Hi all,
I can never find a bargain, always too late to it and just generally suck at finding bargains however i would like to give back to this community since it's solely responsible for making my wallet upset.
What i do have is a particular set of skills yes i did that - programming
as others have done in the past, i'm going to build a scraper for certain websites and grab all the item data daily and compare them to the previous days prices, then display pretty percentage drops etc. finally i will be able to contribute here!
I am pretty sure there's a lot of people who have a scraper going for woolies/coles/dicksmith any of the big guns. so i'd like you to give me suggestions on any other websites. most recommended will get higher priorities.
Price searching exists (Static Ice is pretty good) but a price 'tracker' doesn't yet. We had PriceSlice and Mild Surprise, but they went offline as of 2013-2014 and we no longer hear from the developers.
Ozbargain currently has integration with CamelCamelCamel but this obviously only tracks Amazon prices. But it'd be nice if a tracker exists for all the big-box electronics / appliance stores like JB, Dick, OW and Harvey.