Is There a Cup Standard for Juice Stores ?

Recently I had to pay for 7 big size cups of juice/milkshake from a Boost stall in a mall here.

The lady pouring the juice, never filled the cups. When I asked her why she did that, she said boost will always leave 1 centimeter from the top and never fill the cups to the brim. I wonder why not ? I paid for $60 bucks worth of juice and I got $55 bucks worth only !

I was never bothered with this before. But I wanted to ask what other ozb's feel about this ?

Also, is there a pouring standard in Australia ? Or a Cup size standard ? And I did write to them about it and they replied "We purposely made the cups 1cm bigger to ensure that when the lid goes on there is no excess spillage." What a load of bollocks ! A lid, by definition, is supposed to stop spillage.


  • +5

    Whenever you pour yourself a cup of tea or into a thermal flask do you pour it all the way to the top until it spills? I think not pouring all the way to the top is normal and acceptable practice as long as it's not too low like 3/4 full.

    • -5

      This is comparing apples to oranges. A thermos and a juice cup are completely different things and have completely different usage.
      If it were an acceptable practice, I would have expected Starbucks to do the same with their beverages. They don't.

      • What apples and what oranges? You don't pour it full to prevent it from spilling. That's the point.

        Starbucks doing it differently does not make Boost wrong. Now you are comparing apples to oranges.

  • +1

    Is this another troll post?

    • +1

      Yep..a deal post would be nice.

      • I agree. But not posting a deal means one cannot participate in the forum ?

        • +2

          It would be nice if everybody contributed…just don't look at my last deal…it was a

        • -1

          @nocure: It would be nice if you could contribute to this forum thread ;) Go look at all my posts. If I am not posting deals am at least participating in purchasing :) And answering questions like 'how is this product' etc - even if those questions aren't asked

    • No. It's real and has already been dubbed Juicegate by the media.

      • -1

        Link please.

    • Why would you think so ?

      • +1

        Because nobody could seriously ask if there is a pouring standard in Australia.

        • -1

          You either live under a stone or seriously don't know there is a pouring standard for pouring drinks in Australia. The guy who fought for it was on Family Feud the other day. cheers

  • 1cm is acceptable for "big size cups" as you put it.

    I was never bothered with this before.

    What's changed?

    • -1

      I didn't put it. That was the reply from Boost customer service. Why I am bothered now ? Before, I only had to buy 1 cup and couldn't be bothered with Boost making an extra dime out of me. But now that I have paid for a lot of cups at one go, it pinches to know they are making a lot more off of me

  • +4

    I'm glad they do this. It sucks having a cup with drink spilled down the side.

    • -1

      If they fill it about right and put a lid on it, it will not spill. Even the local market curb side juice shops get this right.

  • +4

    If you can get 2 girls filling 1 cup I promise you the cup will be filled.

  • +3

    It spills once they put the lid on. They have to get that rag to wipe it. Then when you put the straw in, it stats oozing out from the hole.

    I think standard sizes are more for alcoholic drinks.
    Besides, I rather they don't put excess in the blender in case not enough, then throw the remaining down the drain.

    • -4

      The lids aren't flat surface. They have a 'height' to them for this exact reason. And, they aren't lids really if they can't stop spillage.

      • Do I really need to provide evidence to support my case?

  • +1

    I am assuming they have that in the calculation as well; I think the amount that they advertise for is more or less the amount you get. I am guessing that their recipe is fairly "standarised" as well, therefore the amount you get are probably more or less equal to what others get.

  • +1

    Top Juice have dome shaped lids, and they usually fill the remaining juice past the brim (once the lid is on) for me. And nope I don't find it to spill/leak.

    • -6

      Finally ! Just when I was beginning to think most ozbs posting here are just little princesses who cannot understand basic things and like to give negative votes even without understanding what they are reading. Nothing has ever spilled, once the lid is on, out of any beverage I have ever purchased. Ergo, my surprise on the boost customer service reps reply

      • +1

        You were talking about Boost Juice in your OP!
        Different shop, different drinks, different prices!
        But good luck with your campaign!

        • -3

          Thanks for your wishes. Now make yourself scarce !

    • +2

      Like Slurpee dome lids :D They're the best. Whack the lid on first then fill it up right to the top of the dome.

      They don't (usually) leak even as the Slurpee melts around the lid rim.

  • +1

    If they ran out of regular cups and used large cups instead, would you expect them to fill it all the way to the top?

    If you want to get specific, how many ml is in a regular cup? The 1cm gap is a visual guideline from hq, what's the volume set by hq?

    If they gave you less than that, then you have the reason to complain and I'm sure most people here would agree.

    Or maybe they just hate you and gives everyone more product.

    • If you want to get specific, how many ml is in a regular cup? - Basic comprehensions skills would infer, that is EXACTLY what I am asking ! I had chosen the large cups and paid for it they weren't a substitute cup. Did you even read the OP ? Ok, I will make it simple. I picked the largest cup available in the shop. They did not substitute two small ones for it, neither did they run out and get even bigger cups and fill them half way through.

      • +3

        Maybe find out from hq how much ml is in a large/regular/any size cup, buy a drink and measure it. Be sure to get a good sample size and report your findings in forms of many many pie charts…or just pies. Then continue your complaint.

        Mean while, I'll let them know I'm glad they leave a small gap. The amount of times I've spilled drinks on my self or in my car! Or having sticky hands cause of being too full.

        • -3

          There was a free ebook going around on how one should handle juice cups. I think it also covered how to ride a tricycle. I will find it for you. May be you can take a few copies and hand it out ?

        • +2

          Stop comparing apples and oranges. Find out if Boost had advertised their cups by size or by volume.
          If they advertise small, medium and large then they are not wrong.
          If they advertise 300ml, 450ml and 600ml for small, medium and large for example. Feel free to measure the volume and complain to them if it doesn't measure up.

        • +1


          and hand it out ?

          Ok what's your email or postal address?
          I'll contribute to your experiment as well by donating you this to get you started. Yw, all the best!

  • +1

    "A lid, by definition, is supposed to stop spillage". Your definition of a lid and your expectation the store fill the cup to its maximum capacity are different issues.

    A lid can prevent spillage of a half empty cup also, however this doesn't address what I think is your primary concern which sounds like you aren't happy with the value you receive for your money.

    Anyways, at least boost give you a consistent amount of liquid. Getting a drink from McDonalds is a real lucky dip with the cups sometimes 1/2 or 1/3 full of ice.

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