This was posted 9 years 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Newfrog - Leather Formal Belts on Special Again - US$7.19 Delivered (Save US$2.16)


Since I missed out on this deal I kindly asked the rep to sort something out for me, which he has done, and now I'm sharing it with you all :) Albeit not as good as the last time, but good enough!

Codes are for each size, ie:
NFBelt1 - 115cm
NFBelt2 - 120cm
NFBelt3 - 125cm
NFBelt4 - 130cm

Please ensure you have put in a delivery address into the checkout screen BEFORE putting coupon code in!

More styles available here

Material: Compound cowhide leather

Rep has confirmed that stocks are better than last time, so delivery times will be shorter!

(I should add that in no way am I receiving any discount or any further incentive to post this, just that I asked, they delivered, I shared!)

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closed Comments

  • I don't know much about belts, but is this a good brand/belt for the price?

  • +3

    This is a good belt. I have 2 from past orders.

  • got one.. lets see how the quality is.

  • +2

    Not loving the look of these belts. Is it just me?

    • +1

      I'm with you, nothing really appealing to me…looks a bit too cheap tbh (no offense anyone)

  • +4

    I would highly recommend paying a bit more for high quality leather belt. If they are cheap they are going to be the belts that start peeling and cracking after a few months as the leather was painted or coated, i.e. genuine leather, corrected grain leather, or anything that feels like it has been painted. More info.

    I recommend reading this if you are wanting a good, fashionable belt. I know a lot of guys don't care about fashion and just want a cheap belt but do yourself a favour and get one that looks like this.

  • Got one of these last time. Was good quality and still going strong, will order another.

  • I've ordered twice from the past two deals. Need a different design now.

  • -2

    Are these belts even branded or generic belts. Because a highly educated and high income sophisticated gentleman like myself do not wear generic no-brand things.

    • Yes they're branded belts for under AUD$10 delivered.

      Sigh go troll elsewhere

      • -4

        So if they're not branded, how do we know if it's not just $2 dog leather belt from China?

        It could be from the same factory that made these…

        • Please show me the $2 belt on that listing…

        • Okay, they're the same ones ebay one. So after conversion to AUD and postage, there is virtually no saving then.

        • +3


          $US7.19 = AUD$9.35

          The listing you linked to is $11.69 - $11.79

          There's a saving. But if you're sophisticated and have a high income, it shouldn't affect you anyway :)

        • +3

          Did not know there was dog leather…

        • +3


          You think the "leather" you're getting in these $7 belts from China are cow leather??

          Unless it specifically states cow leather, they are usually dog leather, cat leather or other cheap leather sources. Cow leathers are usually used in much more expensive belts.

        • +1


          Wow, today I learned something new… You were serious!

          Why are you getting negged in your original comment? I'm thinking that it was the offended Chinese in denial.

        • @financialwar:

          Would rather we had human leather but …oh wait, we can.

          Financialwar, as you're of the upper echelon, you could quite easily afford this - 15k for Humanid leather belt. Mmm yes, capital!

          Don't know why you bother with sites like ozbargain when you can get discreet service from the sites like above eyeroll

        • @khomeini:
          Ed Gein would have been able to help you out, he would have done it for free, too..

        • @financialwar: Think about it logically… As they are carnivores, farming dogs is far more expensive then farming cows. Either of two things are occuring, one, Businesses hate money or PETA are lying yet again.

    • -4

      tips fedora

  • +4
    • +1

      Well whooptydoo! 2% cashback on cash rewards too!

    • +1

      Oh no. It looks identical. I feel like ripped off.

    • +2

      Yep. Cheaper on eBay.

    • -2
    • +1

      look at the postage guys

      • so the ebay is total $8.59, still cheaper than 7.79 USD.

        Please you get the ability to leave feedback, which is worth some money (in finance, this is known as Real Option, and can be calculated using ROV, or Real Option Valuation, this is due to the fact that feedback can be used as a thread for refund or partial refunds if the item is not received or as described).

        eBay one provided much greater value for consumers than newfrog.

    • Note that the eBay listing does not include shipping… AUD6.99 + AUD1.59 = AUD 8.58 Opposed to USD 7.79 = AUD ~10.14. Still a good saving!

      • also dont forget 2% cashback on ebay :p

        • how to apply 2% cashback on ebay?

    • +1

      Yea I looked it up on ebay and saw a few, but none of them let you choose the size you want. They just specify it'll be between 110cm and 125cm. So you could buy a belt and later find out it's too small or too big for you.

  • For the price you pay these belts are good value. But their quality is poor. I'm surprised some are saying they are good quality here. Good quality compared to what? A Red dot special?

    • +2

      These are so much better than Kmart quality.. It kicks ass! Mine has already lasted longer than my last Kmart one.

      For the price Im pretty sure you get good value out of the wear..

  • ive got this belt the belt and easily be adjusted with a pair of strong scissors (like those ones in the kitchen) as it uses the spiky hinge thing to hold it in place.

    i really like this belt so far, the only grip would be that the auto lock buckle stick out by about 2cm from your belly

  • +4

    of course its American, was trying to get around why 115cm waist was the shortest

  • I don't mind the belts but won't touch those buckles.

  • 115cm waist? my understanding is that you add 2 inches or so to your normal trouser size. Thats pretty big for the smallest size

    • I call these "Asian" belts - everyone in Asia wears them, but if you try to find one in Australia…good luck or $80 if you can find one.

      Generally you can cut the belt to a size that fits you and re-insert the cut end back into the clasp holder (effectively allowing you to trim to any size). These belts are great, especially for buffets and big meals, incremental size adjustment is unbeatable.

      Often the leather unbinds or separates (for me) after about a year, but the buckles are generally rock solid, so you simply buy another complete belt then unclip the buckle from the belt holder (cut the belt section to size) and move on using the new belt section retaining your favourite old buckle. Generally the "tracks" on the back of the buckles are universal so any buckle will work with any belt section (I have only had 1 compatibility issue in the past 20 years)

      I've tried talking this type of belt up to my work colleagues many times, unsurprisingly all the asian guys already had them, the Aussies and others still soldier on with their traditional 5cm between each hole "stomach ache creators".

  • +1

    Bah, I need a new belt.. But not this rubbish. My previous full grain leather one lasted 23 years of daily use.

    • This one looks try hard too.

  • I am still waiting from the last order

  • heads up for anyone that goes to the airport alot. These light up the metal detector. None of my other branded belts do.

  • +1

    Pay in AUD and PayPal to save an extra 10c (paid $9.31 AUD compared to $7.19 USD => xe conversion $9.41 AUD)
    Last step of check out says Grand Total to be Charged US$7.19 but they charged $9.31 AUD in PayPal.

    edit: CAD rate is even better - $0.20 AUD cheaper than the US rate

    TLDR: 28degrees (or equivalent) users select CAD and pay through PayPal (save $0.20), non 28degrees users select AUD and pay through PayPal (save $0.10 )

  • Got one from the last deal. Was uglier than expected. Sadly has gone to the salvos.

  • -1

    Has anyone ever received anything when you bought item from this newfrog ? I bought an item posted here while ago and 4 weeks past nothing arrived yet. Are they bunch of scammers ? Here is the Item I purchased.

  • I ordered 3 belts but only 1 was delivered. The packaging gave no hint as to where I made the purchase from. Researching what belts are missing and who to contact as I type this. I did not receive an invoice in my email when I purchased it (did not realize at the time). I had to determine the date of purchase in order to hunt through my browser history to find out who I purchased it from, that was how I found that OZb was where I started (this thread/deal). I do not trust newfrog and will not order from them again.

    • well today (4 days later) another package arrived in the mail, the other 2 belts. seems I was wrong about the company. ignore my post above

      • It's fine to have there for future reference. Same thing happened the last time they had this deal, orders were sent out at differing times, leading to confusion. If only they provided tracking numbers so you knew in advance that they were coming separately! Glad to hear it all worked out though :)

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