A Wiimote Attacked My TV! (Repair or Replace Second Hand?)

Hey OzBargainers,

so…I'm officially one of those idiots who likes to throw crap at their TV and crack the screen…

Now I know screen replacement is the most expensive part to repair, but I want to fix this bugga myself.

I just wanted the communities help and assistance is sourcing one out. Have contacted Samsung and they just direct me to the closest repair center.

Brand: Samsung
Model Code: UA55H6400AWXXY

TV Info

Broken Screen

Panel Details.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

EDIT: I found a screen for my TV HERE and am contemplating on doing the DIY repair myself. Although, once I started looking around on GumTree I found some pretty good deals like this HERE.

Bottom line is that there are no 55" Samsung TV's on the market at the moment for less than $1500, so I think the DIY is a good choice…



  • +3

    And now i understand why you had to break that screen ! Judy ! Really?

    • +9

      batteries dead, throw remote instead

      • +5

        The screen breaking is real, the heartbreak is real, the broken screen is final. This is her courtroom, this is Judge Payne.

    • I was thinking the same thing. How is this still going?

      • wow, that's actually a thing…

    • "Judgement for the plaintiff in the amount of…"

      "You cannot be serious!" *Smash!*

  • That's a big oops

    • +1

      Yeah, it was my mate as well. He feels pretty crappy, but it was an accident.

  • +1

    I have called arround to several places and no one sells just the part. Just trying to think of a workaround this.

    Apparently the part itself is upwards of $900 dollars anyhow, so it might be worth shifting objective to a new TV…

    • +1

      I was gonna comment this exactly. I tried doing some research and they aren't repairable like iPhone screens.

      I'd wait for the next eBay 20% off sale and buy yourself a new TV. It just wouldn't be worth it to repair. Perhaps your mate will be happy to contribute or next time you're out with your mate drinks are on him for the night…?

      Whack the old TV on eBay for PARTS ONLY /works but cracked screen etc for $300 or something.

      Otherwise try your household insurance and see if they'll cover it. Or try your credit card you bought it on. Sometimes they offer additional insurance.

      • Thanks for the pointers mate. Unfortunately my insurance doesn't cover it!

        As for my mate, don't you worry…he won't live this down very easily :p.

        I bloody love that TV as well :(.

  • +6

    Unfortunately the cost of TV's has dropped so fast, I very much doubt a repair would be economical. TV power supplies are about the only thing worth repairing these days, while lcd panels are expensive, hard to source, and bulky to ship.

    • This is the unfortunate reality that I am trying to come to terms with. The bloody thing is not even 6months old…

      • +2

        Insurance? Most household policies cover accidental glass breakage. I doubt you bought it with a credit card that offers additional buyer protections, but worth mentioning too.

        • You mean like our normal home and content insurance? If so, I didn't even think of that.

  • +1

    Wrist strap lol

    • You don't need to tell me that…

  • Update: Just got off the phone to CommInsure and unfortunately "Accidental Cover" isn't on my policy. Thanks heaps for the people suggesting it though, didn't even think of it.

    Well I guess its time to hunt for a new TV… Why didn't this happen a few days ago so I could take advantage of the EOFY sales!!

    Any suggestions gang?

    • Hmm the 20% off eBay sale has ended so I'd just wait for the next one.

      OR dicksmith have 13% off tonight only…

      Samsung Ultra HD TVs come with 6 months free netflix as well as a bonus :)

      Check Myers and DJs as well as they have half yearly sales on now.

    • I got a JVC TV from Dick Smith a few months ago, for about 600. I got it for the PS4 that I got thanks to Ozbargain. It's (http://www.dicksmith.com.au/tvs/jvc-48-fhd-led-lcd-tv-lt-48n…)one. When I got it, it was on sale in store for 620 or so, so it might be just an in store thing. The site said $699 even when we bought it. In fact, we had to go in store to get the cheaper price. So totally have a look at Dicks tomorrow (today) if you can.

      Screen is great. Sharp and clear. It's absolutely perfect for gaming. Things look amazing on it.
      Its very customizable in terms of contrast, etc. It also has a sharpness setting, coolness.
      It's a really good size, at least for the room I'm in.

      As the review says, the sound is good but it's not great. I personally don't think it's that bad at all. But if you wanna get surround sound or a soundbar (we have one), then it's perfect. It's good but that won't work for gaming.
      Obviously no Wifi and no Smart TV controls, so no Netflix etc ap accessible on the TV. But both the surround sound we have attached (Sony) and the PS4 has access to that kind of thing.

      For the price, I am super happy with it. So it's a consideration.

      Alternatively: Dude, we threw our old TV out at an electronics only tip. It still worked fine, and had a pretty decent image. If someone had been willing to pick it up, we would have just given it to them. (To be fair it had like screen tearing on the top right hand corner though, so not perfect condition.) But I'm sure you can get second hand TVs for really really cheap, even free. It won't be forever, but it'd tide you over for a bit until you get a better option.

      • Thanks mate. I will check it out today. Hopefully they have one on display so I can see for myself.

  • Judge Judy saids you are guilty!

    Repairing a smart TV is pointless. Buy a new one for the same price and get the new warranty. My 2 years-old nephew poured water into a new smart TV and my sister eventually had to buy a new one after wasting a few weeks looking for a way to repair it.

  • +3

    Next time, you need protection. https://youtu.be/v4G9c4UmNo0?t=1m40s

  • home insurance, accidental breakage cover. Our policy would cover it, check yours.

    edit, i see you dont have it. its not much extra to have it as well.

  • Yeah, repairing it yourself isn't economical. I like your DIY attitude, but some things just ain't worth the effort, mate.

    I don't know if you need to, but start saving money now so you can buy a good TV next time one of those X% off eBay deals come around. Oh, and I wouldn't bother about 4K if you were curious if you should go that route. :)

  • -4

    step 1. take out new insurance policy with accidental coverage
    step 2. wait for policy to kick in
    step 3. ????????????
    Step 4. Profit

    Or learn your lesson, pay for a new one and make sure you have accidental coverage on your insurance

  • Um… a TV is literally the screen, that's all the TV is. The motherboard and peripherals probably amount to $10 at cost.

    Insurance now, that is worth every cent.

  • Should of got the TV from costco. Mate snapped his laptop in half. Got a full refund from costco.

  • Sorry to hear, we had a few lines on our $2k samsung tv screen and called up warranty, they took tv away to assess and offered us brand new TV next day.
    Seems repair not worth it for them, so guess parts going to be hard to come by and expensive

  • See if you can find the exact same model second hand on gumtree or ebay or a garage sale or where ever. You could even look for one that doesn't work (for some reason other than broken display) and is going really cheap and then physically swap the parts over.

  • Can't even notice the crack, much. It'll be fine until a good bargain is posted for a new tv

  • Aldi have a cheap replacement. Just keep this to the side to throw wiimotes at it.

  • If you want to find price of screen (which as has been said will cost a small fortune with shipping) then take back cover off find the barcode on the actual screen note down the number and then have a look through aliexpress, ebay etc. that will be the cheapest option, but I dare say it will be about 80% of the cost of the tv… and if youre clumsy and break the second screen while installing it well….there will be tears.

    • Hey HoracePinker,

      I have finally gotten around to pulling off the back and got the panel model number which is 'GH055SCA-B2'.

      Image found HERE.

      I did a little bit of searching around and found somewhere which will ship the product direct to my door for under $900. Considering any other Samsung 55" at this time is at least $1500, I think it's not that bad of an idea to do the DIY myself.

      Just wanted to get your (and anyone else who reads this) opinion on what you think of the website I found HERE. I can't find much about them and the contact details seem a bit sketchy. The only thing that is making me want to pull the trigger straight away is that the payment is secured via PayPal, so it would be pretty easy to get my stuff back if it never rocked up.


      • No idea never heard of em never bought anything of them … I'm a bargain basement type of a guy hehe. I also dont want to give you advice which might turn out to make a bad situation worse.weigh up risk to benefit ratio and then make your decision i guess.
        what city u in?

  • I've been throwing money at my PC monitor every time a new game comes out and I'm watching it on youtube.

  • No worries it will polish out :)

    (New TV time, unless you can find a model unit broken with bad elecrtonic boards but okay screen and do a transplant yourself (if your a technical DIY type)

  • Mate of a mate did exact same thing to the original and then the insurance replaced TV, 2 months apart… now there is no more wii gaming on the 3rd also insurance replaced tv.
    Upgrading your contents cover to Accidental damage should only cost another 10% in premium roughly.

    • lol. too late to upgrade now, that he made the entire interwebs known of his issue! cannot lie as to when it happened.

  • Replaced plenty of laptop screens with fist imprint in them .. temper LOL
    Buy a new tv bro and put some wire mesh around it..

  • +1


  • Hey All,

    I just wanted to say thank you to all the advice and tips. Even though it is not the most cost efficient to replace the screen, I am still considering it bacuse its still cheaper than buying a new Samsung 55".

    I will have a good look arround at some TV's today, and won't jump into doing the repair. I will sit on it for a month or so and see if any good deals pop up.

    If anyone comes across anything, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let me know. Really want a 55" but will go down if need be.

    Once again, thank you all and keep on doing what ya doing.


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