Last weekend I was having lunch with a mate and he told me he was thinking about getting a pressurised wine stopper as he lived alone and took too long to finish a bottle. I remembered seeing a KitchenDirect sale with free shipping on OzB so I sent him a link to a $5 stopper.
After we ate we ended up walking into a Canterbury store and he looked at a few jerseys. The next day I saw Canterbury had an online sale so I linked him to it.
He was very appreciative both times but is the type of person who would never get into trawling a site like this; as are most of my friends and family.
I've always been the guy people ask when they need advice about buying a range of products and that has increased since I found this site. Now I can let them know what the best choice is and let them know how to get it at the best price.
Has anyone thought about creating a service where people can let you know what they want and you let them know when you've found the best deal? Do you think there is a market for that or should I just stick with casually helping friends and family when I can?
This people are doing something similar ->