So recently, my SO bought a mortar and pestle for the kitchen. From memory, she bought it from a homewares shop like 'House' said it was slightly diiscounted, but RRP was $90. I don't know much about these, but I assume this is not a bargain basement version.
It is a marbled grey colour, where it is predominantly grey with some white specks.
I have used it on a couple of occasions, once to grind up some salt, and another to grind up some white sugar. Both times the finished product went from pure white, to a distinct grey.
Is this normal?
I discarded the salt, as I was a bit wary, but I tried to use the sugar in a cocktail, and I could see dark specks floating in my drink, and it seemed to have a powdery texture.
I know it will not cause harm, but it doesn't look appealing, and seemingly gives an undesirable texture. What am i doing wrong? I tried to be very gentle and patient with the grinding method the second time, this did not help.
Thanks guys!
You might need to grind it with some salt first since it's new to get rid of any loose bits that might be left from the cutting and manufacturing process.