hi all looking for device like fm transmitter because bought car it has audio cd player is so boring and only has max 14 songs so went to convert it to mp3 or usb or bluetooth cd - dvd player but cost was so high .asked at super cheap decided to buy fm transmitter from ebay as its cheap and convenient with usb attach anyone is using what is the best and affordable option compared to fm transmitter device thanks. hv gd day.
Recommendetion for Any Good Fm Transmitter or Any Good Device Similar to That

Just replace it with a single-din stereo with USB and bluetooth. The $100ish investment today is worth it in the long run.
$119.20went with them they said they need to replace whole front bracket to fix new one and original mitsubhishi lancer panel cost more then cd or dvd player plus fixing labour all around $ 350 i think its too costly thts why i thought about other options .thank you
What model Lancer? Care to put up a picture of your stereo now?
Well a stereo install through them would add another $150 or so, but it really doesn't take long and is something handy to know once you learn
mitsubhishi lancer 2006 i do not know how to put up pic..here bt thts stereo is cheap bt thy r telling tht whole thing needs to replaced and has to order as well .approx cost they said $350 stereo 75 bracket 150 and to fit it all labour is 100. approx.i dnt mind spending 150 max fr all bt 350 is too much even more costly if u have honda accord freind was with me his car cost of fitting same stereo with panel and labour was 450$ ..
thts only reason i thought of buying fm tranamitter from ebay.
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We won't even start on capital letters or apostrophes.
My head hurts reading that.
RIP punctuation…