I have just ported to Optus Pre-paid. What are the best ways to get discounted / cheap Optus topup vouchers?
Optus - Cheap Topup Vouchers - Where to Buy?
GaelicAU on 21/07/2015 - 11:20
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In between supermarket promos, different (cheaper than the recharge amount) vouchers and sim kits with recharge attached are always on ebay. All the telcos and reseller stuff seems to turn up there.
When those $30 for $15 starter Sim kits come up, can they be used on a pre-exisiting account / number rather than 'starting' are new service?
I'm not sure, but I reckon that you could swing that over the phone. You could ring and ask beforehand. I also be interested to know. Update the thread if you find out!
Hmm. I'd rather not have to go through the whole phone shenanigan every month.
I haven't bought a kit with recharge attached. Maybe there's a voucher code printed somewhere?
not sure if it applies to all customers but i'm on an old plan and when I use the Optus app, I get a discount. I pay $26 instead of $30 each time