Gaming Laptop or Desktop for under $1000 - $1500

I mainly play guild wars 2 & wow mainly mmo games can anyone recommend anything from site below or another site?…



Thanks for the advice my budget can be up to $1500

What's the best value money can buy spec wise from the site you provided

Is this the best?…

has to be GTX and i5 for guild wars 2 apparently amd and Radeon cards have issues with game

Link to full list can someone give me some pointers on which system is good value…

already bought Samsung evo 500gb ssd & hyper fury 8gb from deals posted past week have Asus VE278 monitor and all periphials l just need the rest I'm still researching and learning soo bear with me please :)


  • +1

    I would also like to pickup a gaming pc, however had looked to and eventually gave up. Too many options and no idea what i need! Hopefully i can also get some points of people here.

  • game to build your own ? its not to difficult.…

    if not most places will put the pc together for u if u buy all parts from them

    i personally wouldn't bother looking at pre built systems , they tend to lack in one area and go overboard in another.

  • +3

    Definitely desktop, your best bet is building something yourself. Just a quick rough idea for a decent build. Put it together in 2 minutes so it might be a tad crap

    • I haven't included the OS, but you could potentially get windows 10 for free I think, and I'd also recommend an SSD

      • +1

        Use cdkey from old system for OS.

  • Thanks anyone recommend anything from this eBay list ?…

    • +2

      One of the retailers there have given me a headache. DOA product, sent them the PC and when it came back, it died within 2 hours of usage. They've (profanity) up the return label so I had to travel back and forth. Not to mention, they've changed parts without telling me about it, to something different 700W to 460W PSU.

    • +3

      Nope couldn't recommend a single thing, half of them are lacking graphic cards which means no gaming

  • Is this good for a 17.3 gaming laptop can I get better specs for that price ? I'm willing to up my budget to $1500 if it's a good deal any recommendations for this price range and specs sorry I'm a total noob when it comes to computers any advice is always appreciated thank you link below…

    Or cheaper one…

  • +3

    Do yourself a favour and build a decent desktop if you have the space. Bigger screens, better performance, less chance of dropping and breaking. Gaming Laptops are bulky, heavy, usually run very hot, performance is not even close, no real upgrade options and given the size, you will not want to take it with you places, it just becomes a pain.
    So unless you MUST have the mobility I would stay clear and make sure you get something with an SSD, I dont the impact on games in minimal but the overall usability is crazy worth it.

  • thanks i just dont feel confidant building it myself id rather buy something premade that other people have bought or think is a good deal spec and price wise . :)

    • +2

      If you dont want to build it yourself you can pick the parts from lets say centrecom and then pay and extra $80 and they'll set it all up for you and build it

    • +1

      All computer shops will build a system for you. You just gotta buy all the parts from them.

      For a while, UMART ran a free system build promotion last month. It's now over, but if you buy over $1000 worth of stuff you can get the system built for free.

      where abouts do you live? which suburb?

  • +1

    Build it yourself, it's really easy.

  • +1

    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

    Type Item Price
    CPU Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor $248.00 @ Centre Com
    Motherboard ASRock H97M PRO4 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard $109.00 @ Umart
    Memory G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory $85.00 @ Umart
    Storage Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive $69.00 @ Centre Com
    Video Card Gigabyte Radeon R9 280 3GB WINDFORCE Video Card $239.00 @ Mwave Australia
    Case BitFenix Merc Alpha (Black) ATX Mid Tower Case $55.00 @ CPL Online
    Power Supply Corsair CX 500W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply $99.00 @ CPL Online
    Monitor BenQ GL2460HM 60Hz 24.0" Monitor $155.00 @ Mwave Australia
    Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
    Total $1059.00
    Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-07-10 18:17 AEST+1000

    Something like that, but get it all from MSY and get them to build it for you. Cost me ~$80 when they did it ~2.5 years ago, but I would do the next one myself.

  • +1

    Intel not AMD.
    Guildwars 2 rely on both cpu (20%) and gpu

    from :AMD regretful& dissapointed fanboys

  • MSY will assemble your system for a fee (something like $70 or $80, check with them); I've had mine done by them and they were alright. If you're near the Burwood/Ashfield NSW area (for returns in case something conks out), Maco Technology was also decent. And as someone said above, UMart offers free assembly for parts >$1k, but I haven't tried them before.

    I would strongly recommend a desktop. People have posted parts above, they're decent, though I would save on some stuff like the case (if you want to get a bundled one, the Thermaltake cheapos are alright). And try not to buy from Ebay…some of those builds are dodge, and if something goes wrong, it might be harder to do returns.

    • Thanks I'll stay away from eBay

  • +1

    I just built my PC earlier this week. Spend a little more on the graphics card and you can get better performance. (This is not exactly my build, but similar.) Try something like this:

    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

    Type Item Price
    CPU Intel Core i5-4690 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor $214.99 @ NCIX US
    Motherboard ASRock H97M Anniversary Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard $64.99 @ SuperBiiz
    Memory Crucial 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory $43.49 @ SuperBiiz
    Storage Crucial BX100 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive $84.99 @ SuperBiiz
    Video Card EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB Superclocked ACX 2.0 Video Card $329.99 @ Amazon
    Case Cooler Master Silencio 352 MicroATX Mini Tower Case $69.98 @ Mac Mall
    Power Supply Antec Neo Eco 620W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply $64.99 @ SuperBiiz
    Operating System Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit) $93.98 @ NCIX US
    Wireless Network Adapter Asus PCE-N15 802.11b/g/n PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter $14.99 @ SuperBiiz
    Keyboard Logitech K830 Wireless Standard Keyboard w/Touchpad $59.99 @ NCIX US
    Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts
    Total (before mail-in rebates) $1052.38
    Mail-in rebates -$10.00
    Total $1042.38
    Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-07-11 00:54 EDT-0400
    • This is way over budget. You forget to change the country to AU

      • +1

        Ah true, I did. Changing it to AU makes it $1315 (at present), but I paid a lot less by buying most of the components at 20% off, thanks to previous bargains. The rest I picked up at MSY.

        He also did say, "I'm willing to up my budget to $1500 if it's a good deal…"

        • Aah ok so without the 20% disc it will hit around 1400 for the above config (Windows was not included/calculated in the above build).

          With that budget, I would get something like this $1099 system from PCCG, and get a nice gaming monitor like BENQ XL2420Z. All prebuilt and OP only need to get decent keyboard and mouse.


          something like

          Western Digital Blue 1TB $69.00
          Kingston SSDnow SV300S37A/240G $119.00
          G Skill 8G(2x4G) DDR3 1600MHZ CL9 $82.00
          Razer DeathAdder 2013 Gaming Mouse $48.00
          Corsair Carbide Series 200R $85.00
          Corsair CX-500v3 500WATX $89.00
          ASRock B85M PRO4 $89.00
          Benq GL2460HM 24" $179.00
          Razer BlackWidow Essential Mechanical KB $85.00
          Intel Core i5 4590 $279.00
          Microsoft Windows 8.1 32bit/64bit Retail $125.00
          MSI GeForce GTX 960 Gaming 2GB $289.00
          Total (Umart) $1538.00 - free build over $1000

          Generally any i5 cpu plus gtx 960 or other sub 300 graphic card would be ok.

        • @matabuntu:

          Thanks for the advice my budget can be up to $1500

          What's the best value money can buy spec wise from the site you provided

          Is this the best?…

          It has to be GeForce and i5 for guild wars 2

          Link to full list can someone give me some pointers on which system is good value…

        • +1

          @vip69: Ignore premade machines, they usually contain the rubbish the store can't sell. There is thousands of websites that can give you any number of setups and you just pay a few extra dollars for the store to do the build for you. Making a computer is a joy and once you learn it once you will wonder why you were even considering otherwise. I build machines for my friends all the time, not just because I'm a choice bloke but because I enjoy it.

        • @cypher67:
          Thanks I understand where your coming from but I'm a klutz when it comes to pc there's soo much that can go wrong with parts and static and my clumsy fingers and then troubleshooting the parts and necessary procedures are just a little too overwhelming for me at the moment, cheers

        • +1


          the pccg unit looks fine and below the OP says they have a monitor, etc. so total $1099.

        • +1

          @vip69: the unit you linked is no longer available. The $1099 I listed should be OK for your need. Check the review for each component, e.g PSU is tier 3 - which is perfectly ok, case is highly recommended here, and GPU is ok for 1080p gaming. What is your monitor resolution and ram spec? And where are you located? Any msy or umart branch nearby?
          Edit: reason for asking it's easier to buy from a closer, well known shop, for claiming warranty,picking available components etc.

        • @matabuntu:

          Yes looks like they took it down it was the phantom 960 for $1199 the next tier up it came with 128 Intel ssd but I already bought a Samsung Evo 500gb and hyper fury 8gb last night from deals posted past week yes I have a Msy near me my monitor is Asus VE278 cheers and thanks for the pccasegear link

        • @vip69: looks like you only need few more things
          - cpu ~$250
          - motherboard ~$100
          - good case ~$100
          - good quality psu ~$100
          - windows 8.1 ~$125
          - gpu ~$300-$500
          - build fee -$0 (check with umart for build > 1000) or $70 (msy)

  • +1

    As mentioned above if you don't have any real benefit from laptop def get PC.

    I know people recommend building your own. I would only do that if it was something your interested in. I've done it twice and its fun but I personally don't think its worth doing simply to save money.
    Otherwise work out a system and get it built at your local computer shop. MSY used to do it for i think $70.

    PS do you need to buy a monitor and peripheral as well if you get a desktop? (As you will need to remember to include them in your costings)

    • Thanks I have a monitor and peripherals ready to go

  • -2

    Alienware Alpha. Buy from Dell Australia via eBay. Get 8GB ram and a ssd and you'll be having a great time.

    • Funny how I get negged, has anyone had a bad experience with the alpha? People are happy to jump on the bandwagon of bashing it.

      • Thanks for the input always keeping my options open cheers

  • +1

    Check out they have quarterly system builds for budget and performance with comprehensive test results. Also monthly best picks for CPU, GPU, memory, motherboard and SSD if you want to pick your favourite brands.

    You have plenty of room to move for $1,500. I built my system for $1,000 4 years ago on second tier stuff and it's still good to use today.

  • +1

    I'd like to say once more: GTX 970 is a good card to get, if that is your budget. It has double the memory of the GTX 960s that most people are saying here, and will therefore continue to play games with lots of large textures (GTA V, etc.) well. Those kinds of games are already using 3GB or so. A GTX 960 would be starting to stretch in a couple of years. (The 970 has issues when using more than 3.5GB of VRAM, but I've not noticed it.)

    I'm not really familiar with the AMD cards. They're generally a bit better in performance per dollar, but use more power than the GTX 900 series, so depending on how much you plan to use it, the GeForce will probably be better. nVidia also sponsor a lot of AAA games in their development, which leads to optimised performance on GeForce cards. That won't affect all games, but a fair few of the games I like to play run better on nVidia.

    • Yes GTX 970 would be better to future proof my system but compared to 960 which I have my eye on the price is bit of a jump idk

      • If time is not super important, set up an OzBargain alert for GTX 970, and wait for it to come along, then pounce :) and buy the rest of it then. That's exactly what I did. You might be able to find someone who will build a system for you including your graphics card. It's the most expensive and important part of your rig.

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