Long time lurker. First time poster.
Cheapest I can find for a decent soundbar.
Review; https://www.avforums.com/review/samsung-hw-h750-h751-soundba…
Long time lurker. First time poster.
Cheapest I can find for a decent soundbar.
Review; https://www.avforums.com/review/samsung-hw-h750-h751-soundba…
I've got one of these - it's a beautiful unit.
You'll find lots of 4+ star reviews - definitely recommended.
I have one in a loungeroom + kitchen setup. Over soundshare (direct wireless) it struggles with 5.1 content. Center channel is washed out making vocals horrible. You'll be forever turning up to 40 for voices, then the action starts and you quickly slam it back down to 25. Sometimes loses Soundshare Connection and needs to be turned off at the wall.
FTA TV is good though. Sub is great even on low. Small room only imo. Better sound quality standing up than flat, although it has rounded edges so falls over at the slightest bump.
Good price, paid $600 in March @ JB
Thanks! Purchased!
very good price! been eyeing this model for some time thanks!
Been looking at these for a while, but wasn't 100% sure I needed something around this $$ range… The more I read today though, the more compelling the price became. Pulled the trigger. Thanks OP
I have one of these units which I purchased with a selected TV and received $400.00 cash back and paid $519 before cash back and got to say that I am very pleased with the unit, do not regret the purchase.
I was selling these brand new when they first came out for $900, These are wifi which are compatible with Samsung Wam Speakers !!!
Are u sure these are Wi-Fi enabled. Does not say anywhere on Samsung website of JB Hi-Fi
These are definitely WiFi enabled. They have support for multiroom via Samsung's hub, and are Spotify Connect enabled.
Sorry. . I meant "on Samsung website or JB"…
Got it down to $350 @ JB Hifi Melton.
Thanks OP.
Receipt for the rest of us?
Cheers. I'll try my luck tomorrow!
Ha, 'Valve Amplifier' ;) I'm not knocking it and I'm sure it adds that something 'extra' to the sound via computer analysis but this should really be advertised as a Hybrid setup ie. Valve Pre-Amplifier but with a Solid State Power Amplifier stage. Not sure why they decided to go with valves in this calibre of gear though, all bit 'wanky' to me and I'm pretty sure not many of us could hear the difference anyway… and this is coming from a Samsung fan too! I wonder if potential buyers of these know that valve performance deteriorates over time? Oh that's right, it's unlikely these will still be in use in 3-5+ years ;)