Choosing your own Mobile Number

Looking at getting phones for the kids and was wondering if there are any carriers that will allow you to choose the last six numbers.Thanks in advance.


  • Amaysim (though choosing last six might be hard)

  • I think you can do that for all telcos… just might be difficult seeing as the desirable ones are probably all taken.

    • How?

      • I've gotten the option for at least ALDI mobile and Vodafone, when activating the sim, there is an option where you can get a randomly generated number or choose your own. However, when you choose your own, like I said before, most of the desirable numbers and some special numbers actually cost you a small fee.

  • Thanks to Amaysim, I got a great mobile number with a word in it :)

  • +3

    deviation from topic, but existing numbers can be checked here:
    to see if they convert to words

  • +1

    Years ago when I signed a contract with vodafone in store they let me choose my own number but not sure if things have changed since then. From what I remember the guy had a list of numbers you could choose from and it was a matter of scrolling through and choosing what one you wanted.

    Maybe you can call up some local stores and ask if they're willing to do it for you?

    • +1

      I have called around, might have to ask in-store.

  • +1

    I haven't known anyone who has been able to do this in years. My number was selected by me and i have had it since my first mobile phone, when mobile phones first came out. Do they still allow this? Never known anyone else who has a phone number of their choice. Btw back then it was just a choice. It cost nothing. You could have it, if it was available.

  • Someone might do some auspicious number scalping :D

    • -1

      Might ring the number ..see who answers.


    • Yes, you can sell this number or not.

    • +1

      But I don't want an all capitals number. :)

  • +1

    You can also buy numbers on ebay. I got a great gold number on eBay for $30. Came with some prepaid credit as well.

  • When I went into the telstra shop they were happy to help me choose my number, however the system is really slow and you can only really put in 3 to 4 digits or the system times out. The best way I have found to choose a good number is through the amaysim website. You can enter 5 digits and they will give you a selection of phone numbers containing the sequence you entered. It is fast and you can keep playing with it until you get a good number.

    The other thing I tried was the woolworths pre paid sim, they give you a list of ten to choose from and you can refresh the list as often as you like. Good, but not as good as amaysim.

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