This was posted 9 years 7 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

A Letter to My Children - Book by Christopher Pyne - $24.74 Delivered @ Mup


Why do seemingly intelligent men and women leave their families to spend more than half the year travelling to Canberra, and spending night after night at electorate and campaign events? Surely there are easier ways to earn a living.

A Letter to My Children is Christopher Pyne's honest account of how a belief in the power of public service, inspired by his crusading ophthalmologist father, led him to pursue a career in politics, driven by the ambition of leaving a legacy for the next generation.

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Liberal Party of Australia
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save $15 on RRP and postage and handling
RRP $32.99 $24.74
P&H $6.60 FREE

To pre-order* your copy now, visit
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*All orders will be shipped upon publication date (03/08/2015).

EDIT: I posted this for laugh but it's still a genuine deal so negs arent appropriate. Check Booko if you want it's the cheapest deal for a hard copy.

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closed Comments

  • +34

    Is this a joke?

    • +23

      "Dear Chrildren,

      I've got some great news for you, I'm not really your dad.
      Happy Birthday & Christmas"

      • +4

        Dear Children, youd better leave school now and get a job to bulk up your super account.

        There will be no pension in future, and healthcare will also be mostly user pays too

        • +1

          PS. You won't be able to withdraw from your super account until you reach the future retirement age of 90. Hope you don't lose your health before you lose your job! Or is it the other way around? Anyway, I don't care, not my problem.

          Your loving dad, The Honourable Sir Christopher Pyne, Knight of the Queen.

      • +3

        Dear ex-dad,

        That's great. We were dying of shame. Also will you divorce mum and leave home? That would be good.

        Your ex-kids.

        • +1

          Dear ex-kids,

          Not only will you die of shame, you will also die (prematurely) from the (preventable) negative effects of climate change. I won't live long enough to experience it. I'll merely die from (very) old age, supported by my well-deserved entitlement: a lifetime of parliamentary pension. I get the last laugh. (insert punchable former private school student-esque face here)

          Your father, The Honourable Sir Christopher Pyne

  • +10

    Pretty sure this is found in the comedy section

    • +7

      At out library, it's in the fix it section…

    • +4

      Today I had a little too much Mexican food and I rushed to the toilet. You can imagine what happened! Well, you don't need to imagine it because I'll tell you what happened. It was a one hour diarrhea ordeal. An uncontrollable and seemingly unending rainbow of liquid flowed out my anus. It would be such a marvelous and beautiful sight, were I not preoccupied with the immense pain. To compound the fecal matters, the stench could be best described as a boat crowded with 3rd world asylum seekers. "Stop The Boats" I thought to myself with a wry smile on my face. Finally it was over. With my anus still covered in fresh feces I reached out my hand… to nothing. That was when I realised I ran out of the 0.08c per roll supply of Quiltons. I hope there's another toilet paper deal on Ozbargain I thought to myself. I'll probably buy more this time since it is possible to underestimate how much toilet paper you need, or at least I did. Quiltons might not have the same brand prestige as Kleenex, but they're cheaper and do the job just as well. A++++++ Thx Recommended Would Buy Again! Anyway, as far as spicy food goes, I've learnt my lesson. As tasty as Mexican food is, it would be wise to not to eat too much, in too short a time. Mo' spicy food, Mo' bowel problems.

      Oh, I almost forgot. You're probably wondering what Christopher Pyne's book has to do with all this. Basically in my household, next to the toilet, there is some supply of toilet paper (to replenish when necessary). There is also some reading material (because sometimes sitting on the toilet doing nothing can get boring). Pyne's book is one of them. I even have a full shelf full of Ayn Rand books within easy reach of the toilet. Of course, reading books on the toilet is quite unhygienic. This is why our toilet reading material serves a second purpose: toilet paper. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that, after my diarrhea, when I found out my supply of Quiltons toilet paper had run out, I wiped my ass with Pyne.

  • +5

    Even if Prissy paid me $24.74 I wouldn't take it!

    • +7

      then you would be stupid for ignoring a free $24.74 and kindling for your next bonfire.

      • +2

        Amazon advise against using your Kindle as firewood, even if this book is on it.

  • +12

    I've seen toilet paper much cheaper than this, no bargain.

    • Plus toilet paper comes with free perforations.

      • +4

        And without the crap already on it.

    • I would agree with that statement if you were comparing toilet paper with the e-book.
      But if we're talking about the physical book, then the matter is still up for debate. How many pages is the book and how large are the pages? Is it 1-ply or 2-ply (fold the page in half). These are questions that need answering before we can determine the cost-effectiveness of Pyne's book as toilet paper. The other advantage of Pyne's toilet paper is that you can read it.

  • +5

    Don't read the book, watch the movie instead…

  • +5

    I wonder if something would be written in his own time, or during working hours, in
    which he is paid by us all.

    • Probably gets a whole bunch of unpaid summer interns to do the heavy lifting for him, then pulls together something coherent enough for the publisher to edit into something of decent quality (spelling and grammar that is, his ideas are up to debate).

  • +3

    I went to give this a negative vote but it came up with a warning to check what was appropriate. The instructions say I can give a negative vote if the product is defective, so I think I'm on solid ground. (I chickened out anyway. Sometimes moderators do not have a sense of humour.)

    • On what grounds do you conclude that the product is defective? I haven't read the book but I have used it as toilet paper and it did the job quite well.

  • +6

    Youre all fools, we should be encouraging this career change…

  • +1

    If this book isn't your cup of Pyne tea, I'm sure Amazon has you covered here:…

    or if you'd prefer audio:…

  • +11

    Pyne has a Backpfeifengesicht. I feel the need every time I see his face.

    German compound word for a 'face that should be slapped'.

  • +6

    Dear Children,

    If your parents are not rich, you don't get an education.
    There! I fixed it! I'm a fixer!

    No deal. Even if given money to take it.

  • +6

    "seemingly intelligent men and women"

    Is anybody fooled into thinking politicians are intelligent??

    • Research shows that Greens voters have the highest average IQ, so it probably follows that their party members are also at the top end for politicians
      Yes, there is actual research on this

      • +1

        Can you post a link to this research?

      • I actually believe that it's true. Think of all the highly educated inner-city dwelling academics and public servants. Who do you think they vote for? You have to be pretty smart to land a sweet, life-long taxpayer funded gig.

        • Academic achievement correlates to IQ, so it would be expected that academics would be in the upper portion of the IQ bell curve, as they almost always hold a PhD, and additionally go on to do more complex research.
          Considering the intellectual difficulty in reaching such a position, I reckon they should be on the multi million dollar salaries, not CEOs who contribute very little to society.

    • You have to be pretty intelligent to take advantage of unintelligent voters.

  • +6

    How about the mods just remove this whole deal using reason offensive behaviour

  • +4

    And I don't think the mods should be removing comments based on foul language considering that Pyne drops the C word at every opportunity

  • +6

    I'M JUST REALLY ANGRY NOW, this whole deal has totally ruined my day

  • +1

    I'll wait for the audiobook read by Pyne himself

  • As the confected outrage over this week's Q&A has "shown", 10 year olds can't comprehend politics or politicians, so what's the purpose of this book?

  • couldn't pay me to buy/read this book

  • +3

    "the ambition of leaving a legacy for the next generation"

    He is certainly fulfilling his desires there, sadly, only the wealthy will have the opportunity to analyze or discuss his appalling behavior.

  • +2

    For a while there I thought the link was

  • I'm guessing any book listed lowest price on Booko counts as a deal now?

  • Does he get an allowance for every copy posted out? Silly me, of course he does.

  • +1

    He has children? Who'd have thought?! Pyne nuts are pretty small.

  • They should do a twopher deal with Cory Bernardi's manifesto.

  • "Why do seemingly intelligent men and women" <—- am now rolling on the floor, and my caboose has mysteriously detached.

  • +1

    Has this thread been hijacked by the Socialist Alliance?

    Upvoting as I haven't seen this cheaper anywhere else.

    • I upvoted it too. To be fair to the book, it is hard to compete with 0.08c per roll Quilton toilet paper, so this is the next best alternative. I'm a libertarian BTW.

  • Eww!

  • Should be in the Pet section.

    Julia Gillard calling him a 'mincing poodle' was gold.

  • Can someone who has read it just share the letter he gives to his children so we don't have to buy it. Is it "U" or maybe "Y"?

    • They're always talking about ABC being on the left, so they know their alphabet. Maybe something closer to Z.
      All I can think about now are Muppets and Sesame Street's letter of the day.

      • -2

        It looks like LeftBargain right now.

  • +2

    Pre order now for $25…or wait for a few days after the book's been released and pick it up for $2 out of the clearance bin?

  • A letter to my children… A.

  • Why do seemingly intelligent men and women leave their families to spend more than half the year travelling to Canberra

    Pr0n and fireworks.

    • +1

      And you can get taxpayers to pay for your Canberra house. Pity his "belief in the power of public service" seems to exclude belief in public servants.

  • Why do seemingly intelligent men and women leave their families to spend more than half the year travelling to Canberra

    I had to double-check the quote. How slow is he moving if he spends more than half the year travelling to Canberra; or does the Minister for Education have trouble with the English language?

  • So who's going to be buying this book?

    Alan Jones' listeners? LNP members?

    • Pyne's children. It's right there in the title. I wonder if Pyne is entitled to tax benefits/deductions when his children buy his book, similar to Hockey and his wife's rent arrangement.

  • +3

    "Surely there are easier ways to earn a living."

    Oh please - politics is the career of choice for megalomaniacal sociopaths, precisely because there's no easier way to earn a living. that's why the field is full of second-rate lawyers (on one side) and former union officials (on the other) - people who start life clipping others' tickets, and arbitrage to higher-value avenues for doing the same.

    Politicians are scum.

    (Disclosure: my younger sister was a senior advisor to Gillard, but was not a source for my view of politicians - but if you watch "The Killing Season" you will see that behind the scenes they behave like 15 year old schoolgirls… obsessed with what people think of them TODAY - hardly the psychological profile of people thinking about long-term projects).

    • Someone once told me politicians need to be paid more in order to attract higher calibre people. I was amazed by the statement.

      • Sounds like the same argument used for attracting CEOs at multi-national corporations.

        Then the 2008 Financial Crisis happened.

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