This was posted 9 years 7 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tim Tams $1.74 @ IGA


tim tams $1.74 at IGA, usually 3.99. Choc raspberry is surprisingly nice and tangy.

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  • 10 words limit ? revised

  • This price applies to some other Arnotts biscuits in Victoria too including Mint Slice.

  • +1

    usually 3.99

    $4 for a standard size pack (9 to 11 biscuits) of TimTams ???!!! Are you sure?

    • +1

      it's probably only just IGA pricing, coles and woolies definitely sell them for less usually.

      • +2

        Woolies is $3.49 normally, $2.50 at the moment on special.

      • According to the catalogue I have, it's half price, save $1.74. So defiantly not usually $4 as what u say. iGA has same pricing as the big supermarkets, listen to Kenny.

        • +1

          So defiantly (sic)

          Yes, defiantly.

        • @A3Australia:

          Yea I saw that, but the edit button isn't available, so what can I do. Typing on the iPad has its quirks

        • -1


          utton isn't available, so what can I do. Typing on the iPad has its quirks

          Try it on an iPhone when you are over 60 years old. :)

        • @A3Australia:

          No worries, I'll get back to you in about 30 years time mate

    • So much for price matching

      • +1

        well pretty close, Coles is normally $3.84, both are over what Arnotts say is the RRP of $3.49.

        • $3.49 at woolies.

      • They have price matched at Victorian IGA's. I notice some items are even cheaper than big supermarkets.

  • Tim Tams are also $1.74 (half price) at Supa IGA's in WA as well, just saw an ad in today's newspaper.

  • Roughly the same (~$1.75) at Supabarn.. not that anybody else lives near one of them.

  • Woolies was on sale for $1.74 two weeks ago.

    • +1

      I stocked up then and now need to replenish used supplies.

  • Oh wow, I just saw four and twenty pies are 3.99. Cheaper than the Coles half price at $4! Chicken and veg, here I come!

    • Chicken and Vegie are good hey? Only had the beef ones.

  • I also noticed the $0.89 for Greenseas Tuna (small tin)

    • Is the usual specials price for these 99c? If so, this is a good buy. I don't think they ever go below a dollar.

  • I've stopped buying Tim Tams sadly. I usually go for the Coles version or the Aldi version. I actually prefer the Coles version (I think Choice said it was a bit better too, taste wise). You do miss out on variety though.

    • +1

      Why? Price or taste?? I only buy Tim Tams when they are half price….at half price they taste pretty good - at full price not so much

      • Yeah for price mostly. But it tastes quite good if I'm honest. I do stock up on Tim Tams when half price too :-)

  • I guess a deal like this makes up for NSW's embarrassing origin loss…


  • +2

    This price at IGA also includes Caramel Crowns, Mint Slice, Chocolate Scotch Fingers, Chocolate Butternut Snaps, Chocolate Royals, Chocolate Teddies, TeeVee Snacks.

    Also look for the Wagon Wheels half price for $1.74 too.

  • -1

    They're $1.74 at other IGAs too. We deliver from an IGA in Brunswick, delivery free for the first month…

  • Also $1.74 in the ACT, which I believe also uses the NSW catalogues.

    • +1

      That makes it NSW, ACT and WA so far. Perhaps the title should be updated?

      • I'm in VIC, can confirm.

  • Powerades drink is $2 at IGA too. Thx OP, its time to stockup some chocolate :-)

  • I can confirm this price for Qld too :)

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