The hail storm in Brisbane last November damaged my car. The door was dinged by the driveway gate flapping in the 100kph winds and it was peppered with relatively minor hail.
My insurance company assessed $7k damage, lined up a repairer, told me repairs would take 7-10 days and I'd pay my excess when I picked up my repaired car.
Seven months later my booking has come up and I have doubts about the smash repairer.
- have 11 google reviews and they are all one star. Seems excessive.
- expect the excess paid to them when I drop off the car (not when I pick it up).
- said they would not do the whole job. They would do Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) over 3-4 days and then maybe they'd order the parts and maybe in 3-4 weeks they'd do future work if necessary.
I am of the opinion none of the work is optional. The insurance company has agreed to pay for specific work to be done.
I have no experience with smash repairers, but it seems very risky to me - the repairer will get paid $7k by the insurance company for doing a $500 b-grade job, pocket the difference and I'll be left with a banged up car.
Should I go elsewhere or are this issues normal practices?
Which insurer and which company?
I had mine done by NRMA on the Southside who use a mob called Action Smart Group. Seemed to do a reasonable job but it did take 3 and a half weeks as painting was necessary.
I didn't pay the excess until collection.
I would raise all concerns with your insurer and see what they can do?