Half-Life / Black Mesa

Hey guys,

Hoping someone can clarify something for me, I was looking at the Early Access for Black Mesa and it's at $19.99 USD
Does anyone know how these Early Access games work?

Do they get disabled on full production release?
Do you usually get the whole game to play?

About the price it says:

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“Black Mesa will be $19.99 USD during the Early Access phase. This price will not change after we move out of Early Access.”

I don't believe that a full half-life game will be $19.99?


  • Early Access means you can play the beta now. When the final comes out your version updates to that. Sometimes they up the price on launch, sometimes they don't.

    • +2

      The risk is the developers take your money, lose interest, and stop developing the game so you're left with a half finished game. I doubt that's going to happen to Black Mesa though.

      I have no interest in encouraging developers to sell games before they're ready, particularly because of the ones that never finish, so I'm personally not interested in early access titles. That said, some people seem to like really like them.

      In any event, I thought Black Mesa was free? or is this to get the final few levels or something? It was certainly free when it first released (incomplete but not THAT far off).

      • Yeah, I certainly got it for free a couple of years ago, it was looking good as far in as I got, no idea if that was the whole game or not.

        At least with early access they make it clear it's a beta, not trying to pass it off as a finished product.

      • What Evil-Elmo said times one million.
        I am a strong believer that if somebody hasn't finished a product, they certainly shouldn't get paid for it. But sadly with the prevalence of Indigogo, Kickstarter and other "throw-your-money-at-us-because-we-made-a-cool-video" websites — "Early Access" was always going to happen.

        I will refrain from purchasing until the full game comes out. As per your query, check this link out from 2004.

        $50 got you Half Life 2 and Counter Strike Source, where $80 got you an absolute mother lode of games!

  • So what are some examples of big games that never progressed from beta?
    I thought almost all games made it to final? (apart from Indie games, etc)

    • I fell for the trap with "The War Z". Made a great trailer video, some pretty awesome screenshots and then released this absolute stool of a game. The game was eventually removed from Steam, but then re-released as "Infestation: Survivor Stories".

      TotalBiscuit made a very entertaining YouTube let's play video of the game. But still, that's money I'll never get back.

  • woah remate of HL1?

    love that hazard suit jumping noise

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