This was posted 9 years 7 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Weekend Promo: Fair & Square -- Full Square Enix Catalog, $2.69 to $4.29 each

Weekend Promo²

Literally. The Square Enix catalog features some of the all-time greatest classics of gaming, and we’ve got the ones you really need to know right here, at a flat 60% off.

Starting with Deus Ex, the game that someone reinstalls every time it’s mentioned, and moving on to Tomb Raider, the cult series Hitman, and the equally well-known Thief, there’s a lot to choose from in this one - but we won’t judge if you just get them all.

Games for $2.69:
  • Startopia
  • Anachronox
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
  • Legacy of Kain: Defiance
  • Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2
  • Hitman: Codename 47
  • Gex
  • Project Eden
  • Gangsters: Organized Crime
  • Total Overdose: A Gunslinger’s Tale in Mexico
  • Urban Chaos
  • Pandemonium!
  • Daikatana
  • Deathtrap Dungeon
  • Conflict: Desert Storm
Games for $4.29:
  • Deus Ex GOTY Edition
  • Deus Ex 2: Invisible War
  • Thief Gold
  • Thief 2: The Metal Age
  • Thief 3: Deadly Shadows
  • Omikron: The Nomad Soul
  • Tomb Raider 1+2+3
  • Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation + Chronicles
  • Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness
  • Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
  • Hitman 3: Contracts

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Square Enix Catalog but no Final Fantasy :(

  • Square Enix but no Just Cause..

  • These are all the Square Enix games that are currently available at - so games NOT available at are obviously not going to be able to be part of the promo.

    justsayin ;)

    • That's not clear from the title where it says "Full Square Enix Catalog", so no, it's not obvious.
      Maybe if you changed it to something like 'Our Entire Square Enix catalogue', people would be less confused.

      Just sayin'

      • Yep, I read it expecting FF.

      • Actually, it says "[PC] Weekend Promo: Fair & Square — Full Square Enix Catalog", so yes it's very obvious.

        In other words, "GoG's Full Square Enix Catalog" is on sale …….

        • Full Square Enix Catalog means just that - the entire catalogue of Square Enix.
          Now they've admitted they don't have the entire Square Enix catalogue, then it is misleading at best.
          If you read it differently, that's your problem, but it doesn't excuse either their lack of clarity or grammar.
          End of story.

        • -1

          Either say nothing or apologise, trying to defend your stupidity simply displays to the rest of this forum that you're simple and weren't attempting some type of pathetic humour. Seriously, just look at the games for sale if in doubt.

          It's quite clear to anyone not 7 types of retard that when ANY company advertises their entire "developer" catalogue it's: That specifc retailers entire catalogue. People who kick up a fuss about such insignificant details diminish this sites standards and lower it's reputation in the eyes of everyone who visits. GoG have just started posting their own deals on here and some moron who feels slightly offended that they read something incorrectly sudden feels the need to drive them away.

        • @Ebany:
          GoG have been posting here for the last few months, and have enjoyed a great reception from the OZB gaming community - a single comment about their wording is not going to send them running.
          Several comments from other community members on the same theme, will give them feedback on how to better sell to us.
          For all your insane rants, you've still failed to see that we are helping them.

          As for community standards, it is you who appointed themselves to be the GoG champion, reacting with offensive personal attacks, questionable logic and incoherent grammar. The last two, apart from being an indicator of intelligence, are forgiveable. The first one is not acceptable at all, and you were the only one doing it.
          So, it appears it is you who needs to lift their standards significantly, because they are below average.

          As you get so angry over little things, so here's some kittens to calm you down.

  • thought it was the entire catalogue for $2.69

    • I'd have jumped it before they realised it was a pricing error :)

      But there are some awesome deals there.

  • -1

    "Full Square Enix Catalog" should be "Full Square Enix Catalog"
    good deals but no ff. oh well.

  • -2

    The only place I know which has a "Full Square Enix Catalog" is Square Enix's own store, if anyone knows different then please provide a link or stfu with these stupid comments about GoG not having a complete list of Square Enix's games, complaints like this just mean your lazy or stupid.

    If people a Steam deal which said discounted "Full Square Enix Catalog" then they would naturally expect you couldn't get Drakengard 3 or Xenogears Original Soundtrack as Steam doesn't stock these. This fundamental expectation carries over to deals for other groups like Origin, Ubisoft, GoG, Desura, etc. It's not rocket science.

    • +1

      "these stupid comments about GoG not having a complete list of Square Enix's games"
      It is GoG themselves who claimed to have the entire catalogue. NO ONE ELSE MADE THAT CLAIM <- read that again, so you understand.
      When called out on this, rather than just own up and admit they'd made a minor mistake, they tried blaming it the customers who had pointed out GoG's mistake.

      But, let's entertain your reasoning for a moment.
      According to you, if someone walks into a car dealership that advertises "Entire Nissan range on sale", the following conversation would be acceptable.

      "I'd like to buy a Nissan Skyline please"
      "Ah, sorry sir, we don't stock that model"
      "OK, do you have an Altima then ?"
      "Mmmmm, no"
      "Murana ?"
      "Pathfinder ?"
      "Patrol ?"
      "Noooo, so sorry."
      "Do you have any Nissans here at all ?"
      "We DO have a lovely Micra on sale. It also happens to be the only Nissan model we stock, so the entire Nissan range is on sale"
      "FFS !"

      Whether you agree or find that example acceptable, that dealership can be fined for being misleading. I'm not making this up, it's the law.
      So whatever interpretation you hold, it's not shared by the majority of people or the law.
      We like GoG a lot around here, but it doesn't excuse erroneous advertising and poor customer response. I'm sure they'll learn from their lesson.
      You, I'm not so sure about.

      • Please, don't post to me again, my eyes are bleeding just looking at this dribble.

        • How about now ? Huh, huh, huh ????

        • Is it dark red blood, or lighter red blood ?
          I'm guessing it's the lighter red, because that's the oxygenated blood carried to the brain, allowing it to function.
          If it's frothy red blood, then it could be real problem, because it's coming from your lungs. Not to be confused with the frothing at the mouth. Unless there's blood there as well.
          Either way, you should seek help.

        • Also, try not to bleed on the kittens.
          Not only will they find it distasteful, they may also develop a taste for human blood.
          Later on in life, this will be A Bad Thing, as they will attack whilst you sleep.
          Have you noticed how cats always watch you when you sleep ?

          Always watching…

        • -1

          Admit it, you love me ;)

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