This was posted 9 years 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Plus - Free Games for July 2015 US/EU (Sub Required)


7th July: Rocket League (PS4)
7th July: Styx Master of Shadows (PS4)
7th July: rain (PS3)
7th July: Mousecraft (PS4/PS3/PS Vita)
7th July: Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved (PS Vita)
7th July: Entwined (PS4/PS Vita)
Available now: DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition

Rocket League alone makes this the best month of PS+ this gen for me and for anyone who has no idea what it is….

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Rocket League is insanely fun, I would recommend everyone gives this a try at least once!

    • +1

      Very much looking forwards to it. I heard it has 4 player split screen too. :)

    • Is it only for PS4? I have PS3

  • Rocket League looks fun, wonder when it comes out on PC.

  • +2

    I was going to purchase Rocket League as soon as it came out, so this is a great month of PS+!

  • I always forget about these by the time its live lol

  • +3


  • +1

    Always wanted to play Styx too. Kind of a medieval Tenchu vibe, with goblins.You may recall Tenchu, the best game ever made by man.

  • +1

    My PS+ is about to expire, is it possible to buy it anywhere cheaper than the $70 yearly price?

    • Would also like to know this.

    • Unlikely. Every now and then, it goes on sale for around $55 per year, but it hasn't in a while. Your best bet is to see if a store is selling PSN cards on discount (or if there's coupon codes that work on them). Again, unlikely.

    • Unlikely but the 3 month option $20 isn't too bad the 12 month option only saves you $10 in comparison.

  • Kinda annoyed that I started my 14 day trial for PS plus on the 20th June thinking I would also get the July benefits. FML

    • +2

      You won't be able to play any games you got for free using PS+ once the subscription expires anyway. It wouldn't have helped much if you waited another week, you'd only be able to play the July freebies for a week.

  • +1

    Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battlecars was one of my favourite games on PS3…


    Freaks out

    I had no idea about this!!!! flew under the radar!!!

  • +3

    Still no AA titles. I'm not saying the games on offer are crap, but the value of membership has certainly dropped.

    I'll be keeping my money, thanks Sony!

    • +1

      You want to pay $4.16 USD a month and get a AAA every month (in addition to other games)? What do you think it will cost Sony to give you that?

      With 12 of these a year, they will quickly run out of AAA titles in the library to give away, and everyone will own every AAA for no more than the cost of their membership.

      • +1

        Not every month. But they haven't had one this year, going by the comments on ozb.

        • -1

          Going by the comments anywhere, they've never had a AAA game up.

          I am guilty myself of bitching out PS Plus on numerous occasions, as someone who's used it since 2011, I've been on it for a long time, and it's very much an up and down kind of thing. In the day, we got a couple of PS1 games and some minis, if anyone remembers them, and a no name PS3 game if we were lucky. Back then, it was a good deal.

          Problem was, it became too good of a deal. Things that come to mind instantly that we got for free, and usually when they were still pretty relevant, the Tomb Raider reboot (the latest reboot anyway), Hitman Absolution (also got the Hitman HD trilogy recently, which I already owned, (profanity) it), Sly Cooper 4, Killzone Vita, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Saints Row 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Infamous First Light, Injustice PS4, Metal Gear Ground Zeroes, Metal Gear Revengeance, Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite, and so on.

          So the problem, is that we get too spoiled for our own good. Nowadays, we all, including me, have come to expect an impossible number of incredible games for around 5 bucks a month.

          I'm not gonna lie, I would love if every time a big game came out, I got it in my PS+ sub, but that's not good business. The way it's been pretty well since the PS4 launched and it got reorganized into 2 games for each system a month, I've barely played half of the games I get.

          Example, I've played OlliOlli 2 and a little bit of that Call of Juarez game we got last month over the last few weeks and otherwise have just been playing other shit inbetween.

          This went on a lot longer than intended, so

          tl;dr … people like to bitch about PS+ not always having a AAA game each month, those people are mostly likely just spoiled due to how good it used to be. And should can their sub and use the 70 a year on buying a couple of AAA games on their own, I picked up LBP3 and Driveclub a few months back for $14 each at EB.

        • @TheDukeOfNukem:

          Yeah, you arrive at my point: canning the sub and buying games is an attractive option.

        • +1

          @justtoreply: I forgot I posted here, also worth mentioning a couple of months back I let my sub end and they sent me a bunch of emails being like "Hey, come back, don't you miss online multiplayer? You know, that thing that was not only free on PS3, but that thing you literally NEVER use on your PS4? Well come back for that!" and anyway, after nearly a month of not re-signing, they sent me a code for a free month of Plus. Good times.

          I'm back on it now for Rocket League though, as I would have bought that anyways.

  • Looks awesome! Add me on psn: knebnn for a few matches

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