesn't hurt to get an idea of what's out there).

    I have a seek jobmail running and I just save the interesting ones as PDF. Here are some jobs I've found going in the past twelve months on the midnorth coast:
    -Business Banking Manager, NAB Port Macquarie
    -Senior Decision Support Analyst, Essential Energy Port Macquarie
    -Analyst, Regional and Agribusiness Banking, CBA Port Macquarie
    -Business Systems Analyst, MidCoast Water Taree
    -Business Improvement Officer, MidCoast Water Taree
    -Manager Risk, Quality and Compliance, North Coast TAFE
    -Business Analyst, Port Macquarie Hastings Council

    If you're open to it, I'd also highly recommend Newcastle. I grew up there myself and it's way bigger than Port but way smaller than Sydney. About twice as many relevant jobs going as well - it helps that both Newcastle Permanent and Greater Building Society have head office in Newy.

    Let me know if you need any more info!

  • Thanks for the assistance guys. It's just an idea at the moment… unfortunately for me or fortunately depending on which way you put it I just finished a round of interviews with the likes of Westpac, Aussie home loans etc etc so might end up staying in Sydney after all… now l wish that i had have taken up a trade so as to avoid this scenario…but ill see how I go

  • +1

    If you can work at home a day or two a week consider the mountains or southern highlands and commuting.

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