How Much Do You Weigh OzBargainers ?


I'm just wondering to see how much you guys weigh? I myself am 190Cm and 73Kg now. I was 99Kg and I have lost 26Kg during past
4 months.

So what about you guys ?


  • 190cm - 95kg - & i put on the weight from going to the gym + diet :)

  • 181.5 cm (but who's counting), 65kg. Female. Same weight since I was 13 but I was short and fat back then.

  • +4

    182 CMS and 77 Kgs ( Target is to stay +/- around 75Kgs )

    Below is my history

    2007 +- 105 Kgs
    2008 +- 90 Kgs ( Cardio + eat less )
    2009 +- 90 kgs ( Cardio )
    2010 +- 80 Kgs ( Cardio + Weights )
    2011 +- 85 Kgs
    2012 Jan +- 88 Kgs
    2012 Dec +- 70 Kgs ( Cardio + Weights + DIET)
    2013 +- 72 Kgs
    2014 +- 75 Kgs
    Today +- 77 Kgs

    +- 2 kgs this way or that way

    I would like my weight to be around 75 kgs BUT more importantly trying to come down to a WAIST size of around 30 Inches (Currently 32 Inches )
    The diet I followed in 2012 worked but its was not sustainable. End of the day, I am happy if my waist is around 30 Inches and my weight averages 75 kgs.

    My 2 cents is to be obsessive about maintaining.

    • I think for your length around 80kg is perfectly well. 75kg may be a bit too skinny.

    • good job! What diet were you on?

      • Breakky - Oats + Small coffee
        Lunch - Sandwich ( Wholemeal 2 Slices + 1 Tomato sliced + Spinach + 1 slice kraft cheese + Handful ham/turkey )
        Dinner - Three veggies steamed + 100 to 150 g of meat*
        * 2dinners - Chicken, 2- Fish, 2*dinners - Red meat

        1 Banana/ 1 Apple/ 1 Orange everyday before 6 PM
        Green tea when hungry
        8 cups water min
        No sugar
        No salt
        No JUNK

        And then there was one meal in a week ( Friday nights ) to eat anything I want

        I only needed 2 months to drop 10 kgs ( 80 to 70 kgs )
        Could not sustain because when on holidays all I end up doing is eating.

        • Nice and simple!

  • I`m 6ft or 183cm, 83kg. Play golf a couple of times a week, some gym work, although I've slackened off with that this winter and walk the dog daily. Minimal junk food and probably 3 beers a week.

  • +4

    186cm 84kg down from 127kg. Life is much better now.

    • +2

      That's amazing usama.

  • 161cm and 45kg. 55kg was heaviest when I was pregnant.

  • 177cm, 77KG
    used to be 83kg as I hit the gym for a year, then out of nowhere, lost 5-6 kg and no idea why - not happy

  • 173cm and 78KG

  • 190cm was 73kg 10years ago, then added a "little bit" of fat up to 93kg, went to gym ~5h a week and dropped to 79kg and now 84kg stable with 5-6h of gym and 2h of soccer on Sundays.

  • 176cm, weight usually goes between 90 to 95kg. Been body building for 25 years, which has kept me lean. Eating healthy as much as possible helps too.

  • +1

    184cm, 97kg and your gf loves it.

  • 171cm and 68kg male. I look slim naturally but I have a belly, so no abs :(

  • 22 pounds. 15.5 inches high at the withers.

  • 170cm, ~63kg (weight fluctuates between 60-63).

  • 173cm, 78kg.

    I hit a high of about 105kg about 4 years back. Have been gradually reigning it in since then. I've yoyoed a few times but that's become less of a problem as I've

    I'll eventually get down below 70kg then re-assess and see if I need to push further. I'm not in a rush though. I don't think I'd ever go below about 62kg.

    I do do keto but I don't believe the silliness around it. You can gain weight on it and in the end it's just a method of calorie control. I also do basic weight lifting on and off, mostly just free weight compounds.

  • 175cm, 69kg. Lost 13kg in 6 months through diet. My goal is to maintain below 70kg.

    Interestingly, as soon as I introduce exercise into the mix I find myself too hungry, can no longer maintain my diet and I stop losing weight. Go figure.

    • -1

      of course, your body is defending a set point.

      old adages such as "eat less & do more exercise" are fundamentally flawed. it might work in the short term but will ultimately fail in the long term.

      fixed calorie intake and increased energy expenditure causes your body to see you as starving and in turn increases your hunger so you eat more.

      you need to sort out your hormones which are regulating your energy balance and a good first step is improving the quality of the food you are consuming.

      • While healthier food choices are absolutely a good idea the advice for set theory isn't "balance your hormones" it's:

        However, the present evidence from integrative physiology leads to simple rather than to sophisticated answers. In a world of abundance, a prudent lifestyle and thus cognitive control (i.e., ‘from instinct to intellect’) are preconditions of efficient biological control, a stable body weight, and thus maintenance of a set point


        The advice is still "control yourself".

        • luckily one of us actually read the whole paper. it does not suggest that weight control is simply an issue of "controlling yourself". i'll summarise it for you.

          the paper examines recent advances in research and how they affect the traditional set point theory.

          .1. Is there evidence for a set point in body components (rather than in body weight)?

          yes. there is some evidence to suggest that adipose tissue distribution is genetically (or epigenetically) programmed. some parts of the body appear to be individually regulated as opposed to body weight as a whole.

          .2. Is there a ‘set’ in energy balance and macronutrient metabolism?

          yes. alter your energy balance (undereating, overeating) and your body will try to compensate to bring your energy balance back into equilibrium. carbohydrate balance appears to be more tightly regulated than protein or fat.

          .3. Is leptin a feedback signal of body weight regulation? What is the evidence for asymmetric control?

          yes. leptin is an energy regulation hormone. low levels of leptin (depleted fat stores) signal to the brain to increase food intake (increased hunger) or decrease energy expenditure (reduce metabolism). asymmetric? yes. easier to gain weight than to lose it.

          .4. Does a Western lifestyle camouflage biological regulation of body weight?

          yes. our weight regulation systems are imperfect and our environment (with an abundance of food) can contribute to obesity.


          "Taken collectively, these data provide evidence for the idea that there is biological (active) control of body weight and also weight stability (and thus a set point at a healthy steady state) in response to eating healthy chow diets. By contrast, this regulation is lost or camouflaged by Western diets, suggesting that the failure of biological control is due mainly to external factors."

          the bottom line … your body's energy regulation is affected by genetics, epigenetics and the environment. food choice is important.

          suggesting that obesity is simply an issue of self control is absurd. some contributing factors, such as genetics, you can't change. others factors you can, such as not living off a diet of pizzas, soft drinks and energy drinks. for an education, i suggest you read or listen to gary taube's book "why we get fat: and what to do about it"

        • @mtg: You didn't understand me.

          I didn't say it's only a matter of self control and I didn't say set points weren't a thing (which most of your reply seems to assume) - I said the advice is still self control.

          It's funny you recommend a Taubes book - I've been on a keto diet for the last 4 years :P

          EDIT I checked - only about 2.5-3 years. It seems like longer.

  • 190cm and my weight is 85kg

    • how do you feel?

  • 165cm, 60KG's.

  • 173cm, 60kg.

  • 176cm
    Went from 95kg to 75kg
    MMA and BJJ is where it's at!

  • I weigh 86.7KG, having lost 28.9KG since January. 183cm tall.

  • +1

    180 / 59kg.

    Severely underweight for my height as far as I know. Can't seem to put any on no matter how lazy and bargainy I act.

    • You just need to eat/consume more. If you think you eat normally/a lot: your perception is inaccurate.

      • -1

        This is simply not true. I have a mate who eats probably 2 - 3 times as much as either myself or my other mates do but he cannot put on any weight. Multiple doctors have told him he has a very high metabolism that is genetic.

        • +2

          If he eats 3 times as much as others that puts him on 6,000-9,000 kCal/day.

          That's about 1kg of sausages and 1kg of bacon every day.

          I don't believe you.

          You could have that kind of intake if you were an elite athlete who works out most of the day every day or if you had a serious digestive issue (not a high metabolism - an inability to absord food).

    • +1

      get some hospital grade sustagen powder (sold at pharmacies) have one a day on top of your regular meals, should see some weight come on that way. But that said, you ideally want to increase your muscle mass, so hit some weights!

    • +1

      maybe you've got worms.

      • +1

        I did check this. Family has a few cats so it was a high possibility but no.. I do not.

        • Commit to tracking everything you consume and your weight for 3 months.

          There are plenty of apps that'll help - MyFitnessPal is the most commonly used one.

          Don't overestimate, measure stuff, record it accurately. See how much you're really eating.

      • -1

        Ah, the ultimate dieter's dream.

    • +2

      I had the same issue. I'm 178cm tall and was stuck around 59kg for years, never been able to put on weight.

      But in the past few months I started eating much bigger portions and became more motivated to hit the gym. I've been doing the Boring But Big weight routine (which is basically made up of compound lifts four times a week) and I'm up to 66kg now after 8 weeks. My goal is to reach 70kg by Spring.

      There's a Reddit sub on weight gaining / bulking that I found helpful that you might be interested in. The FAQ is a good start:

  • 180cm, 80kg. Heaviest I've ever been. Should lay off the burgers and pasta.. Can bench more than my bw, squat more too. Haven't tried deadlifting.

  • screw aesthetics, acquire mass!
    (97kg, 184cm)

  • -1

    100kg. Mostly muscle. 185cm.

  • I was 82kg at 179cm, then I contracted giardia from a swimming pool last november (not one of my favourite things that's ever happened to me). That along with a good cycling commute and a new road bike saw me drop to 69kgs by march. I've kept the weight off, and I can still eat and drink what I normally did (a lot of each). Still 179cms.

  • 175cm and ~100kg give or take 5kg.

  • Unsolicited advice guys but this is the best fitness guide I've seen so far I thought I should share it. I've sent it to friends before but there's no logic like fatlogic

  • 174kg, 90kg in Winter, 70kg in Summer.

    • Presuming you meant 174cm there lol.

      20kg difference between seasons though - for real? Intentionally? Muscle or fat (do you work out)?

      Often I've been so cold in winter that I do seriously fantasise about being able to happily gain something like 20kg just for the winter. Dat insulation. But then my clothes wouldn't fit and I'd just feel fat and gross.

      • Oops, yeah meant cms lol.

        I'm a (good) ice cream junkie and work out a lot to work off all those pints!

        The 20kg difference isn't really intentional, I just kind of get lazy when it's cold. I do barely enough exercise to not lose muscle, but not enough to burn the fat in winter lol.

        As for the clothes, it's not too much of an issue since summer and winter clothes are different anyway.

        30/31 waist, S size for Summer.

        33/34 waist, M/L size for Winter.

        Though, it does feel quite gross when out of shape I'd admit!

  • Male, 168cm & 73kg
    At my heaviest I was 90kg.
    And my lowest in last five years was 69kg.

  • 178cm, 73-75kg… It's frustrating as I can't seem to gain any more weight than this.

  • 180cm
    68kg (67-69kg depends)
    10.4% body fat

    used to be 73kg, been loosing without trying for the past 6 months (sadly), as its not coming off the right places.

  • 198cm, 83 kgs, 8.3% body fat!!

  • I'm 172 and 75kg although I'm not super skinny there isn't much fat. 190 and 73kg seems very skinny. 8 hours a week at the gym is this all cardio you can't possible be gaining muscle?

  • Didn't realise that OzBargainers weighed differently to the average Aussie. I suppose price affects consumption. Here's some data that would have a significantly higher sample group.[email protected]/Lookup/4338.0main+fe…

  • 174cm and 64kg. Somehow I still have a beer gut

  • Male, 172cm, 78kg. Carry it well.

  • 188cms and 102kgs…

    Dropped from 140kgs to 93kgs in 8 months, rotating shift work plays hell on the diet so changed jobs and cut out the junkfood.

    Have got a new little girl so the time for exercise has taken a bit of a beating (anyone got a cheap treadmill?)

    BMI is a good guideline but people who follow it religiously need their head read. According to the heart foundation website I should be between 65-88kgs, I haven't been 88 kgs in 22 years since I was 18, but I can still run a 1/2 marathon in sub 2 hours.

  • I wonder if other Ozbargainers experience a similar weight peak peaking Tuesday evening and then slowly declining again until the following Tuesday?

    MMM… maybe it's just me at the moment with KFC 9 for 9.95 Tuesday plus the $1 chips now and 25% off Nandos and Hungry Jacks Twosdays…..

  • 185cm 115kg
    and 8 inches.

  • Male, 27yo, 175cm, 60kg.

  • 175cm was 113kg now 108kg after two weeks of cutting out excess sugar from diet. Was shocked when I found my daily small tub of yoghurt (diet type) had 13 teaspoons of sugar in it :-/ crazy.

  • +1

    Male, 26yo, 182cm, 106kg trying to put weight on but there's not enough dominos deals lately.

  • +1

    This is very interesting - gives you your fitness age on answering a handful of questions:

  • +2

    32 year old male. 195cm and these days hover around 110kg. Feel a lot better than i did a few years back at 150kg.

  • Male, 23yo , 167cm 88kg. Gained over 15kg since getting a full time job and quitting the gym. Was pretty jacked prior now covered with flab and gut.

  • Damn you're tall. I'm 76 kg and only 177 cm.

  • +2

    i am 192cm and 178kg i am down from 201kg this time last year. i have all been 140kg i was over 100kg at 13. i am from a family of big people.

  • 102kg, 192cm, 23 male

  • 167cm, 64.5kg. Lost about 3kg during the last two weeks.

  • -1

    Why is this thread still alive? Does anyone actually care?

    • Does anyone actually care?

      Considering people are still commenting and replying to each other throughout the thread.. yes. Stats and insight into how other people are and how they live are interesting.

      • -1

        If that's the case, I think we are too obsessed with our self image.

        You can still eat healthy and not be incredibly in shape.

        As others have mentioned, weight/height is far too vague when comparing one and other. Most of us have very different bodies to each other.

  • 180cm 95kg

  • 162cm, 52kg. Lost 4kg over the past 2 months and changed my body composition.

    Was 68kg at my heaviest in 2008. Weight has not exceeded 56kg in the past 2 years thanks to mindful eating and exercise.

  • 2cm tall and 900 kg.

  • Female ,160CM ,48KG ;sometimes around 50KG

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