Houses for Sale

Hi, anyone have any tips to picking a good house (for investment purposes) to buy in Melb. and rent straight away? Around 350k maybe a bit over. Also, if anyone wants to link some good properties that would be acceptable.
Thank you


  • every time i go to buy one i assume its dodgy cos they accepted my offer and shy away… its hard

    • same… and regret it late

  • lol in what area? pretty sure no house in Sydney is around $350k

    • In Melbourne

  • a good house for investment purposes is one that guarantees profit through capital gains greater than inflation !

    if I knew one at 350k I'd buy it straight away lol. but no1 knows!

  • -1

    The most important thing is internet access and maybe public transport.

    • +1

      The most important thing is internet access and maybe public transport.

      lol, anyway, there is also other factors such as the locations of schools.

      • +1

        Forget schools and shops…You have renters looking at your house and another…yours has 100Mbps and the other has 11Mbps…search over.imo

        • +2

          That kind of renter would be me and you (or is that you and I…) lol… there are some that look for school locations and public transport as the essential.

  • +1

    A house / Apartment?

    My friend has one apartment just behind Doncaster Westfield. 1 bedroom. Good size. Rental $360-$370.
    Average price = $380K-$400K.

    Sorry,just read again your post. You wanted a house.

  • +1

    You can't get a house for 350K in Melbourne anymore.

    • +1

      I agreed. Unless outer suburbs like Pakenham, Melton maybe?
      You might able to get a unit, a bit difficult to get a house with that price now

  • The houses in north side of Melbourne are still cheap and will still be 20km radius of Melbourne.
    it is one of the options you can look into. Also, it is fairly easy to rent the house straight after.

    However, i would suggest to postpone this decision of buying investment property for another year as house prices are at peak atm. If it would be your principle place of living, it would have been a different story.

    Its your call/decision.

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