Looking to buy some ex officio underwear. Preferably a pair of the normal give-n-go as well as a pair of the sports version.
Any links to reputable websites would be appreciated :)
Looking to buy some ex officio underwear. Preferably a pair of the normal give-n-go as well as a pair of the sports version.
Any links to reputable websites would be appreciated :)
Pretty expensive
compared to what Aust stores?
(pair I saw are just a little cheaper than ebay)
I've previously bought them through Amazon. Dollar was a bit better then though (last year).
They're currently at USD $22.98 for plain black. I got them for USD $16.81 last June.
[Edit - Ha! Possibly too much info, but I've got them on now.. Quite comfortable though.]
Haha thanks! I thought amazon doesn't post to Australia?
Just checked a few of them and the ones I checked still appear to ship to Aus.
Price obviously also depends on the style. The style I was talking about in previous post was the give and go boxer brief.
Read up about the fit too, unless you've purchased before.
Exofficio is underwear nirvana for me, and I converted my wife too. I've got 4 pairs all from Amazon but recently I saw them at Paddy Pallin.
wild earth is a good Aussie company, here on the gold coast. We got a few things from them recently.
you get another 10% off if you did the kokoda challenge (may be too late for that now the race is over) or sign to their list and they will email a code.