To PS4 Owners: What Game Are You Currently Playing Now?

hey fellow PS4 gamers

I recently bought ESO and been playing that (with friends), and Witcher 3 when I have time in between.

Was just curious, what other game(s) people were playing atm?


      • Yeah, I've come this far… The raid sounds epic. But the nerfs are a little questionable.

      • yes, absolutely, just around the corner now.

  • lot of ppl seem to be playing batman!

  • CounterSpy. As soon as I get that last achievement I am done

  • +1

    I only found one game worth playing, Helldivers.

    • +1

      i regret buying that

  • +2

    Playing Dark Souls 2 after finishing Bloodborne. I love the Souls games!

    • i regret buying both, terrible graphics on ps4

      • I agree with you regarding the graphic especially for DS2, however the gameplay is so wonderful that I don't pay too much attention to the graphic.

        • -1

          Dark Souls 2 is pretty disappointing, luckily, Bloodborne is much better….. Of course, despite having a rather disappointing reaction to most hardcore DS1 fans, they still went and remade the second one, and not the first, on the PS4 and XBone. Because next gen!

          Unfortunately, with the accouncement of Dark Souls 3 at E3 this year, it means that Bloodborne/Dark Souls are likely to be yearly iterations. Some people will think that's a good thing, but a yearly iteration quickly tires a game's concept. And everything else.

          Calling it now; Bloodborne 2 in 2017.

        • @FrankMcFuzz: I must admit I was glad they remade the second one as I didn't get a chance to play it on PS3. I haven't finished it yet but it is, as you said, not as good as the first one.

          As for Bloodborne, I think they had enough changes to make it look better than DS2. The best thing about it I think was the significant improvement and variety of the Boss fights and the more offensive approach by using dodging rather than a shield.

        • -1

          @MJ101: Much with most beloved franchises changing their main priority to money, they opted to make DS2 more 'streamlined' to appeal to a wider audience, as opposed to being a fantastic niche game. The lead dev on BB (creator of DS1) said he wanted to mix up the combat with a new franchise. Hopefully, even if they do opt for the lazy-ass approach of doing a yearly iteration, they come up with a third formula, to both give each game a 3 year development window AS WELL as giving us a bit more variety.

          Maybe even an Xbone exclusive.

  • +1

    Rocket League, just an unexpected gem of a game. Tops fun.

    • +1

      will give it a go…as it's currently free to download this month for ps plus

      • +1

        Yeah definitely. Try Styx too since it's "free" too, not a bad little stealth game either. Enjoy.

  • I guess I'm the only one but I mostly use it to play with my boyfriend in the US, we're long distance. Yeah. I'm one of those. So my games are all co-op multi play stuff. Mostly Diablo III and the Borderlands Collection.

    I only got a PS4 recently and I am kinda poor, so I don't have many games yet. Everything I have was thanks to OZB postings, like I got Second Son cheap, and First Light. I got Soccer for like $12 and MotoGP for my older brother who now plays them all the time.

    I might get Bloodborne when it drops a bit. I am looking forward to playing Battleborn with my boyfriend when it comes out.

  • +2

    I was playing DA:I and it was really good, haven't finished yet but just felt like a change so I got back in to my old timesink Final Fantasy XIV. Now that the exp Heavensward has come out I'm playing heaps of that. Great MMORPG if you're in to the likes of WoW etc, and the game is HUGE

    • +2

      you should try heavensward, the story is epic.

      • tried the demo, didn't like the controlling and mapping system. if it were more like ESO i would definitely go for it

  • +3

    I'm maybe 120+ hours into Witcher 3. Between that and Rocket League…

    Never even booted up Arkham Knight. Bloodborne I've barely touched. Destiny was a fun 6 months or so but I got tired and didn't bother with the second expansion. I still need to go back and finish Wolfenstein. And Far Cry 3. And replay GTA5 & TLOU.

  • +1

    Can't stop playing Rocket League! I've put about 20 hours in this week.

    I've been thinking about playing Watch Dogs as I only played it for about 2 hours after buying it last year

    • Me too - it's awesome and free with PS+.

  • Is anyone else waiting for Rugby League Live 3?

  • +1

    Final Fantasy 14, been playing this game for almost 2 years, and on PS4 since they released the PS4 version (April last year).

    Have plenty of other PS4 games, but usually only played them for 1-2 hours :D

  • +1

    Currently, still haven't finished Witcher 3, still playing the odd game of Destiny and GTA V

  • Battlefield 4 and Witcher 3.

  • Trying to play Final Fantasy Type-0

    • i'm waiting for FFXV

      • Me too… But it's not coming out anytime soon D:

  • I know it isn't a new game or anything but finished inFAMOUS First Light in 2 sittings. Was good fun. Hasn't really played the others on PS3 but found main character in first light to be a bit more likeable. Buttery smooth framerate and its just fun running around town using shooting stuff up.

    Final battle in Seattle is trippy.

  • +2

    Mine's a dust collector.

    • I play Update Simulator 2015.

  • 97% completed batman + DLC, trying to get 100%
    One piece 3
    waiting for nba 2k16 & Naruto

    • one piece is out?? O.o

  • +1

    Got Everyone's gone to the rapture. Just purchased it two days ago. Played five minutes thus far and haven't had a clue what the plot is. It looks amazing tho. I try not to watch youtube review and waiting for the weekend to play it through.

    I've a list to play for this year:
    1. Uncharted collections;
    2. Beyond: 2 souls;
    3. Heave rain;
    4. Star Wars Battlefront 3

    I look forward to playing two games particularly: Tom Clancy: Division & Uncharted 4.

    I was really into MGS 2, but not the incoming MGS. No sure why. May be too disappointed with MGS 4? (MY OPINION ONLY; I respect your opinion if you love it)

    The best game I purchased is Battlefield 4 with Premium. Bloodborn comes to the 2nd.

    • uncharted 4 is definitely on my list, they say it's gonna be the best looking PS$ game yet

      ppl seem to be excited about star wars although not too sure what kind of game it is to be honest

      • The fact that you called it the PS$ made me giggle from how appropriate that is.

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