Cheapest Power Retailer (QLD)

Got an email from my current retailer (Dodo) a couple days ago regarding changes my charges.

The tariffs aren't too bad, the peak has dropped by 2c and the off peak has increased by 1c. But my daily supply charge has gone from 90.2c to 129.8c.

I've put my details into iselect and it shows that Dodo is still the cheapest. Are there any other sites like iselect I can utilise to compare plans? I'm not currently on contract but am about to sign a 12 month lease renewal so I can do a 12 month contract with a power retailer if it gets me a better deal.

I contacted Dodo yesterday and managed to get a 15% discount (a 5% increase over my existing 10% discount). I see RACQ members get a 12% discount from some mob called Simply Energy so I might compare the tariffs there. Any other ideas? Am I best to just gather a list of retailers and call them myself to see what deals I can get?


  • I'm with click energy for their platinum plan (17% off). Here are the details:…

    If you want to sign up I can send you a referral (refer a mate) and we both get $50 off our bills if you sign up. Just send me a PM with your name and email address for the referral.

  • I'm looking now at which seems to show that dodo would be cheapest for me too.

    Alternatively you should be able to save $50 if you get a referral for click energy, and then another $50 for each person you refer. If you inbox me I could give you a referral link/code.

  • Forget about the % discount they tell you. You cannot compare only on that figure
    Ask for the standard $/KwH for each tariff and then apply the discount to it so you will know exactly how much 1 KwH will cost you.
    Then do the same for the daily service charge. Some do not give a discount on that (Origin does not).
    Now you can compare.
    If you want to go one step more get your usage from the last bill for each tariff and calculate what your bill would be adding up each tariff and the service charge for each provider. If you use a lot of Kwh you will be better of with a bigger discount on usage and no discount on service charge. If you use very little power the opposite applies.

  • Origin in Brisbane has roughly 22c and 116c per day.

  • thanks for the feedback. at the moment lumo energy is looking like it'll be the best deal when I compare the current rates with my usage from my last bill and then extrapolate that usage out over a year. interestingly click energy would be cheapest for the first quarter with a $50 referral but extrapolating it over a year lumo energy would be ultimately cheaper. hope my logic is right here!

    just curious, will I typically get a better deal going on contract? there's no real point in my situation (I rent) because contract lengths seem to be 2 years and i'm only signing 12 month leases.

    lumo energy offer two contract-free plans: lumo basic and lumo options. to my eyes they look exactly the same except lumo basic has cheaper rates. i'm obviously missing something so hoping someone can shed some light.

    • Similar situation. I chatted with lumo a few days back and they said there will be a price increase early August (although not specify by how much). So I won't put too much weight on their current prices.

      • thanks for the heads up. so who'd you end up going with? seems click energy might be the go.

        • well I was already on the Click shine budget plan (15% off pay-on-time). But their new prices have high supply charges (150c/day in this case). Staying put with Click now and will compare again come August.

  • Does anyone know if Click Energy's online discount applies to the daily supply charge? Their fact sheets say the discount applies to the total of the bill so I'm thinking they do. I just haven't seen any other retailer offer a discount off the supply charge, only the usage.

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