Great price on Sennheisers at DickSmith; same pair selling for $89.95 at JB HIFI, Online deal for one day only!
I needed a new pair to replace my CX300ii which I have lost.
2 Year Standard Warranty.
Great price on Sennheisers at DickSmith; same pair selling for $89.95 at JB HIFI, Online deal for one day only!
I needed a new pair to replace my CX300ii which I have lost.
2 Year Standard Warranty.
Yes, the CX3.00 have replaced the CX300ii which have been around for years now.
I never get the life out of them. Have just resorted to buying cheapos on ebay. MDR-EX10s are $10 delivered
2 year warranty, have had a previous pair replaced on the spot at JB HIFI.
I loved mine until they died - I've gone through a few pairs over the years as the left ear always drops out. Using a pair of XiaoMi Piston V3's now which sound just as good but are more durable.
Damn. Wanted the red. Thanks for posting the deal! :)
My freaking rats chewed through my last pair again. Thanks for the deal!
There are quite a few others discounted:…
Was looking at a pair of the CX300ii or CX1 for $36 as part of the same sale. You think it's worth the $10 extra for a casual music listener?