This was posted 9 years 8 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One Console with 4 Games $499 Delivered @ Big W

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Bundle includes:

Xbox One Console (Standalone)
XB1 Halo Master Chief Collection
XB1 The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited
XB1 Wolfenstein The Old Blood
XB1 Call of Duty Advanced Warfare (Download Code)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    For free? Awesome!
    Price please!

    • +2

      Xbox One Console (Standalone) with 4 Games



      Write a review . This action will open a modal dialog.

      Bundle includes:

      Xbox One Console (Standalone)
      XB1 Halo Master Chief Collection
      XB1 The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited
      XB1 Wolfenstein The Old Blood
      XB1 Call of Duty Advanced Warfare (Download Code)

      Online price

      • Price in the heading as per guidelines
        - OK done now. :-)

  • Is it 500GB or 1TB?

    • Halo Bundle. I say 500gb.

      • Pretty fair assumption in this case I reckon; however, FWIW M$ are doing 1TB (MCC + 2x other game) bundles starting at $549.

  • No Kinect may be a killer for some people.

  • -1

    Oh look. 4 games I can get on other platforms.

    Exclusives when?

    • +2

      Halo master chief on other platforms?

      • +1

        If you're saying Halo isn't on other platforms, then I'm wondering how I own all the games IN that collection.

        The only thing that Master Chief collection has that I don't is sweet, deliciously re-rendered cutscenes for Halo 2…….. Which you can just watch on youtube! :3 There you go. Now you don't need to buy HMCC

    • The concept of 'exclusive' has been so tarnished last gen and current gen that it's actually hard to explain or understand what's 'console-exclusive', 'timed exclusive' (Final Fantasy VII Remake, Rise of the Tomb Raider), and 'remaster exclusive' from 'true exclusive'. Both Xbox and Sony are guilty of this.

      For XB1, there's no true retail exclusive games you can ONLY play on Xbox One aside from Forza Horizon 5, Sunset Overdrive and Halo 2: Anniversary, which is kind of pathetic if you're a gamer looking for value in your console and the biggest breadth of games to play.

      There are Kinect digital and retail exclusives (Boom Ball for Kinect, Crimson Dragon, Dance Central Spotlight, Fighter Within, Kinect Sports Rivals, Shape Up) but I think it's pretty safe to say Kinect is fairly niche and going forward it's dead as a concept for Microsoft first-party studios. There was a statement out of E3 about Kinect, where they said only 3rd party developers will probably make games around the device post 2015. It was fun while it lasted.

      Can't count previously exclusive games that are now on PC (Dead Rising 3, D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, Killer Instinct, Ryse) if you've got a decent PC gaming rig, or those that were already on 360 or PC or both to begin with (Titanfall, Forza Horizon 2).

      The rest of Halo: The Master Chief Collection doesn't really truly count (Halo 1 Anniversary was on 360 and the rest are upscaled ports from Xbox and Xbox 360 era) and, ironically, I can see a lot of people jump back into the 360 versions of every Halo title (3, 4, ODST, Reach) once backwards compatibility is released in an update for Xbox One, due to the continuing unreliability of Halo: The Master Chief Collection's multiplayer and online campaign co-op for a lot of people.

      Upcoming Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, Fable Legends and Sea of Thieves will also be on PC, too, so true exclusives as a concept are fading when it comes to the Xbox brand. Still, there's Crackdown, Gears 4, Forza 6 and Quantum Break to look forward to.

      Still, it's a good bundle for those wanting to jump in, if only for Halo: TMCC (still bitter the multiplayer problems lasted for 6+ months before only fixing up recently, but it's too late given the very small community when it should have a much bigger one). I do enjoy my XB1 though, even if it's not hitting its exclusives stride as great as the Xbox 360 did in 2006 - 2008.

    • Sadly, exclusives for consoles are history.
      …Now it's all about the timed/exclusive DLC!!! :-(

      • +2

        By timed exclusive, do you mean "The time it takes for them to fix up the PC release"? Cough Batman cough Mortal Kombat cough Watch Dogs cough.

        • Frank you might need to head to the Dr starting to get a bad cough

  • -1

    500gb or 1TB?

    • +2

      Doesn't really matter, you'll need to get an external hooked up regardless

      • Serious question here, why do you need the external?

        Surely a TB is enough for a console???

        • +1

          yep, it does fill up quickly, the OS etc. takes up a bit of space. External drives are cheap, faster than the one in there, and I feel its a good feature.

        • +1

          If you are only playing a few games here and there, a TB might be enough, if you share your gameplay or play a lot of games, your data will fill the drive up real quick. A 3TB drive works well for some

      • I think the 1TB includes the slightly improved controller and is usually $50 more expensive so is important is assessing the value of the bargain. But you're totally correct in that you'll eventually need an external USB3.0 HDD.

  • The Harvey Norman Entertainer Bundle was the bees knees.

    Xbox One 500gig
    Forza 5
    Forza Horizon 2
    Sunset Overdrive
    Halo MCC
    TV Tuner adaptor
    Media Remote
    3 months of Netflix

    $498, got it for $483 delivered as i got -$25 off from signing up on their newsletter.

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