Australian Radio Advertisement from The Early 1990s about Families Not Talking to Each Other

Does anyone remember a radio commercial in the early 90s about families that spend very little time talking to each other? It was a bit of a community service announcement and the ad basically documented an average day of a family: kids getting eating breakfast before school, then family dinner time
The end line was something about how family members spent less than X number of minutes actually talking to each other.
This was all before mobile phones and Internet of course, but it did highlight the family eating and watching TV.

Doing a marketing assignment at the moment and this radio ad came to mind. So I've been basically watching old tv commercials from the 80s/90s, which is very nostalgic, but can't seem to find this particular radio ad anywhere.

Please let me know if you have a link to it!



  • Sounds familiar, something along the lines of 'the average Australian spends XX minutes stuck in traffic, xx at work , xx with family, xx watching TV'? Trying to remember what they were selling.

    • Hmmm not sure if that's the one, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't selling anything. More like a 'Life. Be in It' type message.

  • +2

    On TV there used to be Mormon adverts with the tagline "Family, isn't it about… Time?". Maybe they did radio version too?

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