Neighbour from Hell Strikes Again!

Hi fellows Ozbargainers,

My neighbour from hell strikes again! This time not throwing cigg butts but blasting the music till the wee hours of the morning.

He has a veranda at the back of his house and loves hosting parties there. I don't like being a party-pooper but he's blasting music until about 2am in the morning.
I moved in last November, he's done this a few of times around the festive season and summer months and I let it go thinking it was party season - we all deserve a bit of fun and it'll stop once the weather gets colder. Not to mention I'm not on talking terms with them since our fence dispute previously and didn't want to strain our relationship any thinner.

But last night there they go again (FFS it was like 2 degrees outside) - loud music, loud chatting with intermittent slamming of doors/the fence till about 2am.

I made a recording with my phone just outside my window, thinking of keeping a log.

What are my options guys?

Thanks guys for the opinions.
Unfortunately I'm the home owner so moving out anytime soon isn't really an option.
I do understand people need to have fun and I try to let it go if it only happens once in a while and I try to sleep with my ear plugs. But if this happens too often I'll call the cops, hopefully they'd care.

Poll Options

  • 75
    Call the police
  • 2
    Keep a log and bring him to court
  • 7
    Install a loud speaker facing them and blast Justin Bieber music whenever they do this again


  • +4

    Even though you aren't on talking terms, don't you have to at least ask him first to keep the volume down? If no one complains, he may think the music isn't that loud and isn't annoying anyone.

  • +1

    Call the cops, and ask them not to tell the dude it was you who complained (because he's been known to retaliate in juvenile ways, such as lobbing ciggy butts into your yard). That way he won't even know who complained.

    • +10

      Also wear Guy Fawkes mask to be really anonymous.
      That way he really won't know who complained.

    • +3

      Yeah, "Roxanne" and "Message in a Bottle" were great, but really, most of Synchronicity was quite pretentious.

      • "… most of Synchronicity was quite pretentious."

        Surely you jest hombre. I mean, I know you do, but just in case your jest is rooted in a genuine opinion, I feel compelled to refute it. "Every Breath You Take" has been covered squillions of times for the simple reason that it's totally awesome, "Close to Me" is brilliant, "Every Little Thing" was not as 'deep' as some of the tracks on the album (lyrically or musically) but it was still a catchy track… and I could go on. In the history of the universe, there's actually only been a handful of albums made that I can genuinely say I like almost all the songs thereon. Synchronicity is one of them.

        • It was a jest. I originally was going to write something like "they became quite pretentious after Synchronicity", then couldn't think of an album after Synchronicity, then checked their discography, and realised that was pretty much their last album.

          Synchronicity was an excellent album, and came out during a (what, in hindsight, I now know was a) good time in my life, in the halcyon days of 80s music videos!

  • +4

    If renting then start looking for somewhere else to live.
    You never change people like this so for peace of mind move on.

  • +3

    One word. Bikies.

  • +1

    One word. Fire.

  • +14

    Start the mower early the next morning and let it run close to the fence.

  • +5

    Just call the police I mean in my opinion music till 2am is kinda fair play on Friday/Saturday but it is reasonable to keep the noise down after midnight.

    Explain you've had issues with them but they'll probably be able to work it out that it was you.

    If I were you I'd get the f—- out of the neighbourhood now.

    You also could set up a few security cameras around your house

    • +1

      get the f—- out of the neighbourhood


    • get the f—- out of the neighbourhood now.

      Oh please, you get this in every neighbourhood.

  • Out of curiousity, do most rental agreements allow you to opt out of your contract if you have a really bad neighbour? Assuming you have all the evidence (police reports, video recordings etc). Or is it just something you've got to suck it up and deal with it for the length of your contract?

  • Im guessing they like rock and metal music right ? Start loud classical or dance/electronica at about 7am, just when they are hungover and wanting a nice sunday sleep in.

    You have won the battle.

    You are welcome.

  • +2

    Well, are you a renter or a owner occupier?

    If you are a renter yeah by all mean fight back. Call the Police every time this happens. I think loud music stops at 10pm weekdays and midnight on weekends. You can check that with your local Police. When things go really bad you can GTFO!

    If you are a owner occupier you need to play nice. You might win the fight but you won't be winning any wars. Unless you are ok with selling your property.

  • +8

    Pull one of these

    ps. I hate posting this kind of shit, but I feel like you dragged it out of me

    • +1

      Hahaha! Nice one, never seen this clip before :)

    • Catchy!

  • Get some of these ( great T shirts btw) and start wearing them around let them know you are IDF…
    Worked for us our neighbours from hell went real quiet and moved at the end of lease when they thought that I could break every bone in their body with just a stare lol…

  • +1

    if you call the cops they will come do a drive by and see if it is indeed loud, if it is they will knock on their door and tell them to turn it off..

    personal experience with teenages living in my street

    • +6

      I don't blame the teenagers calling the cops on you when they are studying hard for their exams…

  • Neighbourhood disputes of this nature can quickly morph & then descend into internecine warfare.

    You will have a bit of cleaning-up in your yard to do, but I suggest a targeted drone strike.

    Alternatively … maybe you could have a bargain kettlebell duel to the death

    NB. May work best if you're the only one who has a kettlebell.

  • +1

    You are destined to appear on A Current Affair- my sympathies. Makes me appreciate my lovely, quiet neighbours but all that could change with one house sale.

  • +2

    For NSW
    Noise Source: Musical instruments and electrically amplified sound equipment (e.g. radios, TVs, tape recorders, CD and DVD players, and home theatre systems)
    Time Restrictions: Before 8 am and after midnight on any Friday, Saturday or the day immediately before a public holiday. Before 8 am and after 10 pm on any other day
    Where to report: Local council or police

    Google EPA if you are in another state.

    You can also find out when you can start up those hammer drills and chainsaws - 7am in most cases :)

    • No

  • Which state are you in? We had nightmare neighbours who were playing loud music all night, we're in WA and the police didn't care. Our local council sent the security service around but the neighbours just ignored them. Their landlord didn't care, so we ended up pursuing them through the body corporate/strata who made the landlord's life annoying. Eventually the tenants got threatened with being kicked out and improved after that.

  • -6

    MOVE - but prior to that - give them back everything they have made you suffer through.
    We had a situation in our street where the people who had purchased the property did not fit in with the rest of us. Their fat, horrible kids were a nuisance to us all. Eventually they realised they should be in a lower class area & moved - Hallelujah . The parents were fat & awful as well.

    • +2

      I'm fat…. I must be a awful person….

    • +4

      I would think that your neighbours moved to get away from the elitist douche bag that was living in the street.

    • +1

      Your post sounds like it was written by a cliquey high schooler.

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