Just curious what the best quality and value for money is for robot vacuums?
Wanting a quiet one that has good suck quality
Robot vacuums
I got a Roomba 780 for more than 3 years, I am happy with it. But it is not really quiet.
Sorry typo! Corrected.
Not just you :)
I had the same criteria but it wasn't for a vacuum
lol glad I wasn't the only one amused by "Wanting a quiet one that has good suck quality"
(I'll grow up one day..)
I have the Neato XV21 for $300 delivered and I don't mind the noise. I do schedule it to do its thing when I'm not home though. Absolutely love the thing almost 2 years on.
Amazon from the USA.
Another vote for the Roomba 630. Just put it on when you are leaving the house.
I have one from Aldi, its not quiet in any way but its programmed to run when I'm not home. Love it to bits
Thanks guys! I've decided to go with the Rooma 630. Now to find a decent price…
Dyson are bringing out/have released a robot vac which seem quite promising
None of them are really quite. I've got roomba 630 and very happy with it's performance.